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LF a New World of Darkness game.

Hello, I am looking for a game of nWOD (World of Darkness, God Machine Chronicles, Hunter: The Vigil). I would also be interested in a Changeling:the lost game if someone could help me with character creation. I am free on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. I would prefer evenings. I reside in the Pacific Time timezone.
Um that's like 3 hours behind eastern right? I can do Changeling I'm not into the other two but I can't use voice chat or cam.
Hey Brian, let me know if you find something along these lines. I created this placeholder basically seeking the exact same thing, although I'm on the East Coast. Cheers, Jabber <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Wolfcleric - That is correct. I would be interested but I do not tend to do well in a text only game. Jabberwocks- I will check it out. The majority of the games I have played have had a gm/dm/st and/or several players in the east coast.
I'm currently looking for players for a dark Star Wars campaign using NWOD rules. The rules are well assembled, and the game is feeling amazing already, if you like dark stories. Hell you don't even really need to like Star Wars. It's just the setting. Whole thing is character driven, and the characters are far from "heroes
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Hello Ian, The game that you have linked looks like it would great. Unfortunately, I can not do Sunday games. May you have the best of luck in getting your game started.
Ah okay. Thanks for your consideration anyway. :-)