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Wrath & Glory revised edition - revised character sheet as well?

Hey! I'd like to know if the creators of the W&G character sheet for Roll20 will update it (or do a new one) based on the revised edition, released today! :)
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Nope. I don't intend to update the one I made. Despite being really excited for the system, Wrath & Glory fell a bit flat for me. What needs to be updated?
Would really like to see it updated
Cassie said: Nope. I don't intend to update the one I made. Despite being really excited for the system, Wrath & Glory fell a bit flat for me. What needs to be updated? Hello! Not much has mechanically changed - a few little tweaks here and there. Notably Defiance has been dropped completely and the Soak mechanics have been simplified. The layout is quite different though. Would it help if I posted a change log from everything I've found?
A list of changes off the top of my head after a quick rummage through the book PDF: -Soak is now Determination -Build Points are now XP -There are now only four tiers -When rolling Stealth you use your successes to provide a Stealth score which goes on your sheet and becomes the TN of any attempts to detect you, passive or otherwise -It's possible to make a character without an archetype at all, although that is entirely optional and doesn't really need any changes added -How being reduced to 0 wounds works has been completely changed: instead of falling unconsious and needing to make Defiance checks you are instead Dying, which still allows certain actions but forces you to take Traumatic Injuries (read: entries on the old Maiming table) if you're wounded again and adds extra Wrath Dice to your actions for each one you're suffering from -You have a maximum of the game's Tier+1 of Traumatic Injuries before death Thanks for your work on the original edition sheet.
Would love to see this updated. Revised edition looks great.
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If you can get me a list of updates with page numbers then I'll buy a copy of the book and look it over. From Tom's post it seems I might be deleting more stuff than I'm adding.
Hi all. Plus 1 for update. But I got one question for the existing version of the character sheet. Are results of 6 in a die reported correctly? In the rules, at least in the second edition (haven't read or played the first), a result of 6 counts as 2 successes.
Without that sheet my RL-group would not have been able to continue playing. We're all quite enthusiastic about W&G and would love to have the sheet updated. Shock recovery isn't rolled anymore BTW, so you could delete that one, too.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I am working on an update to the Wrath & Glory API character sheet to align with the revised rules - mostly cosmetic changes.  The Wrath & Glory API will also be updated to handle additional Wrath Dice due to Traumatic injuries.  The API character sheet updates will be out in a week or so; the API may be a bit longer.
Nice, thanks!! :)
Any chance of an update as to how this is going please? mostly because I am looking as setting up a W&G game using the revised rules which are available as a PDF
Jamie said: Any chance of an update as to how this is going please? mostly because I am looking as setting up a W&G game using the revised rules which are available as a PDF Agreed. I have one starting in a week, some people moved away and we want to keep in touch and play until everyone is back in the same region...
Wondering as well as the API seems to be broken now.
So the api still seems broken, the gm is pro sub so he has access to api. Just trying to figure this out.
So I'm gonna post to bump that. Errata came out 3 weeks ago changing a fwe things, one of it being how Wounds are calculated. i was wondering if this is gonna be updated
Sheet Author
API Scripter
My apologies for the delayed response - I am admittedly bad with following the forums and work has been a crush so my updates were slowed. I have a 3.1 release coming out - I was working with two community members to isolate a bug that occurs under very specific conditions that would result in attack rolls and in some circumstances skill rolls to be off by one to two dice... very rarely more.  This was identified, fixed, and tested by two community members. I am also rolling in the Errata for calculating max wounds; had my players just add a wound modifier equal to the difference between old system and current. In addition I have rolled in a Dying option.  When checked the number of trauma replaces the number of standard dice with additional wrath dice.  When unchecked you roll without the Trauma.  This is based on the explicit read of how Trauma is applied to dice - specifically using the wording of Dying.  When unchecked, Trauma does not replace dice with Wrath.  This last bit is not specified in RAW but is a reading of the spirit of the rules.  Regardless of how the rules are interpreted, GM's will now have two ways to handle Trauma. Note all fixes will update a character sheet when it is loaded. My plan is to push the updated version out this Sunday - which means the Roll20 staff will move it into production sometime by mid week. ᵟ⬭ᵟ - If you want to ping me directly through roll20 (which I do check my message box frequently) we can connect and find out what is going on with your setup of the API ... I use it and have not had any issues and my testers have not reported anything as well. For anyone - quickest means to reach me is by email (listed with the character sheet) or through Roll20.  Email I will most of the time respond back that evening if not sooner and via Roll20 typically within a day or two based on what I am doing with Roll20 at the time. Cheers, Barry
It seems there's only two character sheets for W&G right now: One for the original version which doesn't use API's, and one for the current edition which does. As a free user, I'm not sure which one to use with the revised book. Does anyone have (or know of) any plans to do a revised sheet without API's?

Edited 1598679192
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The version with the API already has built in support for non-API use;  Roll20 policy is that any sheet published is to be enabled so any level of user - free to pro - can use a sheet without having to subscribe... very thoughtful policy actually.  There is a checkbox on each sheet that allows you to use the inline dice rolls - aka no API.  One of the community users - Free user - does not use the API and tests out the dice mechanics for me when there are significant changes. At some point in the future I plan on adding it as a campaign setting so you can set it globally. As a side note, I created the roller as the the Roll20 dice mechanics do not provide support for some of the W&G dice rolls - example is counting 1 success on an icon (4 or 5) and 2 successes on an exalted icon (6) nor adding +1 to every die (brutal weapons) in a pool of dice for determining individual success per dice.  If you have any questions, feel free to ping me directly - more than happy to help. 
The amount of dice rollen on Melee Attack Tests is not calculated properly. We weren't able to figure out what it actually calculates, the number of dice rolled seems random from character to character. Adjusting to number of dice in the melee weapon options does the trick for now. Only happens with melee weapons, ranged weapons are fine.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thilo said: The amount of dice rollen on Melee Attack Tests is not calculated properly. We weren't able to figure out what it actually calculates, the number of dice rolled seems random from character to character. Adjusting to number of dice in the melee weapon options does the trick for now. Only happens with melee weapons, ranged weapons are fine. Hi Thilo, 1. Can&nbsp; you confirm the version of character sheet you are using?&nbsp; should be 3.1 - the problem you describe is what happened with 3.0. 2. Are you using the API or the Roll20 inline dice option? 3. Can you provide me with a screen shot of the attributes, skills, and attack rolls so I can duplicate?&nbsp; Testing I have done and executed with two other community members is not showing this and it may be situational.&nbsp; You can post here or send to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks, Barry

Edited 1599826192
Nevermind. The Sheet was still set to 3.0 - everything's fine now with the melee tests. Tested with on all 5 PCs in my group. Thank for your help! Keep up the good work!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Glad to hear!&nbsp; I was worried there was something I had missed.&nbsp; Please feel free to provide any feedback.