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Managing NPCs stat block

Hi I am totally new to Roll20, and coming from FG2. I am hoping to use Roll20 to run a Star Wars Edge of the Empire campaign. I just finished to enter PCs and NPCs sheet to the Characters/Journal, and I have successfully linked tokens to those characters. Alright, but when I click on a token (either as GM or Player controlled that token), all what I see are the attributes relating to the selected bar (ex: wounds). However, I entered a dozen skills that cannot be seen when clicking on the token. To see them, and edit them, I have to go through the Journal.  That's fine for a player, since he wouldn't have a lot of characters to manage but for the GM I have to find and use an NPC stat block as you are running the game, that's an hindrance to have to sort through all those NPCs.  Is there any way to open an NPC sheet/journal from a token? Beside the matter of organization within Roll20, I am very impressed by the user friendly interface Thanks Ceodryn
There is nothing like this implemented as of yet, although there have been suggestions to be able to do this in the Suggestions forum, it just remains to be seen if it will be implemented. You ARE able to show the skills in your quick macro bar IF you select that you can see one in the options tab first.
I agree this is needed.  The problem I ran into is when you assign a token to a character, and you copy and paste that token (multiple goblins for instance), when you adjust a stat in one token, it adjusts them across all instances of that token.   Head over to the Suggestions forum and find all old suggestion and give it +1 to bump it up.  
InterestCurve said: I agree this is needed.  The problem I ran into is when you assign a token to a character, and you copy and paste that token (multiple goblins for instance), when you adjust a stat in one token, it adjusts them across all instances of that token.   Head over to the Suggestions forum and find all old suggestion and give it +1 to bump it up.   Actually could you find it for us :) I tried and after about 2 mins couldn't find one.
Here's one of them:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And another&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Forum Champion
What I do is I dump the NPC statblocks in the Tokens instead of the character sheets. Then I can just check the token's stat blocks that way.&nbsp; - Gauss
Yes, moving forward that is what I am going to do, dump the stat blocks in a token, except for major named NPCs.&nbsp;