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Creating a campaign “landing” page?

I saw one of these on a Facebook page does any one do one for their campaign? If you do how do you set it up and what do you put on it?
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
People mostly just use some photo editor to put together the page from some rpg art assets they have or have found, or piece it together from a number of images inside Roll20.
Reddit has really nice examples of completed work you can take inspiration from. There are some older youtube videos for tips on how to do this, that are short but also can give you an idea. 
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I compile mine from a mixture of images that are related to the game and use gimp to make it. You really have to decide on what the page will be used for. Is it going to be just a holding page for between sessions? Is it going contain game info, player tokens, etc...? Mine usually have a world map, space for game notes, and player tokens. This allows the players to work on their sheets and tokens and see any game notes for reminders. Other people sometimes use landing pages as a form of confinement to put players who like to doodle. This lets them doodle without ruining any other map page.
Yes, it's where you keep players when the game isn't actively being played.  Easiest way is just use an image relevant to the game and some text. A list of the PCs is usually also a nice touch.