Hi Everyone - i'm using a very old script now, called Bloodied and Dead status markers. It's simple and a very reliable script. I'm trying to catch when someone uses !longrest from the OGL companion script, so that the status markers can update correctly. But after hours of trying to I just can't figure it out. I'm getting the characterID from the msg the player sends to initiate the long rest. That was relatively easy - but im stuck on finding that persons token on the page, and then updating the status marker. I have a feeling its something simple, but im stumpled. Any guidance would be amazing. TIA //problematic code on("chat:message", function(msg, obj) { if (msg.type !== "api") return; if (msg.content.split(" ")[0] == "!longrest") { var CharName = msg.playerid; sendChat("Mr. Sleep","/gm "+CharName+"used longrest!") ; tokens = findObjs({type: 'graphic', represents: CharName}); //tokens.set isn't a function - but not sure how to takes "tokens" and then set the status marker tokens.set({ status_redmarker: false }); } }); Full code, for reference: // originally created by Ken Bauer log('-=> Blood Tracker Online <=-'); //Detect if !longrest has been used on("chat:message", function(msg, obj) { if (msg.type !== "api") return; if (msg.content.split(" ")[0] == "!longrest") { var CharName = msg.playerid; sendChat("Mr. Sleep","/gm "+CharName+"used longrest!") ; tokens = findObjs({type: 'graphic', represents: CharName}); tokens.set({ status_redmarker: false }); } }); //main script on("change:graphic", function(obj) { if(obj.get("bar1_max") === "") return; if(obj.get("bar1_value") <= obj.get("bar1_max") / 2) { obj.set({ status_redmarker: true }); }else{ obj.set({ status_redmarker: false }); } if(obj.get("bar1_value") <= 0 && obj.get("bar1_value") > -10) { obj.set({ status_dead: true }); // var who=obj.get('name'); // sendChat('The Reaper',''+who+' is passed out! ') } else if(obj.get("bar1_value") <= -10) { obj.set({ status_dead: true }); //var who=obj.get('name'); // sendChat('The Reaper',''+who+' is dead! ') } else { obj.set({ status_dead: false }); } });