Hello and let the light of employment shine on you! The owner(s) of the Nebulas Dawn have several positions to fill on their newly acquired ship(*) and are looking for open minded and skilled crew that do not lose sight on profitable trade and transport! Check the positions listed below and apply TODAY ! Merchant Marine, Military, and Scout service appreciated! Ship's Captain - Have command experience? Know how to run a ship efficiently? Sign up TODAY ! Ship's Pilot - Have you piloted a range of space craft? Have no problems docking a ship at high station or landing on the right pad at low station? Apply NOW ! Ship's Navigator - Are you skilled at navigation and astrogation? Familiar with the legacy and current astrogation software? FILL out that application! Ship's Engineer - Can you keep calm while fixing life support so then the crew can enter the cockpit to navigate you away from that uncharted rogue planet? Sign up TODAY ! Ship's Steward - Can you smooth over ruffled feathers of High passage clientele while securing the most profitable cargo at the starport? FILL out that application! Ship's Doctor - Are you board certified as an EMT for the major sophont races? Certified as a nurse or doctor with one of the major sophont races? Apply NOW ! Ship's Gunner - Experienced with multi-weapon turret systems? Able to keep a cool head and only fire when ordered? Sign up TODAY ! Ship's Security - Can you handle yourself in a fight? Can you keep a fight from happening? FILL out that application! Ship's Ablehand - Want to travel the known systems? Looking to learn a trade in the exciting world of interplanetary commerce? Apply NOW ! Think you might be overqualified? When you fill out your application, check the box for "I am interested in filling more than one position for a substantial bonus!". "On the Nebulas Dawn, we don’t just accept difference — we celebrate it, we support it, and we thrive on it for the benefit of our ship, its crew, cargo, and clientele. Nebulas Dawn is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace for all major sophont races of the cohabital C-O-CO-N subtypes. We apologize, but due to the limitation of the Nebulas Dawn's life support system, we must keep a safe environment for the ship, crew, cargo, and clientele." (*) See Appendix J ------- Meta-Gaming Info I am looking to run a space sci-fi game that will be on a multidimensional spectrum from Space Opera to Episodic Serials to Hard Sci-Fi. It can include comedic and light hearted tones and/or serious and realistic material. While I would enjoy including horror and survival elements, I am not looking to run a horror survival game set in space. I am hoping for 3 to 5 players for Friday evenings (Eastern US Time zone) with a starting time of 7 to 9pm and ending between 10pm to midnight (GMT -5). This could be a short run of half a dozen sessions or it could be a multi-year campaign. The three game systems I am thinking of are GURPS 4th edition for a more detailed set of game mechanics, FATE Core (or Condensed) for a rules light game, or Classic Traveller for something in between. I will be using Roll20 for the VTT, dice roller, and handouts and to have a repository of information the players collect. It will also be where character sheets (even if just PDF or text of the character's statistics) and inventory will be stored. I have run games that are text chat only, voice, or voice and video. I am open to all three, but if everyone does not have a headset, I find it advantageous to just go with text/chat, as there is less time troubleshooting audio issues, sudden lose of audio or bad sound quality. For voice and video, I am open to Discord, Zoom, or Google Hangouts. I will not use Facebook, MS Teams, or some other product. None of these are perfect, but until those products get much better, I am reluctant to use them. First session or two will be agreeing on the setting, what kind of game everyone is interested in at this time, and character creation. As this is starting as an interview for positions on a starship, only qualified characters will be considered. There will be no Ship's Pilot that does not have any piloting skills, etc. Feel free to ask questions here or DM/PM me. TL;DR: Genre : Space Sci-Fi game with additional genre options of comedy, horror, hard sci-fi, and space opera. Setting : Traveller-esque space exploration, adventure, and trade. Think Firefly/Serenity, Babylon5, Deep Space 9, Farscape, and Picard. Players : 3 to 5, novice to experienced TT RPG gamers, some VTT (Roll20) experience preferred Game System : Consensus for one of these three: GURPS 4th Edition, Classic Traveller, or FATE Core/Condensed Time : Friday evenings, start 7-9pm Eastern USA (GMT -5) Session Frequency : Weekly to Monthly, as Player & GM schedules permit Session Duration : 3 to 4 hours Campaign Duration : 6 sessions to multi-year continuing campaign VTT : Roll20 Communication : Consensus of text/chat, voice, and voice+video, + email Cost : Free