Robotech is a rpg science fiction setting inspired by the anime of the same name and Macross, featuring transforming mecha, alien invasions and daring space adventures. looking for players for a new game using the new SMG Robotech system published earlier this year. new players are welcome regardless of whether you are new to Roleplaying in general, the system or the setting. the game i am running is designed for new players and is a learning game where players assume the role of elite cadets at the Robotech academy in orbit above earth following the devastating first robotech war. This is the fifth Campaign i'm running in this new system as an avid fan of Robotech and have been GMing for just over 2 years and have experience as a player in vast array of different systems. This game is using the new SMG Robotech RPG. In this campaign, set between the events of the macross and southern cross saga, its designed for new players to both the system and setting as young cadets in the new Robotech Academy starting at level 1. this intended to be a space hopping adventure that will eventually see the players go far beyond the confines and simulations of the academy as they strive to navigate towards graduation. players are encouraged due to the setting to play something cadet focused with a military career but all builds are welcome. this campaign is very much designed to be stand alone introduction for players. do not hesitate to post and ask questions. sessions are between 2-4 hours and time listed can be adjusted. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>