A battle ensues, but you are able to defeat the cockroach larvae and spawn without too much difficulty so you make your way further into the complex, destroying eggs and larvae as you go. You find yourself in a warm, damp stone chamber with a stone table rising in the middle. Around the outside of the table are carved heiroglyphs and symbols. You are able to decode the ancient goblin language and it says “Blessed is the great Dhakaan”. It is obviously an ancient ritual table. You search around the rest of the chamber but find nothing of interest. As you are searching, you notice light coming in from the passage you recently left. Someone is coming. You extinguish your light sources and hide in nooks and crannies. You see three humanoid figures coming your way, looking in the nooks and expressing disgust as they go. As they get closer you recognise The Lord Mayor, Cathan ir’Demell, Councillor Javan Tomollan and Councillor Sava Kharisa, all carrying torches and examining the mess you have made. You all manage to avoid their notice, except for Dresk who is in plain sight as they enter the chamber. "You there", says the mayor, "who are you. What are you doing down here?" Dresk stutters and stammers, unsure of how to respond, until he finally gulps out "killing bugs?" The Lord Mayor speaks with fury in his eyes: “Look at what you’ve done! You are unmaking the work of a decade. I have given my life to Sharn. Given my life to the city council. And you decide you have the right to walk in here and destroy my legacy? You are nothing but an obstacle in my path. Prepare to die. You will become the food of the next generation.” Everyone else was hiding and readying attacks while this exchange was occuring, and with those words you all realise that a battle is imminent. You launch at the three nobles and catch them all by surprise. It is still a tight battle and each time you defeat one of them a giant cockroach climbs out of their skins and the battle starts again. In the end you are victorious. You loot the bodies and get the signet rings from all three of them. The mayor also has a very strange looking sword that seems to ripple as you look at it. Syviel recognises it as a famous weapon, the mayor's vorpal sword - passed down between Sharn mayors for many generations. She grabs it and hides it away. You then explore the place throroughly, but you have cleared it. You climb back up into the city. It is now night and battles are still happening between bands of warforged and guards. As you make your way up there is plenty of shouting and screaming as Daask mercenaries break into buildings and beat or kill the inhabitants. You help a little as you go to stop these attacks, but you are focussed on returning to the tavern where you find Delgo there alone. He is delighted to see you and stunned at your report of the three you fought. You give him the signet rings and he leaves to inform Ilyra immediately. You are exhausted so decide to find a place to stay. You are not sure what your home base will look like, so you make your way to Sundry's store. You know he is dead so you should be able to rest safe there. You pick the Kundarak lock and disable a glyph trap, and are able to rest there. Sundry's store has plenty of useful and/or illicit gear so you are able to stock up. Dusty notices a crate of corrupted dragon shards - his family are obviously smuggling again. Over the next couple of weeks a lot happens: You find that your home-base, the forge has been destroyed. The interior has been burnt out and all the equipment either burnt or smashed. You find some small bones that you assume must be Tresca's. Councilor Ilyra Boromar enacts a power grab and becomes the de facto Lord Mayor of Sharn.  Ilyra removes the death warrant from your heads and arrests ten out of the thirteen remaining councilors, even her allies. She has Saiden do small but deep cuts in their skin to discover who are roach thralls and who are not. His small experiment reveals the presence of two more roach thralls, which are killed.  Three councilors escape the city and are presumed to be roach thralls.   a great number of people believe that the Boromar Clan assassinated nine councilors only to take control of the whole council and place Ilyra as Lord Mayor.  Ilyra is able to meet a delegation of warforged and starts drafting an agreement about warforged rights. The warforged uprising ends. The battles against Daask continue, with the entire bottom part of one tower destroyed. Many guards are killed and the bottom parts of the city are complete chaos. This is an ongoing problem. Each of you rests, recuperates and does what is needed over that period. After two weeks you are all summoned back to Weeder's Tavern by Delgo. He looks very tired. "Hey, good to see you guys. A lot is goin on at the moment. I'm afraid I need to ask you another favour". Delgo explains that over the last couple of weeks the Daask mercenaries have been attacking and destroying Boromar owned or controlled premises. With Ilyra as mayor they have been able to use the watch to try and hold them back, but Boromar is in trouble and the guard are getting low on troops. He explains that a few hours ago Daask forces group of monsters have taken over the entrance bridge that leads to Wroann’s Gate Ward, thus stopping trade and travel for all travellers approaching by road. He says they have sent guards, but none of the guards have been able to remove the monsters. Knowing that you have some great skill, he asks that you go and attempt it. You agree and head down towards the bridge. As you approach you can see the bridge. It features two watchtowers on each end. The southwest watchtower is larger than the others  and there is a barred portcullis-style gate on the west side of the bridge. On the bridge roam 7 gnolls, watching carefully in all direction and the bridge is covered with bodies of citizens and guards. A merchant on your side of the portcullis is arguing with a man so well hooded that you cannot see his face. The merchant just wants to take his wagon out of town, but the hooded man will not back down and the merchant stomps off in a huff, strangely leaving his wagon behind. Dusty, Dresk and Ashana approach the portcullis, with Dusty taking the lead and requesting that the man open the gate. While he is doing this, Syviel makes her way, climbing along the side of the cravasse the bridge crosses and hiding under the bridge and Norm sneaks up to the northwesterly tower and clambers over the roof to have a good view of the gnolls. He gets out his bow and nocks and arrow. As he is doing so, he slips backwards on the mossy surface and the arrow flies high into the air, landing in the shoulder of the gnoll captain. "We are under attack!", the captain yells. The gnolls automatically take positions watching the bridge from all angles. "Up there!", another yells, pointing at Norms leg dangling from the roof of the tower. All the gnolls grab their bows and send a volley of arrows at Norm. As Norm is currently lying on his back on the roof he has excellent cover so he is not hit. Dusty realises that an attack is happening and starts backing away from the portcullis. The man says "Ah, another to add to the pile under the bridge", and removes his hood revealing that he is a medusa. Dusty sees this and immediately freezes in place - petrified solid...