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New Sheet merged but not deployed

Daniel T.
Sheet Author
Hello.  Until now, all the new sheets I've sent for github have been deployed to production on Tuesdays. This time, my new sheet wasn't deployed. I've noticed that other new sheets sent last week haven't been deployed either. And they are all on approved.yaml already. Does anyone know what is the deploy window? On github there is only the information about the merging window (that are on mondays).
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
My guess is Labor Day (in the US) has caused a delay. I was waiting to see to see if they appear today.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Until now, all the new sheets I've sent for github have been deployed to production on Tuesdays. You're mistaken about the process. PRs are merged to GitHub's master branch on Mondays-Tuesdays, but that is not the same as the sheet updates being deployed to production . Roll20 usually makes a general update on Tuesdays that deploys their own updates as well as submitted sheet updates, and when they are live, makes a new "Release Notes"-post in the Announcements forum. This time, my new sheet wasn't deployed. I've noticed that other new sheets sent last week haven't been deployed either. And they are all on approved.yaml already. Roll20 didn't publish any Release notes yesterday in Announcements , so it's almost guaranteed that no sheet updates have been done yet this week. In the future, looking for when the weekly release notes are published on Tuesday is the benchmark you should be looking to know inf any sheet updates should be live. As Finderski said, it's reasonable that they pushed back the otherwise regular and reliable sheet updates by one, or two days due to Monday being Labor Day. Check if Sheet updates are/should be live Is it Tuesday, and have Roll20 published new Release Notes today in the Announcements -subforum? If not, the sheet updates aren't yet live. Can you identify an sheet update merged this week that you can look at the live sheet to verify if it's updated already? If you can find one of the sheet have updated, you know all previously existing sheets have been updated. Do you have a new sheet submitted, and have Roll20 added it to the approved.yaml ? If your sheet hasn't been added to the file, or there is an error, your new sheet haven't been made available yet. If so, submit a PR to add/fix your sheet to the approved.yaml and expalin the situation. Roll20 will then fix the issue the following week, either by approving your PR, or making the fixes themselves based on your PR. Making a forum post, sending a help ticket, or creating a github issue is much less reliable and is likely to be after more than a week's time have passed, while your PR to fix it won't be missed when they do next week's update. Just have to say that due to how reliable and regular Roll20 is with the sheet updates, it seems that every time there is even a reasonable, one-day delay on this process that haven't been mentioned beforehand, there is always someone who gets concerned, as if there is no human margin in the process. I ought to save this reply describing the process, for the next time this gets asked.
Daniel T.
Sheet Author
Thank you a lot, Andreas, for the explanation of the process.  Where are these guidelines you've posted? I couldn't find them on Roll20's docs.

Edited 1599663914
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
The official guidelines: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The rest of what I said was just my own opinions &amp; observations, spanning several years of paying close attention to github and the character sheet updates. Edit: sheet updates should be live now, or within the hour: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>