Howdy, Yann! I'm really not sure when I'll be done with the Mook sheet. Andreas has been kind enough to provide some tips on how to proceed. I found some time to play around with it this weekend and made SOME progress, but I'm really a newbie when it comes to HTML and CSS coding. It took me hours upon hours at the start of the pandemic to generate a very ugly version of the sheet that's now on Roll20. I was lucky enough that Andreas saw my efforts, had some spare time, and generously offered to help out. He transformed my very rough work into the wonderful sheet that's now on Roll20. (Thanks, Andreas!) Anyway, Andreas is busy with his studies and paid commissions, and I'm being kept uber busy with work and family. With Andreas' tips on hand, I'm sure that I can come up with a workable Mook sheet eventually, but it's going to be awhile. In the meantime, I've just been using the full character sheet for my Mooks in my own games. I use the Composure box for the Rating, I use the Aptitude section for Qualities and I use the Powers section for Exceptional Qualities. It's kind of sloppy, but it works just fine. I'll definitely keep you posted on any progress that I make. In the meantime, if you run into somebody who knows HTML and CSS coding and wants to lend a hand, feel free to send them my way. Somebody who knows what they're doing can probably do this very quickly. Me? As I said, it'll take MONTHS (especially given my current work situation)! All the best, Aldo