Some one asked me to add a feature to the Cyberpunk 2020 sheet I remade way back when. So I rebuilt the sheet (using the same 'attr_' names), removing tables, tabs, and adding grids and a few buttons. Its all on one sheet now. The sheet is showcase here . Before, I would just make any changes I wanted to a sheet secure in the (false) knowledge I didn't break anything and of course what I did was better looking. Now, I am a little wiser, so I am wondering on how to go about the updating. Other considerations include the two other Cyberpunk 2020 sheets (2k20 and something else) which I didn't make. Since Roll20 has a policy concerning multiple sheets for the same game, I don't want to add to this this list as a separate sheet. But I also hesitate just slapping the full rebuild down without talking about it first. Anyone got any thoughts on the subject?