GMSteve said:
My group is also new to CP 2020. We spent two whole sessions last week getting everyone's character ready, working through the life paths, researching the cybernetics, trawling through the endless (and awesome) selection of weapons etc etc.
Which is where, I think, our earlier frustration came from. We put a lot of work into getting the characters as complete as possible so that when we started our session tonight we would be ready to go immediately, straight from the kick-off. When we logged in and found some discrepancies which created
an unexpected barrier to play, there were some grumpy faces for sure, mine included. Sorry about that.
After the riot died down, and order was restored in the combat zone, we had the opportunity to chat and figure out what exactly everyone was so frustrated about. The gripes fell into two categories: 1) Actual (or percieved) mechanical issues with the sheet update, and: 2) subjective personal preferences (personal taste).
No, the frustration is completely understandable, we should have had more people test the update due to how large the update was. At the latest/worst, the sheet is restored to it's previous state next Tuesday, but there is a chance Roll20 might revert the sheet change for us already this week. Depending on how things go, we might re-submit the update with fixes, but no promises when that will happen. Maybe we just submit a smaller version with only the robust changes in it, and leave other updates for later. In either case, that next update won't be submitted before at least two regular users of the sheet have tested it out and found no faults.
I submit sheet updates to Roll20 on behalf of others on a regular basis(as in, they do the coding, I wrangle the changes to Roll20's codebase in the specific fashion they want them), and usually make a last check and look at the code changes/view the sheet inside a game, but this time I'm guilty of completely skipping that part.
In the future, I'll take greater responsibility with update I submit on behalf of others, and at the very least test them myself, or with larger updates, ask that at least one other person beside the update's author have tested it.
1) Actual (or percieved) mechanical issues:
2) Subjective personal preferences (personal taste):
Thanks for the extremely detailed response, this will be very helpful!
GMSteve said:
All their carefully filled out Weapons entries have dissapeared aswell.
And they can't hide the Skills they don't have like you could on the
old sheet.
Could you elaborate on this? CPP or me couldn't find anything that should have changed adversely on the sheet's weapon section, so more details would help us identify the bug.