New to API and have no idea what means what in the scripts and codes.
I'm trying to use power cards, I have the API along with powercards helper. Casting cantrips and level 1 spells show the proper spells in that category of spell list. Trying to cast level 2 - 9 spells only shows level 1 spells in the list. How do I make it so casting a level 2 spell from the API shows the level 2 spells and the level 1 spells that can be casted at level 2. Same with casting level 3 spells and having level 1 - 3 spells on the list that can be casted at level 3.
Really liking the API but is slightly pointless if only level 1 spells can be casted and still having to go to character sheet for level 2+ spells
Edit: There are spells in the spell list I am trying to cast as well as taking an Archmage from the compendium and trying to use their higher level spells which doesn't show on the cast-spell list.