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API Inconsistently Responsive


Edited 1604255401
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I too am encountering issues as recently as yesterday morning (10/31) where the API server simply goes out to lunch.  I do a restart.  It hangs for sometimes a minute or two up to 10+ minutes and then works for a while, repeating the same go to lunch issue.  I rinse, repeat on the restart and wait time.  I had to do this at least 10 times yesterday.   Because the API server wasn't stable, I was using jukebox to launch shuffled playlists.  That too stopped a couple of times mid-playlist.  
Today was a nightmare. I had to restart API every 15-20 mins! It works for several minutes then... either several minutes delay (best case) or worst case - nothing works at all. Link to my game:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
So, any updates? Just 2 mins ago I logged into my campaign (link above) WITHOUT players and API was not working from start. Had to restart it.
Forum Champion
Anton V. said: So, any updates? Just 2 mins ago I logged into my campaign (link above) WITHOUT players and API was not working from start. Had to restart it. Hey I'm watching for an Update here too, but, what you wrote above is not a good test example (2 minutes, just logged in, no players, had to restart API). Because, IF roll20 did any fixes on the API since last time you logged on, then a Restart API on initial login would be expected &amp; required. One restart, after a server change, is not necessarily a bad thing to see. If that's what happened.&nbsp;
Roll20 Production Team
Hey folks -&nbsp; We released the first fix of several fixes for the API issues during&nbsp; our API server maintenance today . Additional, more substantial fixes are in the works and we will let you know when we have more information to share on that front. Thanks everyone!