I've just noticed some really odd behaviour that hasn't come up in my game until now. I've been using the script for my player's consumable items, creating a button in a consumable's description like below, which they can use to spend one item: [Interact](!ammo @{character_id} repeating_items-readied_-MELYuIZwnJYrjtKGrNO_readied_quantity -1 @{readied_item}) This seemed to work fine until tonight, some players got their hands on several types of consumables, and any items added beyond somewhere around the 10th item in the repeating section give this error when trying to use the button for Ammo: I tried changing the commands to use the row number instead, like: [Interact](!ammo @{character_id} repeating_items-readied_$14_readied_quantity -1 @{readied_item}) But again, a 'not found' error: Moving these to the upper rows seemed to cause even more issues. Aside from row $0, commands using row number seem to affect the row beneath them, so there's no way to affect row $1 this way, as using $1 affects row $2 while using $0 affects row $0. Meanwhile, using row IDs only works for items added before the section reached 10 or so items. EDIT: I tried clearing out the entire section and re-adding everything, making sure all the consumables were added first, but using the row number in the commands still seems to stop working after row $1. For example, using $4 affects row $5 while changing the command to use $3 affects row $3. So far using row ID is working up until the 5th row. Is there another way I can use Ammo to adjust repeating sections? Or could it be adjusted to search for a value within a specific repeating section, like the item name in a row?