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[LFP] Investigations, Intrigue, and Purging; Join the Acolytes of the Inquisition in Dark Heresy 2e - Hosting Introductory Sessions for Dark Heresy

Tired of Dark Heresy games that either fall apart or aren't up to a professional standard? Come join me and your fellow Acolytes. Check out the open games and read the synopsis below! We look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. New time slots may be opened if enough players put forth the desire. ------------------ Treachery is afoot. On the planet of Raukin IV, a killing most foul has taken place. A team of acolytes, investigating signs of heresy within the Jericho Reach Sector, have been brutally murdered. Now their task falls to you.  Conscripted by the Imperial Inquisition, you are now compelled to answer the Emperor's call. You may have been a humble guardsman once, perhaps even an outlaw or an enforcer of the Adeptus Arbites. Now, you are much more. And so, whether through compliance, coercion, or quite possibly brute force, Interrogator Garrik has brought you to the Raukin System. It is here that you will begin your first investigation. If the Emperor smiles upon you, you shall bring mankind's enemies to justice. If not, you shall join your comrades in death, buried beneath the weight of your failings.  The first step of your investigation shall be the murder site itself. Before that, you must make landfall. A group of Planetary Defence Force personnel await you. Of course, even their loyalty is questionable. Within the confines of the hive city of Bassillum, Raukin IV's mighty capital, greed and sin are rife. If you wish to survive, you must tread carefully; even allies may have their own agendas.  Welcome to the 42nd Millenium, where there is Only War. Welcome to Dark Heresy. ------------------ Become the Bane of Shadows Treacherous foes plot against the Imperium, threatening to tear it apart from within. Mankind's control within the Jericho Reach is tenuous, and it seems to slip with every passing moment. Undo the schemes that seek to undermine it, and forge your secret legend. Together, we shall strike down the enemies foes, creating a game and an experience you will never forget. Pursue your foes as you see fit, engage in subterfuge and outright assassination. Or, if you please, bring down the hammer, striking with ceaseless violence and unquestionable might as your burn the heretic and Xenos alike out of hiding. The choice is yours to make, as are the consequences yours to bear. The aim is to have plenty of combat, investigation, and RP alike, with a mix that varies from session to session and chapter to chapter. Nonetheless, there will undoubtedly BE combat. As in any good TTRPG campaign, I hope to build interpersonal relationships between characters and, of course, make friends among players.  In our Session Zero, we'll discuss what everyone is looking for, characters, difficulty, and all that good stuff. So, come join us, and fight against the foes of mankind.
Hey, my name's Jim.  I'm a fan of the 40k setting and I've been looking for a game Dark Heresy game that actually puts some focus on roleplay and investigation, rather than just combat.  I'd be very interested in joining.  My time zone is MDT and you can find me on discord at j4m#5256.  Thanks for giving this a read.
Hey there, I'm Anders, been a die hard 40k fan since 3rd edition as a kid, always wanted tobplay the rpgs but never got a chance. I live in EST, ideally i can play any time on weekends, but i could make something during the week work if need be. Ive never played the system so id be new to it. I also hope to DM for my own personal group of friends so im hoping i can learn the system well enough by playing!