Ashana wants to create a Shadow watcher sect within the Kalastar temple that has direct connections to the cities powers that are to be proactively involved in the investigation and prevention of the path of inspiration. I wish to work with the intention of being the highest-ranked field operative of this Shadow watcher sect continuing to cast light into the darkest shadows of society. To see if there is any inspiration of the Quori while bringing some order of code to the cities underbelly. In full truth paralleling a need to keep Dresk on a true as path as I can.   You set up your Shadow Watcher sect and work to see if the inspired are influencing the city. You find that there are Riedran diplomats within the city, but it is hard to identify any wrongdoing. They all appear (on the surface) to be honest and forthright, working to set up trade routes between Sharn and Sarlona. They all seem to be rich, getting involved in charitable deeds, establishing poorhouses and donating money for city works. Your relationship with Provost Nigel Faurious does not go well. At the start he is fascinated with you, but it quickly becomes apparent that he is more interested in the quori that inhabits you. He soon becomes bored with you and focusses on his obsession. From conversations he reveals that he is working to be able to track all the planes. This would enable civilised people to harness the powers of the various planes as they come into conjunction, to minimise the damage they cause or to find places where you can travel from plane to plane. He had been using Boromar operatives to find and retrieve certain items that held the essences of particular planes (such as you retrieving the Burning Idol), but after starting a relationship with you he changed to hiring the Clifftop Adventurers Guild. Topsy's friend Jaela has been on several adventures out of Sharn retrieving the items. She is very sad when she learns that Topsy is no longer in town. You become suspicious, and start looking at writings left out. It appears more than Nigel is looking at ways to create portals between the planes than to track them, but it is hard to understand his obscure and vain writings. One day you arrive home to find he has left. A note states that he has gone to find an item, but all of his possessions are also gone. You later learn that he has moved in with the Clifftop Adventurers Guild's main handler, Lhara. More time passes and you move up the ranks within the temple. You now hold a position of some importance and realise that there is more to the temple than you first thought. The temple patiently watches and learns. It has been preparing for years to force the turning of the age of dreams in Dal Quor. While this would kill all inpired and Kalashtar it would bring a new dream into existence which the elders believe will lead the world to an age of enlightenment. It appears that the Quori have been holding back the natural turning of the age through some sort of Eldritch Engine in the centre of the plane of dreams, il Lashtavar. The elders know how to destroy the engine, just not how to get to it to destroy it given that Dal Quor has been removed from contact with Eberron (in the age of the Giants with the destruction of one of the moons). There needs to be a way to enter the realm of dreams with your physical body, but no success in this mission has been found in hundreds of years. As you ponder this, as well as the many day to day tasks that running a temple involves. You are interupted by an acolyte. "I'm sorry to disturb, priestess, but there is a being at the door who insists on seeing you. It says it's name is Chronk. You rush to the doors and there he is, just as you remember, even to the burnt off hair. It has been a year, but he looks the same. And yet not. There is a level of wisdom and control in his eyes that you have not seen before. "Listen well", Chronk says, "much has changed since we last saw each other, though little time has passed for me. I have been in the realm of dreams and learnt much. What you need to know is that the dream can be broken and the new age can dawn. However there will be a price to pay. A huge price. The quori hold back the turning through an eldritch engine at the center of il-Lashavatar. You can enter the realm of dreams if you can bring the planes of Thelanis and Dal Quor into conjunction. Bring our companions together. You can find a way. My older self remembered you doing so". As he speaks he fades from view, a crown appearing on his head. "Oh, I nearly forgot", he says, "we mustn't eat the food in the Feyspire". He disappears and suddenly you wake up. Was this a dream? If it was then it was the first time you have ever had a dream. It seemed so real. A know at the door interupts you. "My lady, a creature at the door wishes to speak with you". You come down and find that your dream has come true - somewhat. At the door is Chronk, wet, burnt, mostly hairless. He looks at you in confusion. "Hungry, where's food". That is more the Chronk that you remember. You spend a few days catching up with Chronk. He has changed, and the year since you have seen him has been mere weeks to him. You explain that he is no longer be hunted by the authorities and that your group are now considered powerful personages by those with influence. He has the same memories as the dream-Chronk you spoke with, but is unable to explain as clearly. During this time you are sent a message by your ex-lover, Provost Nigel Faurious. His message states that the Clifftop Adventurers Guild has failed him, with the people he was contracting getting raided by pirates in the Lhazaar Sea. He fears that a powerful device, the aethervane, has been captured and he requires it to be recovered. If you are able to find the missing guild members that would also be appreciated. He apologises for any previous misunderstandings between you but hopes you have the maturity to recognise that his quest is more important that any personal gripes you may have".