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uploading items takes forever!!

Marketplace Creator
I purchased some weather overlays and I am trying to upload them for use in my game tonight. The overlays are anywhere from 2mb to 6mb. I have a pro account and I am nowhere near my limit so that is not the issue. This upload has been going for about an hour and will not complete. Has anyone else seen this recently? I have been having a lot of issues with sporadic NPC tokens not being able to be pulled to the maps and now this. I have invested a lot of money on this platform and I feel like it is not working like it should. 
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Animations go through a lot of optimization process at upload time. Animations of the size you note will usually take more than an hour, by the reports I have seen. I take it you are uploading them because you purchased them elsewhere than the Marketplace? Animations purchased from the Marketplace should already be available and not require uploading. Ås for the other issue, are you still having problems pulling tokens to maps? This might be something that can be addressed.
Marketplace Creator
Actually no, I purchased them through the marketplace. I could not find a way to add them as an "add-in" but it had a download link in the "my marketplace" items. I could also not find them in the game. Maybe I am just not looking in the right place. 

Edited 1609021486
Marketplace Creator
ok, so I am an idiot!! I just found them in the game. Unfortunately when I try to drag and drop those to the map they do nothing. 
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Make sure you are dragging from the name, not the thumbnail image, maybe? What is the name of the set and asset?