Hello everyone reading this, I am a fairly experienced 5e player (almost 4 years now) looking for a night game on monday around the hours of 7:00pm to 10:00pm CST (GMT-6)
I am 31 years old, laid back guy who like memes, fantasy and science fiction stuff, at the table I am fairly quite and I don't like to talk over other people/other people talk over me. I am a tiny bit of a rules lawyer but only if I am asked and then I do a quick little internet search to double check (I don't like to get facts wrong) the rule but at the end of the day I obey the golden rule: the DM makes the rules lol. 
I am looking for a smaller group (5 players and under, 6 max) I prefer official WoTC adventures but I like homebrew too (as I quick note I have played lost mine, ToA and I am currently hosting Tales from the yawning portal)
I make characters to have fun, often they are a little goofy but I make them functional I don't like making joke characters.
anyways please message me if you have a game you are looking for a player for, if your game has new players that's fine, I enjoy helping newer players.