Sorry to ask, but I have spent a couple hours on the wiki pages and I’m not figuring out what I have to do to get this result. I’d like to make a simple dice macro that outputs some text based on the result. To be specific, I want roll a single d20, and if the result is 15 or higher to output “Yay! I made it” Or something like that. Or if the roll is 14 or lower “Oh no, I suck!” Or something like that. I’ve been playing with inline rolls and macros, and even experimenting with double brackets and even looking at roll templates. I would just really appreciate some help or a pointer to how to do it. EDIT: Just for Context, Pathfinder 2E has some very simple rolls for the Dying Condition or Persistent Damage. Like recovering with a flat die roll with set target numbers like 5 and 15. So, it’s an easy dice expression, I just want to make it look cool in chat.