Hi there!
We are excited to announce that we have made substantial updates to our character sheet infrastructure and character sheet creation process. Your help testing these changes will be invaluable - this is an ambitious project and we’re so thrilled to have you along! Our new updates will be on the Development Server for at least two weeks before it goes live.
Here is a not-quite-exhaustive list of the some of the awesome changes that we are implementing, which also address a few of your most-requested suggestions in the forums:
A new, less restrictive HTML sanitization system, which now allows for:
Accessibility enhancements: ARIA and semantic HTML support
No pre-pending of “sheet-” to classes
Unique identifiers (id=””) in HTML elements
The CSS sanitizer has been removed, which now allows for:
Media queries that allow responsive design
Integrated macro bar for character quick attacks, including pop out windows
Character Sheet/Stat Block is the default for opening a PC/NPCThis is being reverted until we have more research regarding implementation.
We hope that these changes will allow for a shallower learning curve and less barrier to entry for sheet development and new sheet authors. Additionally, these changes also help build the groundwork for improvements to sheetworkers, character vault, and sheet development tools.
Do I have to change anything on my sheet?
Nope! The new system will be the default going forward, but you will still be able to opt-in to the legacy system. All existing sheets, including games with custom sheets, will be automatically opted-in to the legacy system.
At some point, we may remove the legacy sanitization, however an announcement will come well in advance to prepare you for legacy retirement.
For sheets submitted to our sheet dropdown or used via our sheet sandbox system, the opt-in for legacy sanitization can be toggled through a boolean value (true/false) in the “legacy” field of your sheet.json. For custom sheets, there is a legacy sanitization checkbox you can toggle in your game settings page above the “Custom Sheet” section.
Note Regarding Roll Templates
Because chat is closely integrated into the VTT, roll templates will continue to use the legacy system, both for CSS and HTML.
What kinds of things should I be looking out for?
This is a pretty fundamental change to how character sheets work, as almost all character sheet functionality has been touched to some degree or another. We've been testing this internally for a while, but with 800+ character sheets, we can't check them all ourselves. One of our main concerns is that existing sheets continue to work exactly as they did before, and we would love the community's help in verifying their sheets.
Again, we’d like more testing done on existing sheets (using the legacy system). As you test, things to pay attention to on both systems are:
Drag and drop functionality and performance
Missing and/or incorrect HTML + CSS in your character sheet
Sheetworkers functioning as expected
Issues with your roll templates
We’re also inviting sheet authors to start playing around with the new sanitization system in custom sheets. We’re excited to see what you can do, so let us know in the thread what awesome and cool things you can do with these changes!
Lastly, do you have questions for us? Ask them here! We’re eager to listen and happy to help!
Roll20 Team