Thanks for catching that, Matt. I had a subfolder mis-named in the 1-click version. I have submitted the change, and it should be merged in with this week's merge (sometime today). If you need it before that, you can get it from my personal repo.
Thanks for catching that, Matt. I had a subfolder mis-named in the 1-click version. I have submitted the change, and it should be merged in with this week's merge (sometime today). If you need it before that, you can get it from my personal repo.
July 20, 2021
FIXED: Ordering bug
There was a bug in the way this script ordered itself with ZeroFrame that would potentially allow it to run prematurely. The fix is available at my personal repo or it will come with the 1-click merge (probably tomorrow).
Oh, I thought I saw you'd posted the APIL error you were getting. The Meta Toolbox is still in the 1-click for me. What is the error APIL is giving you, and can you include the offset from the APILogic registration line when your sandbox boots up?
Restarting sandbox by user request...
detected currently running sandbox... restarting
Failed to load APILogic
No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /code/apiscripts/APILogic/2.0.5/APILogic.js
"[Resting in Style] Piggiebacking on TokenMod for token change observations."
"Loading character sheet data..."
Happening across multiple games
OK, my apologies... With update 2.0.5 I failed to put the js file in the sub-directory. I have corrected this on the 1-click and submitted a merge -- that should be done early next week.
In the meantime, you can get the script from my personal repo:
Again, apologies for the oversight.
August 4, 2021
FIXED: GitHub deployment error
There is no actual code difference between this and 2.0.5 except for the versioning and date-stamping. The new number is simply to ensure that all games pulling from the 1-click will see a new file and consolidate to the latest version.
Thanks :)
timmaugh said:
Version 2.0.6 Released
August 4, 2021
FIXED: GitHub deployment error
Update Notes
There is no actual code difference between this and 2.0.5 except for the versioning and date-stamping. The new number is simply to ensure that all games pulling from the 1-click will see a new file and consolidate to the latest version.