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Blank Character created on startup of game

This may be a bug, rather than an API issue, but it's a bit weird, and I have been messing with API scripts, so I thought I'd run it past you API experts first. I have a few (quite a few!) Roll20 games set up. I've been adding in some API scripts, and writing a couple of my own. One of my games has the tokenmod script, the spawndefaulttoken script, the aura/tint health colors script and the vector, matrix and math scripts, as well as two small scripts of my own. Whenever I open this game, a new character is created in the journal which is completely blank - blank name, blank image, no attributes, no character sheet etc. If I delete this character and re-open the game, the character is re-created. If I leave it there, no additional characters are created. I cannot work out what is creating this character sheet.  No I'm sure you are thinking it is just my two API scripts that I wrote. But I have EXACTLY the same scripts in another game of mine, and that does not show this problem - no blank character is created in that game. Not only that, if I disable ALL of the API scripts I have running, it STILL creates this character every time I open the game. Also, if I make a copy of the game (which doesn't copy API scripts over), the copy also creates this blank character. Can anyone suggest a way I can find out what is creating this character?  As I say, it doesn't look like an API issue, but you clever API experts may have a better idea what happens at startup that could be creating a character. It's only started doing this since I started messing with the API stuff.
David M.
API Scripter
You could disable all of your installed scripts just to double check. That being said, I've heard of a similar thing happening for one or two others with handouts. One guy had dozens of "Mysterious Notes" show up every time he logged on. Could be a related bug. I think they ended up putting in a help desk request to get it cleared up.
David M. said: You could disable all of your installed scripts just to double check. That being said, I've heard of a similar thing happening for one or two others with handouts. One guy had dozens of "Mysterious Notes" show up every time he logged on. Could be a related bug. I think they ended up putting in a help desk request to get it cleared up. Thanks David. I did disable all the scripts and it didn't stop the character from being created. Useful to know I'm not the only one to see the bug, and I count myself lucky that it is only creating a single instance (and it isn't all that problematic)! I'll get in touch with the help desk about it. Cheers!