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Character Sheet Enhancements!

"Hi Everyone, The baseline problems that this thread was originally created for have seem to have died down. As such, we are going to be closing this thread to better consolidate communications. We ask that anyone who has further loading issues with character sheets, please respond to this thread here instead . Thank you!" As far as I know, everyone who had loading issues when the change was made still has them, they just didn't want to repeat themselves.

Edited 1618588295
Nic B.
Roll20 Team
UrBurce: Which game are you having this problem on? Happy to investigate for you. Tony C: Is this true for all your games, or just specific ones?

Edited 1618588299
Sheet Author
Any status on the parsing issues or should we re-code workarounds?
Only that I know that there is work happening on it internally. I know that it's not a great answer to a super annoying issue, I'm sorry I don't have more to report.
Sheet Author
Thanks for the update Nic.  The communication is very much appreciated.
Sheet Author
Andreas J. said: I haven't noticed any problems with the sheet I converted to CSE, apart from maybe needing to be more specific with the CSS calls. Either wrap your whole sheet in an extra wrapper class, or add .charsheet in to the CSS file in front of stuff that doesn't work currently. charsheet div.grid-skill{ display: grid; gridtemplate-areas: "stuff otherstuff"; the css is not overwritten, I have already checked x times I had the problem once and then gave it to the roll20 support weritergegeben this then have probably fixed a problem <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> also I have a strange behavior of the input fields I then get an "undefined_undefined_xx" attribute, xx is then the correct name of the field have tested different variants but always the same result &lt;input type="number" name="attr_st"&gt; &lt;input type="number" id="attr_st" name="attr_st"&gt;
Nic B. said: UrBurce: Which game are you having this problem on? Happy to investigate for you. Tony C: Is this true for all your games, or just specific ones? Yes, all my current games and all character sheets that I have access to in them. I am in some older games that aren't active at the moment due to a few players personal lives at present, I haven't checked those games yet. I will link my current games below <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;This is the game I DM and can't access any sheet here, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;I play Skif, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;I play Alberich, as well as my familiar Theodore, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;I play Jiriki the Maelstrom, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;I play Kaz, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;I play Rowl
Once again I cannot open character sheets or handouts in any of my games that I DM.&nbsp; When trying I get the "Site Status" error message. Been a problem off and of for months now but today it is 100% non-functional.&nbsp; I even tested this on a brand new games with the same result.
Hello Everyone! During the period of March 28th to April 8th we turned off the new backend service which supports character sheets to work on issues regarding instability and performance of that service. You can read more about that downtime here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . As such, if you reported a character sheet related issue during that time period, we would ask that you please re-verify if the issue is still occurring and, if it is, respond again in this thread confirming that problem. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these challenges
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Analyzer said: As such, if you reported a character sheet related issue during that time period, we would ask that you please re-verify if the issue is still occurring and, if it is, respond again in this thread confirming that problem. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these challenges Still unable to drag rollable buttons in a repeating section to the Macro Quick access bar.
Sheet Author
Finderski said: Still unable to drag rollable buttons in a repeating section to the Macro Quick access bar. It wasn't working on mine for a while, but it seems to be working for me now (I haven't updated the sheet and it is running on the legacy sanitization).&nbsp; Is the sheet you tested with running the legacy switch true, or false?

Edited 1618899709
Sheet Author
The parsing issues that cause special characters used within a button value attribute to get converted in the rendered html, still exist in CSE mode. This behavior breaks previously working sheet roll macros on the PF Community Sheet. sheet html &lt;button type="roll" name="roll_allmenus" class="command-button" value="/w &amp;quot; @{character_name} &amp;quot; @{allmenus_macro}" title="%{selected|allmenus}" data-i18n="all"&gt;All&lt;/button&gt; Legacy mode: rendered html copied form an open character using inspect element) &lt;button type="roll" name="roll_allmenus" class="sheet-command-button btn ui-draggable" value="/w &amp;quot; @{character_name} &amp;quot; @{allmenus_macro}" title="%{selected|allmenus}" data-i18n="all"&gt;All&lt;/button&gt; CSE mode: rendered html copied form an open character using inspect element) &lt;button type="roll" name="roll_allmenus" class="command-button btn ui-draggable" value="/w " @{character_name} "="" @{allmenus_macro} "="" title="%{selected|allmenus}" data-i18n="all"&gt;All&lt;/button&gt; The&nbsp;&amp;quot ; used within the button value breaks the value attribute which also breaks the macro. ;-( It appears that CSE similarly breaks the special character handling of button rolls that include nested queries.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Blue Saddle said: Once again I cannot open character sheets or handouts in any of my games that I DM.&nbsp; When trying I get the "Site Status" error message. Been a problem off and of for months now but today it is 100% non-functional.&nbsp; I even tested this on a brand new games with the same result. Please provide links to all your games for Roll20 to help you. Without links there is little they can do
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Peter B. said: Blue Saddle said: Once again I cannot open character sheets or handouts in any of my games that I DM.&nbsp; When trying I get the "Site Status" error message. Been a problem off and of for months now but today it is 100% non-functional.&nbsp; I even tested this on a brand new games with the same result. Please provide links to all your games for Roll20 to help you. Without links there is little they can do Even better, file them in a&nbsp; Help Center Request . The feature this thread describes should not affect handout display at all. It sounds like there is another issue going on. Including a Console Log ( Chrome ,&nbsp; Firefox ) from the period in which you try to open these items might also help.
Nic B. said: UrBurce: Which game are you having this problem on? Happy to investigate for you. Tony C: Is this true for all your games, or just specific ones? Every single game I'm in has some sort of lag problem, though the extent of the problems differs based on which browser I use (and the filesize of the sheet being opened but that just changes how long the circle spins) Here's a test game I made: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Kraynic said: Finderski said: Still unable to drag rollable buttons in a repeating section to the Macro Quick access bar. It wasn't working on mine for a while, but it seems to be working for me now (I haven't updated the sheet and it is running on the legacy sanitization).&nbsp; Is the sheet you tested with running the legacy switch true, or false? Legacy is turned off (intentionally). Additionally, when working the sandbox, it now defaults back to the Bio &amp; Info tab, was fixed and working (by that I mean, going back to the Character sheet tab rather than always resetting to the Bio &amp; Info tab). &nbsp;:(

Edited 1618934241
Roll20 Team
Hey folks! Incoming updates to questions and reports that have come up: Douglass - What edits are you performing in which this is occurring? For example, are you updating the charsheet values, editing the Bio &amp; Info tab, or something else? Also, is there anyway we can get a link to the game in which is occurring most frequently, please? Ayethin - We’re aware of this issue and working on a solution. However, we don’t want sheet authors to have to go back to that weird kind of hack with key codes - we are looking into providing better syntactical support of nested queries instead. We'll keep you posted as soon as we have additional info. Vince - Outside of the nested queries question above, we’ll continue to review any other issues with the parser as soon as we can. Finderski - I haven’t been able to replicate these issue with the characters I’ve been testing on. What character sheet and repeating section roll button are you using perchance? Chuz - Hmmm, that’s a weird one. I’ll take a look at this as soon as possible. Keithcurtis - Thanks for pointing this out Keith! Myself and the other devs will review this asap. Tealk - What browser and browser version are you using when you experience these problems perchance? Also, do you have a custom sheet or custom sheet sandbox game where you’ve been testing this that you can link to us? Tony C. &amp; Blue Saddle - What browsers and versions are you using when this happens? Also, for those browsers, are you using any extensions or addons?
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Nicholas said: Finderski - I haven’t been able to replicate these issue with the characters I’ve been testing on. What character sheet and repeating section roll button are you using perchance? It's a game I'm a player in with a potentially custom sheet, maybe? I tested with a sheet I maintain and it functions properly, so maybe something unique with that custom sheet. &nbsp;I'll try to get more details. Regarding the sandbox testing issue (every refresh returns the character to the Bio &amp; Info tab)...that's happening with my sandbox where I'm editing the Official Savage Worlds character sheet.
Sheet Author
Nicholas said: Hey folks! Incoming updates to questions and reports that have come up: Vince - Outside of the nested queries question above, we’ll continue to review any other issues with the parser as soon as we can. Thanks for the updates Nicholas.&nbsp; No offense, but " soon as we can." sounds a little open ended and non-committal. ;-P For the sake of moving forward, I will probably remove any embedded quotes used inside of sheet macros, ie "&amp;quot;@{character_name}&amp;quot;" so I can take advantage of the new enhancements. If/when the CSE sheet parsing issues are fixed, I can add them back in to prevent character names with spaces from breaking sheet-based macros.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Finderski said: Nicholas said: Finderski - I haven’t been able to replicate these issue with the characters I’ve been testing on. What character sheet and repeating section roll button are you using perchance? It's a game I'm a player in with a potentially custom sheet, maybe? I tested with a sheet I maintain and it functions properly, so maybe something unique with that custom sheet. &nbsp;I'll try to get more details. Regarding the sandbox testing issue (every refresh returns the character to the Bio &amp; Info tab)...that's happening with my sandbox where I'm editing the Official Savage Worlds character sheet. Link The game
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I've updated the <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> page to have more info &amp; links.

Edited 1619075293
Sheet Author
With a character sheet I still have the problem that the input fields do not work. &lt;input type="number" name="attr_st" /&gt; The old values are not displayed and when I enter new values I get the following output in the attributes: undefined_undefined_st And what does that actually mean? I've been using the bar for ages for character sheet rolls Integrated macro bar for character quick attacks, including pop out windows
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Tealk said: With a character sheet I still have the problem that the input fields do not work. &lt;input type="number" name="attr_st" /&gt; The old values are not displayed and when I enter new values I get the following output in the attributes: undefined_undefined_st Maybe you're required to have a value="" attribute there, even if empty? I always have them om my sheets so usually don't think much of it. Like this: &lt;input type="number" name="attr_st" value="" &gt;
Sheet Author
Andreas J. said: Maybe you're required to have a value="" attribute there, even if empty? I always have them om my sheets so usually don't think much of it. Like this: &lt;input type="number" name="attr_st" value="" &gt; have tried the value variable again and it has no effect on it
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Tealk said: Andreas J. said: Maybe you're required to have a value="" attribute there, even if empty? I always have them om my sheets so usually don't think much of it. Like this: &lt;input type="number" name="attr_st" value="" &gt; have tried the value variable again and it has no effect on it Is there a sheet worker that's updating that field? undefined sounds like a JavaScript thing...
Sheet Author
Finderski said: Is there a sheet worker that's updating that field? undefined sounds like a JavaScript thing... no the field is only read out, not written to: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> what i don't understand, i don't have this problem with another character sheet
Hi Tealk, I'm not claiming that this will resolve your problem, and I'm going to investigate this issue further, but I did notice that you're wrapping your attributes section in two divs with the class "repitem" and "repcontainer" respectively. These are classes the CSE utilizes when it initializes a repeating section, and I'd highly recommend that you didn't include them directly in your HTML. I'll let you know when I've found out more!

Edited 1619111962
Sheet Author
Nic B. said: but I did notice that you're wrapping your attributes section in two divs with the class "repitem" and "repcontainer" respectively. yes there I wanted to save me work in the stylesheet, I'll change that times and test it //edit yes that was the problem, once I changed the classes it works
Since this update I cannot drag and drop from the compendium to a character sheet. My sheet opens in a pop-up window and I'm using Chrome. Please can someone assist?

Edited 1619190995
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Bentley said: Since this update I cannot drag and drop from the compendium to a character sheet. My sheet opens in a pop-up window and I'm using Chrome. Please can someone assist? You have never been able to drag-n-drop to sheet that are popped-out in separate windows. More about sheet limitations when popped
It's been about two months since the setWithWorkers bug from over a year ago was fixed on Development, but it hasn't been pushed to Production yet. Any word on how soon we'll get that? It fixes multiple issues I have on a regular basis, so I'm eager to see it go live! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Andreas J. said: Bentley said: Since this update I cannot drag and drop from the compendium to a character sheet. My sheet opens in a pop-up window and I'm using Chrome. Please can someone assist? You have never been able to drag-n-drop to sheet that are popped-out in separate windows. More about sheet limitations when popped I have been able to. I could make a new NPC sheet and what I'd do is minimise both windows and then if I wanted a spell etc. I could drag it from the compendium and the sheet would say "accepting from compendium" then it would populate.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
hmm, now that you mention it, I might have heard about some improvement on this, but AFAIK, not all of these limitations have been solved, so I've kept at it. Seems the wiki needs some updating on that part. Worth a try at least? And it's possible turing the feature on &amp; off again might also solve the issue.
In my experience with popped out sheets, compendium drops could sometimes be dragged somewhere in the center of the VTT window and the sheet would accept the drop. Very finicky, and it was someone's hard to figure out where to drag the compendium entry. I haven't tried recently, but I wouldn't be surprised if the new sheet changes made that impossible now.
Nicholas said: Hey folks! Incoming updates to questions and reports that have come up: Tony C. &amp; Blue Saddle - What browsers and versions are you using when this happens? Also, for those browsers, are you using any extensions or addons? I'm using chrome, the extensions I have are: Beyond 20, VTT Assets, D&amp;D Toolbox, Google Docs Offline, Custom Dice for Roll20, DnD Dice Roller, and Roll20 Character Parser

Edited 1619386986
Forum Champion
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I have tried some of those extensions out of curiosity. I remember that one of them caused serious performance issues (Roll20 Character Parser, I think, though it's not a clear memory, it might have been Roll20 Click and Roll). I'd suggest turning them all off and see if you still have issues. If you don't turn them on one by one until you find a potential culprit. In general, extension that modify the performance of Roll20 specifically make it difficult (and sometimes impossible) to provide technical assistance.
I got rid of the 2 dice roller extensions and that seemed to do the trick, thanks Keithcurtis

Edited 1619703555
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Hello Roll20. Seems like you guys have just rolled out some CSS changes to the environments. I have tested &lt;details&gt; and &lt;summary&gt; extensivly before going live, so this change came out of left field! After pushing my newest update live, I just noticed this change in the CSS: Before After So it appears that Roll20 adds "Display: block" as baseline to a lot &nbsp;of html elements. This now includes &lt;summary&gt; &nbsp;which was not standard before. Since &lt;summary&gt; &nbsp;has a "Display: block" that means that it no longer has "Display: list-item" which results in that the arrows indicating that this is a open-/closable link, is gone. It is easily fixable by overwriting the base line CSS, but I would prefer if Roll20 would update their CSS to no affect &lt;summary&gt; &nbsp;elements, for this specific styling :)

Edited 1619646893
Roll20 Team
Hey folks! If you didn’t catch it, we recently fixed a bug that was occurring with the legacy sanitization system where the CSS first rule after an @import statement was being deleted. You can read more about that release here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . One of the next few things we’re going to be looking at is nested roll queries and other roll query syntax use cases that are no longer working after this most recent update. We’re looking to provide better query parsing so the weird and odd workarounds you had to use before, such as character code substitution, are no longer necessary. We’ll continue to update you on the details as they become available. Here are some updates to specific questions and concerns that have been asked: Finderski - Did you ever get the opportunity to check some other games or find more info about that custom game perchance? Also, in regards to the sandbox Bio/Info tab issue, I’m not able to reproduce on my games unfortunately. Are you still experiencing the issue? If so, is it consistent? Or does it only happen during some code uploads? Vince - Thanks for your patience as we reviewed this! After further discussion with the devs, we’re going to go ahead and tackle the issues you’re experiencing when we address improvements to the nested roll query syntax, which I’ve discussed above. We’ll keep you posted as we get closer to starting work there. Bentley - Currently, we don’t have upcoming plans to implement compendium drag and drop to a popped out window, but we’ll certainly let you know if that changes.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Nicholas said: Here are some updates to specific questions and concerns that have been asked: Finderski - Did you ever get the opportunity to check some other games or find more info about that custom game perchance? Also, in regards to the sandbox Bio/Info tab issue, I’m not able to reproduce on my games unfortunately. Are you still experiencing the issue? If so, is it consistent? Or does it only happen during some code uploads? Not yet, I'll play in that game on Saturday and will talk with the GM about it, then. If he's ok with giving you a link to the game, I'll provide that, too. But since it's not a game I own or GM, I didn't feel comfortable just posting a link to it. As for the Bio &amp; Info tab...that issue appears to have been resolved/fixed again. Thanks for the updates. :)
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Peter B. said: Hello Roll20. Seems like you guys have just rolled out some CSS changes to the environments. I have tested &lt;details&gt; and &lt;summary&gt; extensivly before going live, so this change came out of left field! After pushing my newest update live, I just noticed this change in the CSS: Before After So it appears that Roll20 adds "Display: block" as baseline to a lot &nbsp;of html elements. This now includes summary &nbsp;which was not standard before. Since &lt;summary&gt; &nbsp;has a "Display: block" that means that it no longer has "Display: list-item" which results in that the arrows indicating that this is a open-/closable link, is gone. It is easily fixable by overwriting the base line CSS, but I would prefer if Roll20 would update their CSS to no affect &lt;summary&gt; &nbsp;elements, for this specific styling :) Is this happening in your Sandbox game as well? I ask, because I'm not having any issues with summary in my sandbox games, they have retained their custom styling via list-item display. &nbsp;In fact, my experience with them has improved in the sandbox game, because when I click the summary icon now, I don't get the huge selection for the entire row.
Sheet Author
Peter B. said: Hello Roll20. Seems like you guys have just rolled out some CSS changes to the environments. I have tested &lt;details&gt; and &lt;summary&gt; extensivly before going live, so this change came out of left field! After pushing my newest update live, I just noticed this change in the CSS:So it appears that Roll20 adds "Display: block" as baseline to a lot &nbsp;of html elements. This now includes summary &nbsp;which was not standard before. Since &lt;summary&gt; &nbsp;has a "Display: block" that means that it no longer has "Display: list-item" which results in that the arrows indicating that this is a open-/closable link, is gone. It is easily fixable by overwriting the base line CSS, but I would prefer if Roll20 would update their CSS to no affect &lt;summary&gt; &nbsp;elements, for this specific styling :) Unannounced changes to the base.css is why I've added .charsheet (or a wrapper element) to all my classes for CSE...&nbsp; Not sure if it would help you in this particular case Peter, but I thought I would mention it.
Sheet Author
Nicholas said: Hey folks! If you didn’t catch it, we recently fixed a bug that was occurring with the legacy sanitization system where the CSS first rule after an @import statement was being deleted. You can read more about that release here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . One of the next few things we’re going to be looking at is nested roll queries and other roll query syntax use cases that are no longer working after this most recent update. We’re looking to provide better query parsing so the weird and odd workarounds you had to use before, such as character code substitution, are no longer necessary. We’ll continue to update you on the details as they become available. Here are some updates to specific questions and concerns that have been asked: Vince - Thanks for your patience as we reviewed this! After further discussion with the devs, we’re going to go ahead and tackle the issues you’re experiencing when we address improvements to the nested roll query syntax, which I’ve discussed above. We’ll keep you posted as we get closer to starting work there. That's great to hear.&nbsp; I was kicking around the idea of creating new attributes for each special character substitution in order to keep existing sheet macros from breaking. ie @{quot} with a value="&amp;quot;"
Peter B.
Sheet Author
vÍnce said: Unannounced changes to the base.css is why I've added .charsheet (or a wrapper element) to all my classes for CSE...&nbsp; Not sure if it would help you in this particular case Peter, but I thought I would mention it. Yeah it will. I am going to make that change myself :) I just wanted to point it out as I have been working with &lt;details&gt; and &lt;summary&gt; since the CSE was announced. I have tested it in both the dev sandbox and the live sandbox, and the arrows were always there. I have also tested in live custom games, with the same result. It is within the last week that the CSS change has happened. I mainly wanted to let everyone know of this chance, so other can also add the required CSS changes :)

Edited 1619717975
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Finderski said: Is this happening in your Sandbox game as well? I ask, because I'm not having any issues with summary in my sandbox games, they have retained their custom styling via list-item display. &nbsp;In fact, my experience with them has improved in the sandbox game, because when I click the summary icon now, I don't get the huge selection for the entire row. To follow up on the styling problems, I just tested again using my work laptop, and the arrows were there as expected. I realized that I had done all my testing on my work laptop, so the debugging is going deeper! This my current setup: Computer Browser Version Arrows? Desktop Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 (Officiel version) (64-bit) No arrows Laptop Chrome Version 74.03729.131 (Official Build) (64-bit) Yes pretty arrows! Clearly there is a difference is browser interpertation.&nbsp; I will try and update Chrome on my laptop and see what results I get Follow up I updated my laptops Chrome version to the same as the desktop (90.0.4430.93 (Official Build) (64-bit) and now the situation looks like this: Computer Browser Version Arrows? Desktop Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 (Officiel version) (64-bit) No arrows Laptop Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 (Officiel Build) (64-bit) No arrows So it appears that there is some browser inconsistency! Anyways. Please Roll20, do not overwrite the &lt;summary&gt; &nbsp;styling. It appears to have side effects in some versions of browsers :) Additional note: &nbsp;When looking at different versions of chrome, I noticed that there was a difference in the default styling ( user agent stylesheet ) of the &lt;summary&gt; element. In version 74.x the default styling was "display: block" In version 90.x the default styling is "display: item-list" So Roll20's assumption that the styling should be display: block is not totally wrong. Just outdated :)

Edited 1620616763
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Nicholas said: Hey folks! Incoming updates to questions and reports that have come up: Keithcurtis - Thanks for pointing this out Keith! Myself and the other devs will review this asap. Hi Nicholas, just some updating. In the three weeks since I reported the problem, I have gathered 7 more reports of the issue. This is something that many folks are dealing with: keithcurtis &nbsp;said: Bug:&nbsp;Newly-dropped characters now must fully resolve before closing the window Since this change went live I have been helping a lot of folks suffering from a common bug. Newly-dropped characters now must fully resolve before closing the window. If you close it too early, the process stops, including token assignment. (If you have an incomplete monster due to this, you must delete or rename it before trying to drag in a fresh one. The Compendium will not overwrite an identically named monster, to preserve local modifications.). Many users have reported broken monsters with incomplete stat blocks or missing tokens.&nbsp; Here is one such thread , though there are others. Before this change, the character sheet would finish forming in the background even after the window was closed. Additional Reports: [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ]
Rolemaster Character Sheet - On the magic section there's only 10 lines, so only 10 spell lists can be added. Is it possible to add more lines? If so how?
Hello. I can't figure out how to add alignment and background status to my character for D&amp;D. Anybody know any solutions?
Forum Champion
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WRT the last two posts, those are questions about specific sheets and should be posted in their own threads or in threads dedicated to those sheets. This thread is about enhancements to the sheet creation process.
keithcurtis said: WRT the last two posts, those are questions about specific sheets and should be posted in their own threads or in threads dedicated to those sheets. This thread is about enhancements to the sheet creation process. Okay sorry. 😅 Do you recommend any forums as I was unable to create my own. Thx!