I hadnt noticed any comments about this, but in sheet workers, does the case of attribute names matter now. In another thread, I just posted a code example, and needed to tweak what used to be working code but was now unworking. This is the code: < h4 > Agility: </ h4 > < input type = "number" name = "attr_agility" value = "0" > < h4 > Force: </ h4 > < input type = "number" name = "attr_force" value = "0" > < fieldset class = "repeating_competence" > < select name = "attr_competence_name" > < option > Agility </ option > < option > Force </ option > </ select > < input type = "hidden" name = "attr_competence_value" value = "0" > < button type = "roll" value = "Name: @{competence_value}; Value: @{competence_value}" ></ button > </ fieldset > < script type = "text/worker" > on('change:repeating_competence:competence_name', (event) => { console.log(event); getAttrs(['agility', 'force', 'repeating_competence_competence_name'], values => { const stat = values.repeating_competence_competence_name; const score = values[stat.toLowerCase()]; console.log(stat); console.log(score); setAttrs({ repeating_competences_competence_value: score }); }); }); </ script > The important line is this one: const score = values[stat.toLowerCase()]; In the past, the following line would have been used instead: const score = values[stat]; Because attribute names were case-insenstitive. The only time it mattered was in the event line, where you had to use lower case, regardless of the attribute in the sheet. But now it seems attribute names are case sensitive. Looking for the attribute "Agility" fails, but "agility" works. I could see this breaking sheet workers in a lot of sheets (though admittedly, if it did there have probably been posts about it by now). Was there a notice about this that I've missed?