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Character Sheet Enhancements!

Peter B.
Sheet Author
Analyzer said: Hey everyone! This morning we re-released the changes discussed in this thread, along with fixes related to memory related issues in the platform. If you experience any other problems, please don’t hesitate to let us know. It would be great if you would announce deploys with like "The changes will go live in 5 days". Then people would have time to test and make sure that nothing breaks. If bugs are found then the deploy can be moved a week or two in the future, giving more time to fix the bugs before going live.

Edited 1615985109
Sheet Author
Anybody having trouble with css for roll templates with the new sanitation?  With the legacy switch off in a custom sheet the css for the roll template is applied.  In the sandbox it isn't. "legacy":false is in the json. Custom sheet Sandbox
Sheet Author
API Scripter
David said: Anybody having trouble with css for roll templates with the new sanitation?  With the legacy switch off in a custom sheet the css for the roll template is applied.  In the sandbox it isn't. "legacy":false is in the json. Hi David, I think you just need to remove the line. It's only relevant to add ' legacy':true  but not 'legacy':false.

Edited 1615987092
Sheet Author
Hi David, I think you just need to remove the line. It's only relevant to add ' legacy':true  but not 'legacy':false. I tracked it down font imports in the sandbox css breaks the css for templates
Sheet Author
API Scripter
David said: Hi David, I think you just need to remove the line. It's only relevant to add ' legacy':true  but not 'legacy':false I tracked it down font imports in the sandbox css breaks the css for templates I didn't try yet on a custom sheet, only in the sandbox. I have no idea if it might change anything but I use <rolltemplate></rolltemplate> and not a <div></div> on my sheet...
Analyzer said: Hey everyone! This morning we re-released the changes discussed in this thread, along with fixes related to memory related issues in the platform. If you experience any other problems, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Broken, again...
Is there a way I can still view my character sheets? I have a session this-evening with a few custom NPC's who's stats I need!
So this is my update.  I've noticed that the purple ring lasts for a couple seconds (an acceptable level of lag, especially since I was on one of my new dynamic lighting maps for added processor load!) and I was able to load into a variety of characters without any random Charactermancer executes.  (My game uses Pathfinder by Roll20, for Pathfinder 1st edition, as a reminder.) So far, so good.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Orchal said: I have some serious issue with nested rolls in HTML, but no issue if I store the roll in a var with a sheet worker script. It does not work anymore, I tried without HTML codes, with &#code; and &#code;. I think the HTML codes are converted so it does not work when I click the roll button. For example, something as simple as ?{Chars|Char1, &{template:chars-template}|Char2} does not work properly. I know that the closing bracket after template should be written with an HTML code, but none works Nevermind, I just replaced &#code by &#code and it works now.
Hello everyone! Today we pushed out a hotfix for the following issues: Token Action Buttons no longer opening in edit mode with a shift click Charactermancer repeating sections not removing correctly in certain cases Input blur events not triggering Custom sheets with legacy sanitization not having Charactermancer templates applied properly Elements with a “bio” class being overwritten We really appreciate all of the reports and feedback you’re providing, so please keep it coming. We’ll be following up on several other existing reports over the next day or so and if you run into any other issues or problems, please don’t hesitate to let us know!
Well just found out all of my players' character sheets are deleted now. We're probably going to have to cancel the session tonight, because nobody has a character. It'll take us some time to remake everything.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
I've never used it but there is a rollback functionality on the lobbies.&nbsp; Maybe that would recover the data you've lost?&nbsp; I hope it works for you. Screenshot link - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Chuz Coffee Dragon said: Well just found out all of my players' character sheets are deleted now. We're probably going to have to cancel the session tonight, because nobody has a character. It'll take us some time to remake everything.
Sheet Author
Coffee Dragon said: Well just found out all of my players' character sheets are deleted now. We're probably going to have to cancel the session tonight, because nobody has a character. It'll take us some time to remake everything. Deleted as in "gone from the journal" or "stats are missing"?&nbsp; And... which character sheet are you using?
The previous thread mentioned that a long-standing issue with sheet workers was fixed in Dev, and my testing on Dev was successful. Many issues I've had with scripts not properly triggering sheet workers were fixed. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This hasn't been pushed to the live server yet. Any word on when we can expect this?
Pathfinder 1e. When switching to the sheet, it popups up asking to use the charactermancer or edit the sheet directly, and all data was gone. A few minutes later, they started to reappear but with missing stats. Now it seems random whether it works.&nbsp;
The endless Purple Ring of Doom persists. Isn't there some kind of way to opt out of these changes, or a legacy mode toggle? I don't need a single one of these fancy new features for my sheet, which I'm sure are wonderful. I only need my sheet. Also, for what it's worth, this is happening in both 4e and 5e games.

Edited 1616055337
Peter B.
Sheet Author
I will just try and help Roll20 here as it appears that no else will. Please state the following to help Roll20 debug your issue faster What character sheet are you using? Be specific! Write the exact name of the sheet, aka "D&amp;D 5E by Roll20" &nbsp;do not write "my sheet", "war gear", "pathfinder", "4e". Many systems have multiple character sheets, both official and custom. This is the most important step Provide screen shots of your exact problem. Make sure to include the entire character sheet in the screenshot, and highlight the problem with a red box or something similar. Create a minimum working example .&nbsp;Try to create a new game with the problematic sheet, and see if the problem still exists. This will eliminate error sources from API scripts, Macros, and the likes. Provide a link to your game for Roll20 to use . If you can provide a link for Roll20 to directly join your game and see the problem, then it will give them another source for finding the error, thus allowing Roll20 to go directly into fixing the bug instead of having to search for it first. &nbsp; &nbsp; If you managed to do step 3 and create a minimum working example, then provide a link to this game. Please help Roll20, to help you. If you do not give them anything proper to investigate, do not expect your problems to be magically fixed!
Analyzer said: Hello everyone! Today we pushed out a hotfix for the following issues: Token Action Buttons no longer opening in edit mode with a shift click Charactermancer repeating sections not removing correctly in certain cases Input blur events not triggering Custom sheets with legacy sanitization not having Charactermancer templates applied properly Elements with a “bio” class being overwritten We really appreciate all of the reports and feedback you’re providing, so please keep it coming. We’ll be following up on several other existing reports over the next day or so and if you run into any other issues or problems, please don’t hesitate to let us know! Still broken....
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Still broken.... What character sheet did you use? Thank you for the screenshot ✓ Did you try in a new/clean game to see if the issue still persists? Do you have a link to the game with the problem
Peter B. said: Still broken.... What character sheet did you use? Thank you for the screenshot ✓ Did you try in a new/clean game to see if the issue still persists? Do you have a link to the game with the problem 5E by roll20 New game is irrelevant, these updates SHOULD NOT break my existing games Who should I PM my link too?
My character sheets (D&amp;D 5E by Roll20) are taking longer to open than necessary after this "update." I run a 5E game on Chrome. No extensions. I don't need to take screenshots. This is a basic, easily verifiable bug, which could have been avoided if Roll20 had actually tested it first. I am a paying customer. I am not your unpaid QA.
"What character sheet did you use?" All of them. I went through half a dozen games with different systems (CoC, shadowrun, Savage Worlds) and made a new game with no template whatsoever and every single sheet is affected. Waterfox (based on firefox) and Vivaldi (chromium) give me varying levels of lag as I watch the circle spin before letting me access my sheets (the game without the template had the sheets load the quickest for obvious reasons), waterfox classic (based on an older version of firefox but working fine before the update) has the circle spin forever. Here's a screenshot:
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I am seeing that circle for less than a second (about the same time it took for a sheet to resolve pre-update). There must be some interaction of other factors that gives the differing experiences. For those of you having the lag, is it occurring on both supported browsers? In private viewing mode? Does it take longer for larger characters (I.e. a spellcaster with many spells vs a level 1 fighter)?
Sheet Author
UrBurce . said: "What character sheet did you use?" All of them. I went through half a dozen games with different systems (CoC, shadowrun, Savage Worlds) and made a new game with no template whatsoever and every single sheet is affected. Waterfox (based on firefox) and Vivaldi (chromium) give me varying levels of lag as I watch the circle spin before letting me access my sheets (the game without the template had the sheets load the quickest for obvious reasons), waterfox classic (based on an older version of firefox but working fine before the update) has the circle spin forever. The only 2 officially supported browsers are Chrome and Firefox.&nbsp; Have you tried with either one of those?&nbsp; Just because a browser is based on one of those doesn't mean it works the same.Step 1 of the troubleshooting steps is to be sure you are using one of those browsers, and try both to see if the behavior is the same in both or not. Don't assume anything is "an easily verified bug" as Jay posted, since I have no problems accessing sheets in any of my games: Pathfinder by Roll20, Zweihander, Palladium Fantasy, Heroes Unlimited, Custom sheet code.&nbsp; That goes for both Chrome and Firefox on a windows 10 machine and also on an MX (debian based) Linux machine with both Chrome and Firefox.&nbsp; I don't know why I can access things just fine and others can't.&nbsp; Don't assume Roll20 can just magically know. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Hello, I opened a roll20 DND 5e game I'm in to check my sheet today and for some reason it's not letting me edit the top right corner of sheet where background, race and EXP would be located, but also seems to be forcing Piety, Hero Points and individual HD tracking. Setting it to off in settings doesn't help since they were already off. There is no change when putting it to on and then back to off. Seems that other players that now logged in have also been affected. I also encountered the "sheet loading longer" issue
keithcurtis said: I am seeing that circle for less than a second (about the same time it took for a sheet to resolve pre-update). There must be some interaction of other factors that gives the differing experiences. For those of you having the lag, is it occurring on both supported browsers? In private viewing mode? Does it take longer for larger characters (I.e. a spellcaster with many spells vs a level 1 fighter)? The circle lasts anywhere from 1-3 seconds for me, which is a huge pain when I'm setting up character sheets and clicking in and out of those sheets (minimized or not). I have verified the lag on Chrome; others have verified it on Firefox. I'm not in private viewing mode, and I'm not running any extensions except Stylus (for Roll20 stuff). I haven't checked character size, since all my player characters are level 9 so they've all got some complexity at this point. But the level 9 fighter gives me the same lag as a level 9 wizard.
I now have this dark gray translucent bar across my screen. It prevents me from clicking on the "speaking as" dropdown and the 'send' button.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
This is what I am seeing on my end. Video
I was about to report lag in opening the 5E Roll20 sheet about 4-5 seconds for most (both browsers), around 9 seconds for one of them (a blank sheet with token and avatar only). But, when checking again, now it's only a couple seconds. I tried clearing my cache to see if that affected anything but no.&nbsp;
That's the macro bar. You can turn it off in the Collections tab but it is definitely bugged. I don't think it's&nbsp;related to Character sheet enhancements, tho'. PunyPaladin said: I now have this dark gray translucent bar across my screen. It prevents me from clicking on the "speaking as" dropdown and the 'send' button.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Doug E. said: That's the macro bar. You can turn it off in the Collections tab but it is definitely bugged. I don't think it's&nbsp;related to Character sheet enhancements, tho'. PunyPaladin said: I now have this dark gray translucent bar across my screen. It prevents me from clicking on the "speaking as" dropdown and the 'send' button.&nbsp;&nbsp; Yes, turning off the macro bar makes it go away, but then I lose quick access to my macros.&nbsp;&nbsp; This game only has one, but other games have more.&nbsp; Do these things not get tested before they push them out?&nbsp;&nbsp;
Apparently not.
Hey folks! We're aware of some styling issues with the VTT and especially the macro bar. We'll be working on getting this fixed as soon as possible. Thank you for the reports!

Edited 1616102156
Roll20 Team
Hi everyone! Thank you for your continued updates! We rolled out a fix to an issue with the Character Sheet Service. This should resolve issues with changes to the github repo not updating and various issues with custom sheets. In addition, the styling issues with the macro bar and other VTT elements should be fixed now. Please keep letting us know what problems you are encountering. The major ones we are seeing so far are: Character sheets not loading/unable to access Character sheet lag and taking longer to load Character sheet data not populating We are currently working to investigate these issues as quickly as possible. If you are encountering problems, the following information is extremely helpful: What browser are you using? (Chrome and Firefox are the only supported browsers) Does the issue persist in a different game? What about a new game? Does the issue persist with a different character sheet? Have you disabled ALL addons/extensions? You can also try in incognito/private browsing as well. Provide a link to the game and name of an affected sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Orchal said: I didn't try yet on a custom sheet, only in the sandbox. I have no idea if it might change anything but I use &lt;rolltemplate&gt;&lt;/rolltemplate&gt; and not a &lt;div&gt;&lt;/div&gt; on my sheet... Ok I'm stupid, that's the source and indeed the &lt;rolltemplate&gt; is converted to &lt;div&gt;... I have the same issue now, and on the Sandbox... The last time it was because I had some classes without sheet- in there.

Edited 1616104110
CSS not working anymore even with the "legacy : true" enabled on the json (I'm working on a sandbox) It worked fine yesterday :/ Browser : Firefox Disabling extensions &gt; no change. Same in private mode

Edited 1616104128
Sheet Author
Hello&nbsp; New problems here, all appeared on tables with recent custom sheet update (few hours ago): A / character sheet tab vanish on copied table (prod server) (the original table still works) B / Roll Templates not displayed anymore in chat (dev server &amp; prod server) Everything worked fine a few hours ago. Browser : Firefox Tables with no sheet change the past few hours still work. Copy one of these tables and you get problem A. Disabling extensions &gt; no change. Same in private mode.
Using Google Chrome. Unable to access our TSL sheets with their neat formatting. It looks like a broken website, currently. Copies are also currently badly formatted as well. This only applies to our TSL game.

Edited 1616104655
Roll20 Production Team
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Apo said: A / character sheet tab vanish on copied table (prod server) (the original table still works) Apo, you might want to check that your character sheet is selected in your game settings (it's not selected by default on copied games) Kinji said: CSS not working anymore even with the "legacy : true" enabled on the json (I'm working on a sandbox) I managed to isolate my issues with this to google fonts being rejected by the sanitizer on the sandbox. Do you have an @import statement in your CSS? You may have to temporarily remove it.
Analyzer said: As many of you recall, we were testing some enhancements on the dev server . Bitterly disappointed and discouraged that you've done nothing to fix the Z-Order issue identified here, back in December: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
Kinji said: CSS not working anymore even with the "legacy : true" enabled on the json (I'm working on a sandbox) It worked fine yesterday :/ Browser : Firefox Disabling extensions &gt; no change. Same in private mode Its { &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"legacy":true }
Sheet Author
Nic B. said: Apo, you might want to check that your character sheet is selected in your game settings (it's not selected by default on copied games) Thank you :D totally forgot that. Issue B seems to be resolved too.
Sheet Author
CSS not working anymore even with the "legacy : true" enabled on the json (I'm working on a sandbox) I managed to isolate my issues with this to google fonts being rejected by the sanitizer on the sandbox. Do you have an @import statement in your CSS? You may have to temporarily remove it. If you have multiple font imports it breaks the css in the sandbox and change ccs2 to css.&nbsp; See&nbsp; here

Edited 1616107290
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I managed to isolate my issues with this to google fonts being rejected by the sanitizer on the sandbox. Do you have an @import statement in your CSS? You may have to temporarily remove it. I confirm the CSS is applied back on the rolltemplates when I remove the @import statement. It was okay a few hours ago. With @import, I get this messages in the console:&nbsp;Potential CSS security violation; character sheet template styling thrown out.
I'm using the W.O.I.N Character Sheet (What's Old Is New) and the tabs to different sections of the character sheet (Basic, Life Path, Combat/Equipment, Exploits, Advancement) have all stopped working. It was working just a few hours ago, and I have tested it on multiple browsers and multiple computers with no results. I'd be losing a ton of work if I had to remake all the character sheets I've made in the game, so I'm desperate for a solution. Thanks in advance.
I don't know why the character sheet thing is effecting Pathfinder. But I had it too. I removed my beyond 20 app and it fixed it. I put it back on and it broke them all again.(I only checked DnD 5e sheets) So I turned it off on all campaigns except the one that I only use the dnd beyond sheet and not an in game sheet. Problem solved. I hope that helps you all.
Hey folks! We are working on a fix for some issues with community sheets, specifically sheets not using sheetworkers, that are causing them to not load. The fix should be going out momentarily - we'll let you know as soon as it's available.Thank you for your patience and reports!