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Character Sheet Enhancements!

Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Peter B. said: It must have been over a month now, and my update just keeps on growing as I cannot get it pushed Live due to instability. My update is a mix of new and old features. This is doubily frustrating as the old features such as bug fixes cannot go live, so my players feel that I am slow for not fixing the reported bugs.  I honestly thought that Roll20 would have the Live server at a some what stable level after this much time.  If you had kept versioning and splitting up branches to keep the bugfixes separate from the new features, you would have had easier to do a partial update. But it's easy for me to speak with hindsight, I just haven't worked on any sheets during this chaos. *shrug*
Some of my character sheets no longer roll damage (yes, I have the Auto Damage & Crit) checked, which is a pain to have to roll them separately. 
Roll20 Production Team
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Hi Chuz, I found a chance to do some testing on this: I think that there's a good chance that for, whatever reason, it's being swallowed because of the lack of a 'sheet' prefix in your roll template class name. I created a tiny test here that, I think, should demonstrate the issue. I can't imagine why this is suddenly an issue, or why it's different on dev, but maybe it will help! :) Chuz said: Good thought, there's an error but nothing I can fix ... @Roll20 - As per my 4 posts above still unable to use roll templates on the production server after your changes the other day.  Here's what the console has to say about it when a roll button is depressed...

Edited 1617383535
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Edit: As of 13:00 EST 2021-04-02 roll20 has merged in the latest pull-requests AND more importantly fixed the roll template issue they introduced on Tuesday 2021-03-30. Nic B. said: Hi Chuz, I found a chance to do some testing on this: I think that there's a good chance that for, whatever reason, it's being swallowed because of the lack of a 'sheet' prefix in your roll template class name. I created a tiny test here that, I think, should demonstrate the issue. I can't imagine why this is suddenly an issue, or why it's different on dev, but maybe it will help! :) Chuz said: Good thought, there's an error but nothing I can fix ... @Roll20 - As per my 4 posts above still unable to use roll templates on the production server after your changes the other day.  Here's what the console has to say about it when a roll button is depressed... Nic B. You sir are a hero, unfortunately I think they've just finished merging all pull-requests before I could do an update to fix it.  So now my users have to wait a week to use the sheet properly again thanks to YET ANOTHER UNANNOUNCED CHANGE that goes completely contrary to their own documentation on these so-called "fixes". Please roll20, use your dev server to test this stuff at least then we sheet developers can react BEFORE our users lose use of the sheets.  It looks really bad on the sheet author when our sheet stops working since most users have no idea about these ongoing issues with the new enhancements.  I don't mind looking bad for my own mistakes, I loathe looking like a fool due to others' mistakes that I can't immediately fix. Thanks, Chuz
Sheet Author
Chuz said: Nic B. said: Hi Chuz, I found a chance to do some testing on this: I think that there's a good chance that for, whatever reason, it's being swallowed because of the lack of a 'sheet' prefix in your roll template class name. I created a tiny test here that, I think, should demonstrate the issue. I can't imagine why this is suddenly an issue, or why it's different on dev, but maybe it will help! :) Chuz said: Good thought, there's an error but nothing I can fix ... @Roll20 - As per my 4 posts above still unable to use roll templates on the production server after your changes the other day.  Here's what the console has to say about it when a roll button is depressed... Nic B. You sir are a hero, unfortunately I think they've just finished merging all pull-requests before I could do an update to fix it.  So now my users have to wait a week to use the sheet properly again thanks to YET ANOTHER UNANNOUNCED CHANGE that goes completely contrary to their own documentation on these so-called "fixes". Please roll20, use your dev server to test this stuff at least then we sheet developers can react BEFORE our users lose use of the sheets.  It looks really bad on the sheet author when our sheet stops working since most users have no idea about these ongoing issues with the new enhancements.  I don't mind looking bad for my own mistakes, I loathe looking like a fool due to others' mistakes that I can't immediately fix. Thanks, Chuz In one of the CSE posts, which I can't find at the moment, it states that sheet- is still required in the HTML and CSS because it interacts with chat.

Edited 1617383523
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Edit: As of 13:00 EST 2021-04-02 roll20 has merged in the latest pull-requests AND more importantly fixed the roll template issue they introduced on Tuesday 2021-03-30. Actually they said nothing was changing with roll templates, the sandbox automatically added sheet- to ALL classes prior and after the enhancements it only continued to add sheet- to roll templates.   Tuesday it stopped doing that. Per Nic B's suggestion I tried adding sheet- to the beginning of all of my roll template classes and BINGO it all works.   So roll20 changed the rules and didn't bother to tell us.  There's no way =I= could have changed the roll template html code on Tuesday since they haven't done pull-requests since LAST Tuesday (until a few hours ago). This is why I'm a bit livid about this. Chuz Edit: The first post in this entire thread is where they said roll templates weren't changing. David said: Chuz said: Nic B. said: Hi Chuz, I found a chance to do some testing on this: I think that there's a good chance that for, whatever reason, it's being swallowed because of the lack of a 'sheet' prefix in your roll template class name. I created a tiny test here that, I think, should demonstrate the issue. I can't imagine why this is suddenly an issue, or why it's different on dev, but maybe it will help! :) Chuz said: Good thought, there's an error but nothing I can fix ... @Roll20 - As per my 4 posts above still unable to use roll templates on the production server after your changes the other day.  Here's what the console has to say about it when a roll button is depressed... Nic B. You sir are a hero, unfortunately I think they've just finished merging all pull-requests before I could do an update to fix it.  So now my users have to wait a week to use the sheet properly again thanks to YET ANOTHER UNANNOUNCED CHANGE that goes completely contrary to their own documentation on these so-called "fixes". Please roll20, use your dev server to test this stuff at least then we sheet developers can react BEFORE our users lose use of the sheets.  It looks really bad on the sheet author when our sheet stops working since most users have no idea about these ongoing issues with the new enhancements.  I don't mind looking bad for my own mistakes, I loathe looking like a fool due to others' mistakes that I can't immediately fix. Thanks, Chuz In one of the CSE posts, which I can't find at the moment, it states that sheet- is still required in the HTML and CSS because it interacts with chat.

Edited 1617336574
Has anyone figured out how to fix this? I was updating my sheet and all my roll buttons have the dice icon. .txt-btn{ Background: ghostwhite; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black; } button[type="roll"].txt-btn:before{ content:''; } button[type="roll"].txt-btn{ text-align: bottom; vertical-align: top; box-shadow: 0px; height: 20px; border: 0px solid darkred; margin: 0px 0px 2px 1px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 10px 0px 5px 0px; padding: 0px 2px 0px 2px; } David said: This doesn't work with the new sanitation on the development server with a custom sheet or sandbox. button.sheet-text_roll[type=roll]::before {         content: " ";     background-image: none; } nor this  button.sheet-text_roll[type="roll"]::before {         content: " ";     background-image: none; } It does work when [type=action] and [type=roll2] and probably anything else except type=roll.  

Edited 1617351773
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
If you're using the new sanitization rules (i.e. "Legacy": false), you have to get a lot more explicit with the CSS I'm finding.  To remove the die icon on roll buttons I had to put the class of the container the button is in.  So, for example... HTML <div class="sheet-functions">     <button class="topbuttons fearButton" type='roll' name='roll_fearCheckRoll' title="@{fearCheckRoll}" value='formula'>😱</button> </div> CSS . functions button [ type = roll ] . fearButton :: before { content : '' ; }

Edited 1617434540
Sheet Author
A dam S. said: Has anyone figured out how to fix this? I was updating my sheet and all my roll buttons have the dice icon. As per Finderski but if you have other buttons on the sheet without a convenient class around them you can use .charsheet instead. .charsheet button[type=roll].text_roll::before {         content: " ";     background-image: none; } Then again .charsheet may go the of way .tab-content
Thank you both.  Adding .charsheet before my type"roll" buttons text in CSS fixed the issue. I had to do it before all of them to make the formatting change also. Sheet is almost 100% updated to the new sanitization rules.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Adam S. said: Sheet is almost 100% updated to the new sanitization rules. Famous last words :D

Edited 1617394897
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Edit: I celebrated too early, they broke it again less than 3 hours later *Sigh* As of 13:00 EST 2021-04-02 roll20 has merged in the latest pull-requests AND more importantly fixed the roll template issue they introduced on Tuesday.  I doubt they're even reading this thread anymore but if they are, thanks for fixing it. Thanks, Chuz
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Andreas J. said: I f you had kept versioning and splitting up branches to keep the bugfixes separate from the new features, you would have had easier to do a partial update. But it's easy for me to speak with hindsight, I just haven't worked on any sheets during this chaos. *shrug* You are absolutely correct. At my day time work I have to do this All the time, but I rather enjoyed having a single branch when working on Roll20.  Guess i have to be more professional in My spare time *shrug*
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Peter B. said: You are absolutely correct. At my day time work I have to do this All the time, but I rather enjoyed having a single branch when working on Roll20.  Guess i have to be more professional in My spare time *shrug* Ooof, right back at me. I only kinda follow my own advice, but OTOH I usually create things in smaller increments, and these last 3-4 weeks have been the most chaotic for sheet devving... But if it saves from heartburns, might be worth it. I sure as hell am going to so with the current situation when I pick things up again.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Well, that lasted all of 3 hours.  It's broken again, same situation.  I'm done, not going to waste any more of my time until roll20 can at least keep us up to date and consider using their own dev server.  This is ridiculous. A) No communication here on the official thread B) Opening help tickets as they ask us to do, NO RESPONSES C) Silent changes that break things D) Not using their own dev server E) no way to get emergency fixes to cover for their broken things merged into the working codebase so users aren't waiting the entire weekend and then more on a holiday weekend to be able to play the game. This is ridiculous. Chuz Chuz said: As of 13:00 EST 2021-04-02 roll20 has merged in the latest pull-requests AND more importantly fixed the roll template issue they introduced on Tuesday.  I doubt they're even reading this thread anymore but if they are, thanks for fixing it. Thanks, Chuz
Sheet Author
Chuz said: Well, that lasted all of 3 hours.  It's broken again, same situation.  I'm done, not going to waste any more of my time until roll20 can at least keep us up to date and consider using their own dev server.  This is ridiculous. A) No communication here on the official thread B) Opening help tickets as they ask us to do, NO RESPONSES C) Silent changes that break things D) Not using their own dev server E) no way to get emergency fixes to cover for their broken things merged into the working codebase so users aren't waiting the entire weekend and then more on a holiday weekend to be able to play the game. This is ridiculous. Chuz Chuz said: As of 13:00 EST 2021-04-02 roll20 has merged in the latest pull-requests AND more importantly fixed the roll template issue they introduced on Tuesday.  I doubt they're even reading this thread anymore but if they are, thanks for fixing it. Thanks, Chuz THIS... ;-(
Now the Concentration API is broken!! It was working this morning. Then mid game it started crashing and takes down all my other APIs! STOP CHANGING *#$% !!!!!
Mothership (Tuesday Knight version) are borked, too.
The past couple of weeks have been pretty rough. If you haven't, I encourage you to take a look at our blog post about it: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . As the post mentions, we'll be updating the community in more detail soon, but I'd like to specifically apologize to sheet authors as you've been affected more than many other users. One of the things we identified as potentially contributing to the site's instability was the external service we created last year to handle character sheets. We pushed out a change last weekend to essentially turn off most of the features of that service. Among other things, this disabled the automatic updates for sheets whenever a pull request is merged. Getting this service turned back on is my top priority. I spent last week refactoring the code around character sheets to address the issues it was causing. We deployed these changes yesterday (Friday). Unfortunately, when the traffic increased we found a problem with my changes that didn't show up in our testing environments. We attempted to fix these issues, but eventually decided that we had to prioritize site-wide stability going into the weekend, and we rolled the changes back. I'm personally extremely disappointed that we were unable to get these changes out. This continues to be my top priority going into next week. I want to also apologize for the lack of communication to sheet authors in particular. I will do better about keeping you updated with our progress, and I will attempt to get these changes out to the dev server as soon as possible.

Edited 1617470461
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
There are a few (one I know of because I posted it) pull-requests that were put up just after we realized the sheet- issue was causing roll templates to not display.&nbsp;&nbsp; Is there any way those can be merged in prior to Tuesday? If you need detailed data such as console logs and such let us know not every sheet author knows everything but amongst us we might be able to crowd source the bug data collection if nothing else. Good luck and thanks for the update, Chuz Nathanael W. said: The past couple of weeks have been pretty rough. If you haven't, I encourage you to take a look at our blog post about it: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . As the post mentions, we'll be updating the community in more detail soon, but I'd like to specifically apologize to sheet authors as you've been affected more than many other users. One of the things we identified as potentially contributing to the site's instability was the external service we created last year to handle character sheets. We pushed out a change last weekend to essentially turn off most of the features of that service. Among other things, this disabled the automatic updates for sheets whenever a pull request is merged. Getting this service turned back on is my top priority. I spent last week refactoring the code around character sheets to address the issues it was causing. We deployed these changes yesterday (Friday). Unfortunately, when the traffic increased we found a problem with my changes that didn't show up in our testing environments. We attempted to fix these issues, but eventually decided that we had to prioritize site-wide stability going into the weekend, and we rolled the changes back. I'm personally extremely disappointed that we were unable to get these changes out. This continues to be my top priority going into next week. I want to also apologize for the lack of communication to sheet authors in particular. I will do better about keeping you updated with our progress, and I will attempt to get these changes out to the dev server as soon as possible.
Chuz said: There are a few (one I know of because I posted it) pull-requests that were put up just after we realized the sheet- issue was causing roll templates to not display.&nbsp;&nbsp; Is there any way those can be merged in prior to Tuesday? We discussed this, but ultimately decided that, given how the past couple of weeks have gone, we won't be able to get this out over the weekend. Because the character sheet service is turned off, updating sheets right now would require a full website deploy, and we'd rather not attempt that right now when we have weekend traffic. Again, I'm sorry for how this has impacted your sheets. I can't guarantee anything time-wise, but I'll make sure these fixes go out the next time we push out an update.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Nathanael W. said: Chuz said: There are a few (one I know of because I posted it) pull-requests that were put up just after we realized the sheet- issue was causing roll templates to not display.&nbsp;&nbsp; Is there any way those can be merged in prior to Tuesday? We discussed this, but ultimately decided that, given how the past couple of weeks have gone, we won't be able to get this out over the weekend. Because the character sheet service is turned off, updating sheets right now would require a full website deploy, and we'd rather not attempt that right now when we have weekend traffic. Again, I'm sorry for how this has impacted your sheets. I can't guarantee anything time-wise, but I'll make sure these fixes go out the next time we push out an update. Keep this level of communication up and you might just salvage some of your reputation. I am being serious. Silence is a killer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Fair enough, thanks for the response at least we have a little more idea of what's going on. Chuz Nathanael W. said: Chuz said: There are a few (one I know of because I posted it) pull-requests that were put up just after we realized the sheet- issue was causing roll templates to not display.&nbsp;&nbsp; Is there any way those can be merged in prior to Tuesday? We discussed this, but ultimately decided that, given how the past couple of weeks have gone, we won't be able to get this out over the weekend. Because the character sheet service is turned off, updating sheets right now would require a full website deploy, and we'd rather not attempt that right now when we have weekend traffic. Again, I'm sorry for how this has impacted your sheets. I can't guarantee anything time-wise, but I'll make sure these fixes go out the next time we push out an update.

Edited 1617500064
Forum Champion
Add "Remove from Macro Quick Bar" to context menu: Roll20 please add "Remove from Macro quick Bar" in the Right-Click context menu along with (Rename, Choose Color). This will improve the GUI accessibility of this feature (an alternative to the drag-and-release to remove from macro quick bar). Can we get "Remove from Quick Bar" added here? Analyzer said: Please feel free to share your feedback and ask questions!
David M.
API Scripter
Ooh, Gold's suggestion would be nice! That macro bar can be pretty finicky at times when trying to drag the button away.
+1 to Gold's suggestion! Also, I am assuming this is related to the sheet changes... all sheet-based roll templates are missing in the chat archive. Default templates remain. The screenshot below is from the chat archive for a game using the 5e Official sheet. Experiencing the same for my games with the Pathfinder Second Edition Official and Pathfinder Official sheets.
Chuz said: Fair enough, thanks for the response at least we have a little more idea of what's going on. Chuz Nathanael W. said: Chuz said: There are a few (one I know of because I posted it) pull-requests that were put up just after we realized the sheet- issue was causing roll templates to not display.&nbsp;&nbsp; Is there any way those can be merged in prior to Tuesday? We discussed this, but ultimately decided that, given how the past couple of weeks have gone, we won't be able to get this out over the weekend. Because the character sheet service is turned off, updating sheets right now would require a full website deploy, and we'd rather not attempt that right now when we have weekend traffic. Again, I'm sorry for how this has impacted your sheets. I can't guarantee anything time-wise, but I'll make sure these fixes go out the next time we push out an update. We were able to get a sheet update out a little while ago, hopefully this helps as we continue to work on a more permanent solution.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Is anyone going to respond to this issue? Finderski said: @Analyzer Any update on this?&nbsp; Scott C. said: So, a bug that I don't think has been mentioned about the CSE is that the sheet sandbox now switches to the bio/info tab every time you reload code. It's really annoying to constantly have to reselect the character sheet tab...this was working prior to the enhancement update.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Nathanael W. It got my emergency fix code into the production server and my work-around for the sheet templates not automatically prefixing 'sheet-' to the classes for roll templates anymore is working. However I just removed that and tested and the actual issue is unresolved.&nbsp; So here are the two things I'm seeing, maybe they can help. 1) Roll Templates prior to the last few weeks needed to be class="myClass" and then in the css you had to style it as .sheet-myClass because the roll-templates would be rendered with class="sheet-myClass".&nbsp;&nbsp; When the updates went in a few weeks ago we were specifically told NOT to change sheets because that behavior would not change.&nbsp;&nbsp; Last Tuesday that changed, now sheet roll templates retain their class="myClass" so if the css is set up for .sheet-myClass suddenly nothing works.&nbsp;&nbsp; This will present as roll templates that just don't show up (my symptom on the Shadowrun Sixth Edition sheet), or just wonky only semi-styled sheets (maybe I have no example of this). &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For the interested reader (sheet author) my work around as suggested previously was to manually add sheet- to my html roll templates.&nbsp; I went one further and have one roll template the old way and one the new way just in case things flip flop. 2) Something is awry with translations.&nbsp;&nbsp; I noticed since the roll template issue that some translations just don't show up, if I look at the translation.json on the master repo they are there but they just don't work on the live sheet.&nbsp;&nbsp; If I manually put all of the current codebase into a custom sheet (no legacy sanitization) then everything works fine.&nbsp; Something wonky seems to be happening when things are deployed maybe?&nbsp; Worst case scenario for this for my sheet has been ugly [translationhere] red text where it should be styled and presented properly.&nbsp;&nbsp; At least the sheet is still usable. If I can provide any more tests / data / whatever please let me know I'm happy to help you to help us all. Chuz Nathanael W. said: Chuz said: Fair enough, thanks for the response at least we have a little more idea of what's going on. Chuz We were able to get a sheet update out a little while ago, hopefully this helps as we continue to work on a more permanent solution.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
The translations issue I was experiencing (documented above) seems to have sorted itself out for now. Chuz
Just to keep you all updated, we rolled out the changes from Friday again this afternoon. I have good news and bad news on this front. The bad news is that we had to revert these changes again. We found that this caused some minor issues with tokens. We've since found and resolved those issues after rolling back to the previous version, but decided again not to risk another deploy because of increased site traffic at the time. The good news is that we didn't see the same issues we had on Friday, and everything went very smoothly aside from the token issues. This is definitely a step in the right direction, we expect to have this change fully deployed tomorrow morning. In addition to re-enabling automatic sheet updates, this change should resolve a lot of the issues you all are reporting in this thread. I will post again in this thread when the changes are deployed so that we can start figuring out which issues still remain. Again, I'm sorry for how these changes have affected you and we're continuing to work hard to fix things as soon as possible.

Edited 1617830993
Sheet Author
Thanks for the update Nathanael! Curious, "we expect to have this change fully deployed tomorrow morning."&nbsp; Will pull requests for character sheets also get a merge tomorrow or will it be next week?

Edited 1617832102
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Hah, you all are giving me a complex, I post that something got fixed and you roll it back every time.&nbsp; It's obviously something about me posting that it's fixed, I'm cursed! Cursed I say! Thanks for the update Nathanael W., hopefully things can settle down again soon, Chuz
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Looking forward to a more stable environment! Fingers crossed!&nbsp;
Just wanted to let you all know that most of the features of the external character sheet service have been re-enabled. We're still monitoring things as we go into higher traffic times, but for now it's looking good! Hopefully many of the issues you all have been encountering are already solved by this update, but please let us know here which ones remain! Thank you all for your patience!
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Thank you for fixing the sandbox. :)
Now the interface is randomly not allowing me to close an NPC sheet after editing.
Hi Douglas, Are you able to PM me the name of the game where you're seeing this issue?
Sheet Author
There seems to be an issue with trying to use nested roll queries when using the new CSEs: &nbsp;CSE mode &lt;button class="roll-show btn ui-draggable" type="roll" title="Secure an Advantage Move" name="roll_secureAnAdvantage" value="&amp;amp;{template:ironsworn_moves} {{header=@{character_name}}} {{name=Secure an Advantage}} {{action=[[{d6+?{Stat|Edge,@{edge}|Iron,@{iron}|Heart,@{heart}|Shadow,@{shadow}|Wits,@{wits}|God Stat - Devotant,?{God Stat|0}|Essence - Invoke,?{Essence|0}}+(?{Modifier|0}),{10}}kl1]]}} {{negate1=[[1+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{negate2=[[2+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{negate3=[[3+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{negate4=[[4+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{negate5=[[5+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{negate6=[[6+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{challenge1=[[d10]]}} {{challenge2=[[d10]]}} {{momentum=[[@{momentum}]]}} {{modifiers=[[?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{add=[[(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{stat=[[?{Stat}]]}}"&gt;&lt;/button&gt; Legacy mode &lt;button class="sheet-hide-element btn ui-draggable" type="roll" title="Secure an Advantage Move" name="roll_secureAnAdvantage" value="&amp;amp;{template:ironsworn_moves} {{header=@{character_name}}} {{name=Secure an Advantage}} {{action=[[{d6+?{Stat|Edge,@{edge}|Iron,@{iron}|Heart,@{heart}|Shadow,@{shadow}|Wits,@{wits}|God Stat - Devotant,?{God Stat&amp;amp;#124;0&amp;amp;#125;|Essence - Invoke,?{Essence&amp;amp;#124;0&amp;amp;#125;}+(?{Modifier|0}),{10}}kl1]]}} {{negate1=[[1+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{negate2=[[2+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{negate3=[[3+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{negate4=[[4+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{negate5=[[5+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{negate6=[[6+?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{challenge1=[[d10]]}} {{challenge2=[[d10]]}} {{momentum=[[@{momentum}]]}} {{modifiers=[[?{Stat}+(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{add=[[(?{Modifier|0})]]}} {{stat=[[?{Stat}]]}}"&gt;&lt;/button&gt; The parser seems to be removing the :&nbsp; &amp;amp;#124;&nbsp; and converting it back into a |.&nbsp;&nbsp;

Edited 1618180834
Sheet Author
As per a few other posts above... I also think there may be an issue with how the CES update parses sheet roll macros. Here's a simple roll that works fine in Legacy mode: &lt;button type="roll" name="roll_ability_check1" value="/w &amp;quot;@{selected|character_name}&amp;quot; Roll: [[1d20]]"&gt;Ability Check&lt;/button&gt; but it fails in CES mode: Unrecognized command: /w I think the embedded quotes are causing a conflict with the roll20 that breaks the macro. Perhaps it is converting to a double quote when the sheet loads which causes the value to be something other than what was coded. As a test/workaround, I was able to create an attribute called quote with a value="&amp;quot;" Substituted "&amp;quot;" with @{quote} in the macro above and it works. &lt;input type="text" name="attr_quote" value="&amp;quot;" style="display:none;" /&gt; &lt;button type="roll" name="roll_ability_check1" value="/w @{quote}@{selected|character_name}@{quote} Roll: [[1d20]]"&gt;Ability Check&lt;/button&gt; Seems buggy.
Has it already been reported on the 5e sheet that some characters stats received insane bonuses? One of my players had a Con bonus of I think 20,000? She loved the update and said you should make more. I manually fixed it in the attributes stating that she hadn’t yet unlocked the CRISPR artifact.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Another Bug/Issue I can't drag roll buttons from the sheet to the Quick Macro bar if the button is from a repeating section. :(
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
TheWebCoder said: Has it already been reported on the 5e sheet that some characters stats received insane bonuses? One of my players had a Con bonus of I think 20,000? She loved the update and said you should make more. I manually fixed it in the attributes stating that she hadn’t yet unlocked the CRISPR artifact.&nbsp; That's a bug with the 5E sheet which have reared it's heads several time, and is a rare bug I've first heard about well over a year ago. It might be the old bug still and unrelated to CSE. Any 5E sheet related bugs is best reported in the 5E sheet megathread anyway.

Edited 1618246564
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
I have a strange issue that may not be related to CSE since it's not something I've thought to test until now ... I have a repeating block that regardless of which roll button I drag from it always fires the same one.&nbsp; The macro call from the button changes and points to the right identifiers but it always fires the same button.&nbsp;&nbsp; To make it even stranger this only occurs with one of the many repeating blocks on the sheet and for the life of me I can't figure out what's different. Here's the repeating block, the button that fires every time is "Cracking" regardless of which button was dragged off... As you can see, different ids for both of these buttons, the left one is for the Perception roll button, the right one is for the Cracking roll button. When clicking the left one (Perception) it shows this in the chat bar when you use the up-arrow, but it actually fires the Cracking button ... %{Franz Ord|repeating_skills_-MQXggvcmncDNN05MbI4_skill} When clicking the right one (Cracking) it shows this in the chat bar when you use the up-arrow and it actually fires the correct (Cracking) button... %{Franz Ord|repeating_skills_-MWLOwi7gYovbtOKdhIT_skill} The Firefox element inspector shows the following for the Perception button... &lt;button name="roll_skill" class="skill btn ui-draggable" type="roll" value="@{gm_toggle} &amp;amp;{template:rolls}{{mod=[[@{modifiers_toggle}]]}}{{wound=[[@{wounds_toggle}]]}}{{edge=[[@{edge_toggle}]]}}{{header=@{character_name}}}{{base=@{name}}}{{dice=[[((@{rating}+@{attribute}+@{mod})+@{wounds_toggle}+@{modifiers_toggle}+@{edge_toggle})d6&gt;5@{explode_toggle}]]}}{{desc=@{notes}}}{{wilddie=[[@{wild_die}d6]]}}" data-characterid="-MLrguuchvB4DbejgZDs/repeating_skills_-MQXggvcmncDNN05MbI4_skill"&gt;&lt;span name="attr_name"&gt;Perception&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/button&gt; And this is what it shows for the Cracking button that is fired... &lt;button name="roll_skill" class="skill btn ui-draggable" type="roll" value="@{gm_toggle} &amp;amp;{template:rolls}{{mod=[[@{modifiers_toggle}]]}}{{wound=[[@{wounds_toggle}]]}}{{edge=[[@{edge_toggle}]]}}{{header=@{character_name}}}{{base=@{name}}}{{dice=[[((@{rating}+@{attribute}+@{mod})+@{wounds_toggle}+@{modifiers_toggle}+@{edge_toggle})d6&gt;5@{explode_toggle}]]}}{{desc=@{notes}}}{{wilddie=[[@{wild_die}d6]]}}" data-characterid="-MLrguuchvB4DbejgZDs/repeating_skills_-MWLOwi7gYovbtOKdhIT_skill"&gt;&lt;span name="attr_name"&gt;Cracking&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/button&gt; In the grand scheme of things I'm very new to sheet development but I don't see anything that indicates why this should be firing the wrong roll button. Just to be clear, the roll buttons function fine when clicked on the sheet, this is specific to when they're dragged from the sheet to the macro bar.&nbsp; The issue can be seen on this game on the dev server here <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; Character Franz Ord, Skills area on the left side of the sheet towards the bottom on the "Skills" tab. Thanks in advance for any insight, Chuz
Sheet Author
Have we made any traction on the parser (and/or other) issues brought up since the "re-rollout" of the CES update? Thanks

Edited 1620449104
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Bug:&nbsp;Newly-dropped characters now must fully resolve before closing the window Since this change went live I have been helping a lot of folks suffering from a common bug. Newly-dropped characters now must fully resolve before closing the window. If you close it too early, the process stops, including token assignment. (If you have an incomplete monster due to this, you must delete or rename it before trying to drag in a fresh one. The Compendium will not overwrite an identically named monster, to preserve local modifications.). Many users have reported broken monsters with incomplete stat blocks or missing tokens. Here is one such thread , though there are others. Before this change, the character sheet would finish forming in the background even after the window was closed. Additional Reports: [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ]

Edited 1618478403
I'm having a perpetual loading screen issue for all my characters and NPC's in my current games. I am still able to make my rolls in a roundabout way through D&amp;D Beyond, but it's slowing down our sessions since it takes 45 seconds to a minute to show up on Roll20 (not sure if that is my internet or another issue). It was much faster when I could make the rolls from the Roll20 character sheets that I can no longer access due to the loading screen that never ends.
Sheet Author
there is probably also a problem with "grid-template-areas"?
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Tealk said: there is probably also a problem with "grid-template-areas"? I haven't noticed any problems with the sheet I converted to CSE, apart from maybe needing to be more specific with the CSS calls. Either wrap your whole sheet in an extra wrapper class, or add .charsheet in to the CSS file in front of stuff that doesn't work currently. charsheet div.grid-skill{ display: grid; gridtemplate-areas: "stuff otherstuff";