I have a strange issue that may not be related to CSE since it's not something I've thought to test until now ...
I have a repeating block that regardless of which roll button I drag from it always fires the same one. The macro call from the button changes and points to the right identifiers but it always fires the same button. To make it even stranger this only occurs with one of the many repeating blocks on the sheet and for the life of me I can't figure out what's different.
Here's the repeating block, the button that fires every time is "Cracking" regardless of which button was dragged off...

As you can see, different ids for both of these buttons, the left one is for the Perception roll button, the right one is for the Cracking roll button.

When clicking the left one (Perception) it shows this in the chat bar when you use the up-arrow, but it actually fires the Cracking button ...
%{Franz Ord|repeating_skills_-MQXggvcmncDNN05MbI4_skill}
When clicking the right one (Cracking) it shows this in the chat bar when you use the up-arrow and it actually fires the correct (Cracking) button...
%{Franz Ord|repeating_skills_-MWLOwi7gYovbtOKdhIT_skill}
The Firefox element inspector shows the following for the Perception button...
<button name="roll_skill" class="skill btn ui-draggable" type="roll" value="@{gm_toggle} &{template:rolls}{{mod=[[@{modifiers_toggle}]]}}{{wound=[[@{wounds_toggle}]]}}{{edge=[[@{edge_toggle}]]}}{{header=@{character_name}}}{{base=@{name}}}{{dice=[[((@{rating}+@{attribute}+@{mod})+@{wounds_toggle}+@{modifiers_toggle}+@{edge_toggle})d6>5@{explode_toggle}]]}}{{desc=@{notes}}}{{wilddie=[[@{wild_die}d6]]}}" data-characterid="-MLrguuchvB4DbejgZDs/repeating_skills_-MQXggvcmncDNN05MbI4_skill"><span name="attr_name">Perception</span></button>
And this is what it shows for the Cracking button that is fired...
<button name="roll_skill" class="skill btn ui-draggable" type="roll" value="@{gm_toggle} &{template:rolls}{{mod=[[@{modifiers_toggle}]]}}{{wound=[[@{wounds_toggle}]]}}{{edge=[[@{edge_toggle}]]}}{{header=@{character_name}}}{{base=@{name}}}{{dice=[[((@{rating}+@{attribute}+@{mod})+@{wounds_toggle}+@{modifiers_toggle}+@{edge_toggle})d6>5@{explode_toggle}]]}}{{desc=@{notes}}}{{wilddie=[[@{wild_die}d6]]}}" data-characterid="-MLrguuchvB4DbejgZDs/repeating_skills_-MWLOwi7gYovbtOKdhIT_skill"><span name="attr_name">Cracking</span></button>
In the grand scheme of things I'm very new to sheet development but I don't see anything that indicates why this should be firing the wrong roll button.
Just to be clear, the roll buttons function fine when clicked on the sheet, this is specific to when they're dragged from the sheet to the macro bar. The issue can be seen on this game on the dev server here https://app.roll20dev.net/join/53118/d-n9Tw Character Franz Ord, Skills area on the left side of the sheet towards the bottom on the "Skills" tab.
Thanks in advance for any insight,