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Spell points issue for DND 5e character sheet.

When I enabled the spell points option in the general options on the character sheet, the cost values are out of alignment with their actual values, i.e. 1st level displays a cost of 3, 2nd level displays a cost of 5,3rd level displays a cost of 6, 4th level displays a cost of 7, 5th level displays a cost of 9, 6th level displays a cost of 10, 7th level displays a cost of 11, 8th level displays a cost of 13, and 9th level displays a cost of (blank). Almost all the players in my games use spell points and it's starting to get a bit annoying as some of my players are forgetting that the string is wrong and overcharging themselves. I believe the problem is that it is counting the cantrip block as the first line in the pattern
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