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Kelfecil's Tales - Bug Reporting


Edited 1716547095
Marketplace Creator
Hello everyone and thank you for checking out my products! This thread&nbsp; will serve as a bug reporting page for anyone who purchases &nbsp; Kelfecil's Tales Products &nbsp;and finds any bugs or errors in them. Unfortunately, there are some bugs that are just things that Roll20 as a platform causes and I cannot really help with fixing them. It is advised to submit a ticket with Roll20 in order to get your platform-specific problems solved. Other than that, you can of course e-mail me at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and I will try my best to help you get all the information and content you need to get your purchased module running. Please follow the following format when sending an e-mail about a technical issue. Name of the Product. SCREENSHOT WITH PROOF YOU HAVE THE MODULE (not proof of purchase, creators cannot track individual purchases on Roll20) Issue Report. &nbsp; A description of the issue, bug, or error you have found. Thank you so much for checking out our products on the Roll20 marketplace and I will do my best to assist you with any issues you might have with any of them! ~Kelfecil
Name of the Product: Toxic Haze Issue Report: I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I have just downloaded Toxic Haze, and the hideout map is just showing as white spaces, it doesn't have to nice map shown in the pictures of the product description. I thought at first it was a 'lightning issue', but now I think the map just hasnt downloaded properly? Please help

Edited 1618946758
Marketplace Creator
EDIT: Reason for the bug happening has been found. The module has been updated and the Roll20 team has been e-mailed for an update on the module. There is also a new map and a whole extra act added to the module to make up for the inconvenience. staples87 said: Name of the Product: Toxic Haze Issue Report: I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I have just downloaded Toxic Haze, and the hideout map is just showing as white spaces, it doesn't have to nice map shown in the pictures of the product description. I thought at first it was a 'lightning issue', but now I think the map just hasnt downloaded properly? Please help Hey Staples87, There is a known issue on Roll20 about some pages bugging out and not showing (it is usually the starting page). Can you see the tokens or the other things on the hideout page at least? Is it just the map missing or is it completely blank? Feel free to privately message me about this as well by the way as I would really like to fix the problem with it. ~Kelf
Hello, Name of the Product: Toxic Haze Issue Report: I am having the same issue as Staples87. The tokens are loading fine, the dynamic lighting is in place, however, the map for the hideout is a broken link. It looks as if it was removed from the library. I've tried recreating the game a few times and nothing has worked. Any help is appreciated.

Edited 1619145320
Marketplace Creator
EDIT: The Roll20 team has replied to my request to fix the module and it should now be working fine without any issues. You will also find an extra map as well as an extra act to play through in Toxic Haze. Andrick said: Hello, Name of the Product: Toxic Haze Issue Report: I am having the same issue as Staples87. The tokens are loading fine, the dynamic lighting is in place, however, the map for the hideout is a broken link. It looks as if it was removed from the library. I've tried recreating the game a few times and nothing has worked. Any help is appreciated. Hey Andrick! Thankfully, we have solved the situation and found the root of the problem. It's apparently a bug with Roll20 that the initial page at the top bugs out, so when creating a new module, you have to delete it and start on new ones just to avoid that. I have fixed this and already sent an e-mail to the Roll20 team about it. The bug will be fixed soon (hopefully in less than a week) and you will be able to see everything properly! On top of that, I also added some extra stuff just in the addon (extra map + extra act) to make up for the confusion and the delay with the proper delivery of the product. Thank you for leaving a comment and some feedback about this! ~Kelf
Name of the Product: Festival of the lost Issue Report: Same issue as the above but on a different module.&nbsp;

Edited 1620529238
Marketplace Creator
EDIT: Roll20 was quick to respond on this one and the bug has already been fixed! Denny said: Name of the Product: Festival of the lost Issue Report: Same issue as the above but on a different module.&nbsp; Thanks for the report. Sent an e-mail to have it fixed as soon as possible. (Hopefully, this immensely annoying bug will be fixed by Roll20 one day...) Please check your PMs in the meantime.

Edited 1620356343
Thanks! I LOVE the concept and the story behind it. Excited to run it for some friends. Kelfecil said: Denny said: Name of the Product: Festival of the lost Issue Report: Same issue as the above but on a different module.&nbsp; Thanks for the report. Sent an e-mail to have it fixed as soon as possible. (Hopefully, this immensely annoying bug will be fixed by Roll20 one day...) Please check your PMs in the meantime.
Name of the Product: Library of Stars Issue Report: Same issue as other reports the gm level tokens and dynamic lighting appears, but there is no map for a specific page ( Athenaeum of Void) .
Marketplace Creator
Nathan B. said: Name of the Product: Library of Stars Issue Report: Same issue as other reports the gm level tokens and dynamic lighting appears, but there is no map for a specific page ( Athenaeum of Void) . Let's see how many times I will have to send things back for fixing. :') The best part is that it's not even happening to everyone as I know people that have purchased it and did not have that issue. Please know that I will keep trying my best to stay on top of this and help anyone with any issues they are having. Please check your Inbox on Roll20 Nathan. And thank you for reporting this!

Edited 1620772705
Name of the Product: Library of stars Issue Report. Same issue as Nathan B Athenaeum of void is missing. awsome module tho. :)
Marketplace Creator
Filip b. said: Name of the Product: Library of stars Issue Report. Same issue as Nathan B Athenaeum of void is missing. awsome module tho. :) Hey! Of course you have the same issue, damn it :').... Thanks for letting me know Filip! Please check your inbox on Roll20 so that I can help you out real fast. ~Kelf

Edited 1620986112
Name of the product: Battle At Ship's End Issue Report: The Map of the Village for act1 and act2 is not coming up on my pages toolbar, while the other images are including the map of Act 3. I need this for a game this evening so was wondering what is best to do. Thanks.
Marketplace Creator
Alexicon said: Name of the product: Battle At Ship's End Issue Report: The Map of the Village for act1 and act2 is not coming up on my pages toolbar, while the other images are including the map of Act 3. I need this for a game this evening so was wondering what is best to do. Thanks. This seems to be a very hard to random bug at this point, since you're the first one I've read that had this issue. Check your inbox please and we can try to fix this super fast.
Name of the Product: Library of stars Issue Report: &nbsp; Same as Nathan B and Philip B. The map of&nbsp; Athenaeum of void is missing. Still i'm excited to run this module.
Marketplace Creator
Andhika G. said: Name of the Product: Library of stars Issue Report: &nbsp; Same as Nathan B and Philip B. The map of&nbsp; Athenaeum of void is missing. Still i'm excited to run this module. Please check out your inbox! And sorry to hear that. Lots of people asking me about this, I have already sent out an e-mail to fix it :|
Sorry, same issue as above but for Act 1 and 2 of Ship's End
Marketplace Creator
Chris R. said: Sorry, same issue as above but for Act 1 and 2 of Ship's End Hey Chris, Thank you for bringing this to my attention.Please check your private messages on Roll20. ~Kelf
Hey there - also having the same issue with the Athenaeum of Void map, it appears to be missing : )
Marketplace Creator
Margaret said: Hey there - also having the same issue with the Athenaeum of Void map, it appears to be missing : ) Check your Roll20 PMs please. :)
Name of the Product:&nbsp; Library of Stars Issue Report: &nbsp; The map of&nbsp; Athenaeum of void is missing.
Name of the Product.: Library of Stars Issue Report. &nbsp; The map of&nbsp; Athenaeum of void is missing. But it's very interesting adventure, i think.
Marketplace Creator
syaollama . said: Name of the Product.: Library of Stars Issue Report. &nbsp; The map of&nbsp; Athenaeum of void is missing. But it's very interesting adventure, i think. Thank you for reporting this. It seems to be a common issue for everyone with this module. We have contacted Roll20 and will be fixing this bug for everyone soon. In the meantime, please check your PMs so that we may assist you with getting the map-missing problem sorted!

Edited 1623793832
Name of Product: The Lost King Issue Report: Acts 1 and 4 maps not loading, and NPC and enemy character sheets are empty. Looking forward to running it when fixed!
Marketplace Creator
Bazookabeard said: Name of Product: The Lost King Issue Report: Acts 1 and 4 maps not loading, and NPC and enemy character sheets are empty. Looking forward to running it when fixed! Thank you for the report Bazookabeard! (Please also check your inbox for a message from me.) The Roll20 team has been notified already about this issue (as soon as I saw your report) and are working on solving the issue. There was also some kind of issue with one of the maps on Library of Stars which for some reason wouldn't appear no matter what we tried, but we are resolving that now.
I purchased Lost king and the maps for Act 1 and Act 3-4 are not working and only show tokens. Maybe I am doing something wrong....
Marketplace Creator
trigetwarlock said: I purchased Lost king and the maps for Act 1 and Act 3-4 are not working and only show tokens. Maybe I am doing something wrong.... Nothing wrong with what you are doing! There is a known bug on that module and many other ones (not just my own). The module is being investigated by the Roll20 team since the last report. They are investigating various bugs that are happening with multiple modules in order to avoid future problems like this one. In the meantime, please check your inbox on Roll20!
Aeromancers Lair Just purchased it and can't find any details on the module.&nbsp; I can see the map.&nbsp; The tokens are loaded, as well as the numbered ones on the GM layer.&nbsp; I can move those around but there is no information in them (alt+double click just brings up the token options)&nbsp; And there's no information in the Journal either. Seeing the numbers makes me think there is supposed to be some details/directions/explanation that goes along with the map; and that's kinda what I wanted from the purchase.&nbsp;
Marketplace Creator
Eddie said: Aeromancers Lair Just purchased it and can't find any details on the module.&nbsp; I can see the map.&nbsp; The tokens are loaded, as well as the numbered ones on the GM layer.&nbsp; I can move those around but there is no information in them (alt+double click just brings up the token options)&nbsp; And there's no information in the Journal either. Seeing the numbers makes me think there is supposed to be some details/directions/explanation that goes along with the map; and that's kinda what I wanted from the purchase.&nbsp; Thank you for letting me know about this. I have contacted Roll20 about this and they will be working to fix it soon. There was a similar issue with another module (Lost King) which we had to fix the exact same way due to a bug that makes things not appear properly. In the meantime, feel free to e-mail me at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> with proof of your purchase (in-game picture or the receipt) and I will gladly send you the maps and the PDF so that you can add them manually and be ready to play it.
Name of the Product:&nbsp; Dungeon Tale: Necromancer's Lair &nbsp; Issue Report. &nbsp; Dungeon map does not load, but Dynamic Lighting is set correctly. Tried reinstalling it and reopening the Game, did not help :/
Marketplace Creator
Leo the Grand said: Name of the Product:&nbsp; Dungeon Tale: Necromancer's Lair &nbsp; Issue Report. &nbsp; Dungeon map does not load, but Dynamic Lighting is set correctly. Tried reinstalling it and reopening the Game, did not help :/ Hey Leo, thank you for your feedback on this. I will contact the Roll20 team and let them know about it. In the meantime, could you please check your private messages on Roll20 so that I can assist you with the map. ~Kelf
I have the same issue with the map as well.
Marketplace Creator
william a. said: I have the same issue with the map as well. Hey William, thanks for reporting it. Please check your inbox on Roll20.
I am having the same map issue with Necromancer's Lair
Marketplace Creator
D'Artagnan C. said: I am having the same map issue with Necromancer's Lair Thank you for letting me know about this! I assure you that the Roll20 team has been poked more than once about this already so that nobody else has to suffer from the same bug. In the meantime, please check your inbox please D'Artagnan.
Name of the Product:&nbsp; Library of Stars Issue Report: &nbsp; The map of&nbsp; Athenaeum of void is missing. Guess it still isn't fixed?
Marketplace Creator
Matthew P. said: Name of the Product:&nbsp; Library of Stars Issue Report: &nbsp; The map of&nbsp; Athenaeum of void is missing. Guess it still isn't fixed? If you are saying this today, then unfortunately no. :( I put in a bug report with Roll20 so that they check it out again and also replied to your e-mail with the maps! Thanks for reaching out about this.
I am having the same issue,&nbsp;The map of&nbsp;Athenaeum of void is missing.
Marketplace Creator
Patrick M. said: I am having the same issue,&nbsp;The map of&nbsp;Athenaeum of void is missing. Hey Patrick! Please send me an e-mail at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and I'll get it sorted out for you.
Hi! I've just purchased your Festival of the Lost model for 5E and the two maps within it are not showing up on map assets. I'm a new DM to roll20 and just wondering if maybe I did the installation wrong or if it's a bug?
Marketplace Creator
Kiba said: Hi! I've just purchased your Festival of the Lost model for 5E and the two maps within it are not showing up on map assets. I'm a new DM to roll20 and just wondering if maybe I did the installation wrong or if it's a bug? Hey there Kiba, It is indeed a bug, you did nothing wrong with installing it if you see everything else. I apologize for the inconvenience. I can help you out directly by providing both the maps if you do not mind e-mailing me at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Thank you for reporting this.
Hey i have just added Let Void Conquer to my game and all of the Npcs done have their Stat blocks just the art. can ya help me out
Marketplace Creator
Logan D. said: Hey i have just added Let Void Conquer to my game and all of the Npcs done have their Stat blocks just the art. can ya help me out Although this could be a bug, I would first make sure you did not miss adding the 5E system to your game when you made it. Try making a new game/world with D&amp;D 5E as the selected system and add the adventure add-on again.
Wizards cabin Im not sure if im doing something wrong but, i cant find the abilities for enemies in their stats, and i dont know what to do.
Marketplace Creator
DuckInCape said: Wizards cabin Im not sure if im doing something wrong but, i cant find the abilities for enemies in their stats, and i dont know what to do. Did you make a game with the D&amp;D 5e system? If you did and you are still having problems then please send me an e-mail with a screenshot at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
Name of Product: Death's Rider Maps River INN and Village night, are gone.&nbsp; They come up as a broken image in Roll20, Though the dynamic lighting is still there.&nbsp;
Marketplace Creator
SSTEELRAT said: Name of Product: Death's Rider Maps River INN and Village night, are gone.&nbsp; They come up as a broken image in Roll20, Though the dynamic lighting is still there.&nbsp; That's quite unfortunate that you are getting this kind of bug. I tested it before posting it and it seemed fine. Please e-mail me at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and I will send you the map files directly so that you can upload them yourself for your game in just a few seconds. :)
Name of the Product: Library of Stars Issue Report: Same issue as other reports the gm level tokens and dynamic lighting appears, but there is no map for a specific page ( Athenaeum of Void) .
Name of the Product. Sinister Secrets Issue Report. I can't seem to find a link to the music file. I can see that a link is available within the Pateron PDF - but seemingly none on the Roll20 version.
Name of Product: Death's Rider Issue Report: See below I am also experiencing this SSTEELRAT said: Name of Product: Death's Rider Maps River INN and Village night, are gone.&nbsp; They come up as a broken image in Roll20, Though the dynamic lighting is still there.&nbsp;