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Graveyard of Empires: The Islands of Curabel


  • AD&D 1e (w. OSRIC as supplemental reference)
  • Wednesday Nights, 8pm EST (UTC -5); Weekly
  • G+ Hangout with Voice and Roll20 app


We've had one-hundred and six four hour sessions now and things have been going really well. There are currently four regular players. The party currently consists of a dwarven fighter, a human druid, a monk, and a half-elf magic-user. There are also a number of hirelings accompanying the party. We are currently looking for one more player.

About the Game

A sandbox style home-brewed sword-and-sorcery campaign (with a dash of science fantasy) set on a tropical archipelago. Characters can choose to embroil themselves in current intrigues or explore the islands’ layers of ruined empires—both recent and long dead. Player guide & House Rule documents are available for those interested in more background (see links below).

Note: I enjoy the die roller/macro functionality of the Roll20 app. However, I do not intend to use onscreen maps or character figures (except maybe to depict marching order in the latter case). Combat and exploration will be “theater of the mind” and players will need to listen carefully to DM descriptions to imagine the various locales and respond effectively to challenges.

Campaign Player Guide:
Campaign House Rules:

About the DM

I played AD&D 1e and 2e for years during the eighties and nineties before taking time off (school, family, and career). In recent months, I’ve joined a couple of 1e/2e games utilizing G+ hangouts and Roll20 as a player and had some very good experiences. In the heyday of my gaming life, though, I was my group’s designated DM and would now like to attempt running a game again. I’m told I was rather good at it, but past experience is no guarantee of future performance and some allowance should be made for rustiness.

About My Ideal Players

  • Same level/lack of maturity as myself; not necessarily a similar age (late 30s, if that matters to you)
  • Capable of finding motivation in a campaign without being presented a pre-canned narrative
  • Enjoy making randomly generated characters work more than crafting perfectly optimized PCs
  • Easy-going but ready to “buy in” and invest their full attention during game sessions
  • Comfortable with Old School style play (DM rulings vs. rules, possibility of TPKs, etc.)

Allowed books: AD&D 1e PHB, DMG, MMs, FF, and selections from D/WSGs; no UA. OSRIC 2.0 will be allowed for reference.

Want to join this game? Make a post in the discussion forum below and let the GM know!

12 Players (1 Open Slots)

Listing Discussion

  • 9 q
  • 192 E
Last Post
1512606604 by Aaron W.
  • 3 q
  • 13 E
Last Post
1531316576 by Craddoke
  • 2 q
  • 10 E
Last Post
1516059738 by Seth W.
  • 2 q
  • 8 E
Last Post
1515808743 by glen b.
  • 3 q
  • 17 E
Last Post
1515628306 by Craddoke
  • 1 q
  • 7 E
Last Post
1515628252 by Craddoke
  • 1 q
  • 8 E
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1515628219 by Craddoke
  • 1 q
  • 11 E
Last Post
1515628184 by Craddoke
  • 1 q
  • 13 E
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1515628165 by Craddoke
  • 1 q
  • 5 E
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1515628145 by Craddoke