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Hoard of the Dragon Queen - 5E Adventure

### ::WHO::

A quick little bit about me: I go by teronism professionally. I've been roleplaying for about 14~ years now, mostly through text via Play-by-post forums, IRC and the like. I got started with the campfire and freeform improv type 'games', later moving on to Dungeons and Dragons as a storytelling catalyst. The story is ultimately my main interest in TTRPGs, so most often I take a more rules-light approach to GMing than some GMs I've played with, going for narration over mechanics when I see fit. I've been DMing for around 5~ years now and my preferred style of game-running is Theatre of the Mind with a focus on collaborative narration, so I'm looking for players who are as eager to engage in a similar group experience.


There are no requirements on familiarity with any of the systems used. There is a requirement that you be comfortable with making up a story and character, sharing ideas and improvising collaboratively, and having some experience with roleplaying is always good.

  • As I am a storyteller, the rule of cool applies here. If it's cool, cinematic and epic chances are I will allow it. I adhere to the spirit of the law insofar as it keeps the story good - but some rules are meant to be broken. I routinely (in my own play) ignore rules in favor of story and thematic penalties I didn't technically need to take if it makes for more engaging story-writing down the line.

And because I want there to be no miscommunication:

  • Sexist, racist, or otherwise offensive remarks and opinions being espoused, or offensive behavior towards other players at any point will result in ejection.
  • Murder hobo'ing, meta-gaming, and being overly vulgar just for the heck of it, are all big no-no's.
  • More generally, don't be a creep. Act responsibly.
  • If I, in any capacity, ever offend or make anyone uncomfortable, or don't handle an issue that arises in a way that you feel encourages your continued participation please let me know.

And then, of course, I want us to all get along. Hopefully, we will, but no way to know until we've met!

The CAMPAIGN Premise ::


Setting: [The Realms] - a fantasy world setting, described as a world of strange lands, dangerous creatures, and mighty deities, where magic and supernatural phenomena are quite real.

Premise: Hoard of the Dragon Queen

In an audacious bid for power, the Cult of the Dragon, along with its dragon allies and the Red Wizards of Thay, seek to bring Tiamat from her prison in the Nine Hells to Faerûn. To this end, they are sweeping from town to town, laying waste to all those who oppose them and gathering a hoard of riches for their dread queen. The threat of annihilation has become so dire that groups as disparate as the Harpers and Zhentarim are banding together in the fight against the cult. Never before has the need for heroes been so desperate.

ϟ ღ:: # of Players: 4-6 total

::Payment and Scheduling::

The Session Zero of the campaign is completely free and will go over the world setting, any questions about the game itself, character creation, and other campaign related errata. Some or all of the Session Zero might be done via text chat over Discord/Slack/Hangouts, etc. depending on player preferences and availability.

The first session of the game is to be paid at the end of the session if you enjoyed the start of the game and intend to continue playing. Payment can be done through Paypal or Zelle.

Subsequent games must be paid up-front within 24-hours of the game's start. We run games on a Three-strikes policy: if you refuse to or fail to pay in advance of a session, your character will be NPC'd for a maximum of three sessions and then will be removed from the story.

If you need to miss a session for whatever reason and give forewarning, you will not incur strikes and can resume play again at your earliest convenience.

The scheduled time is not approximate. If the assembled group has a preference for another time and day collectively, something can be worked out from my end as I have a fairly open work schedule. Bi-Weekly games are also an option!

Want to join this game? Make a post in the discussion forum below and let the GM know!

Listing Discussion

  • 7 q
  • 188 E
Last Post
1663173794 by GentlemanJym
  • 0 q
  • 15 E
Last Post
1638907302 by Exhumator