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Cha'alt via Cremza'amirikza'am

This is going to be a short, 90-minute demo / playtest session. 18+ (there will be sexy times) and text only!!!

The campaign setting is Cha'alt - eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalypse.

I'm not only trying out a new initiative system for Crimson Dragon Slayer, but also the first glimmer of my upcoming megadungeon Cremza'amirikza'am, as well as being the last open playtest of Cremza'amirikza'am for awhile.

I'll be using my own old-school house-rules or "hack" called Crimson Dragon Slayer D20 (the PDF is free on DriveThruRPG):

Have a question, please ask!


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3 Players (4 Open Slots)

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1639334360 by VS
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1639323853 by VS
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1639317985 by VS
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1639317942 by VS
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1639255852 by VS