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Ascendant Madness

t Member since 07/28/15 \/ G GM of 11 games \/ 7136 Hours Played \/ 34 Forum Posts

I've been playing and DMing for more than 2 decades, beginning with the original Red Box D&D and going so far as to writing my own tabletop system (mostly to get my fix when I couldn't find a group of people to actually play any RPG's:( ). As a DM I tend to be more about off the cuff stylings but do abide by official rulesets for mechanical reasons and if you argue with me, remember, I can make life hell for your character... Feel free to message me if you're looking for players or possibly even a DM. Don't really know what else to put here except "Play more games!"

Enjoys Playing
AD&D ( 1st Edition and 2E ), D&D 5E, GURPS, Other Games, Pathfinder, World of Darkness ( Vampire, Werewolf, Mage... )
Actively Seeking Group For
Burning Wheel, D&D 5E, Dragon Age RPG, GURPS, Other Games, Yogsquest