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Talley Darkstar

t Member since 01/29/13 \/ G GM of 5 games \/ 272 Hours Played \/ 65 Forum Posts

I've been playing RPGs for 25 years, Original World of Darkness, Star Wars D6, Tales of the Floating Vagabond, Robotech, FFG Star Wars, D&D 4th Edition, Warhammer Fantasy, Shadowrun, and various indie games. Currently, I'm one of the GMs to our group's Will of the Force campaign as well as player, using FFG's Star Wars rpg rules. I have been looking to get into more games with other GMs out there to play different games. While I love Star Wars rpgs, knowing how strict the licensing aspects are for everything Star Wars related, finding something where the company wants to include what their individual communities want is a strong reason I want to branch out.

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