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John "No Skype" Doe

t Member since 03/01/13 \/ G GM of 2 games \/ 6389 Hours Played \/ 3647 Forum Posts

I have experience with at least the following systems, maybe more:

Anima Beyond Fantasy
Beyond The Supernatural
Big Eyes Small Mouth
DC Heroes
Dragon Mech
Dungeons and Dragons 2nd
Dungeons and Dragons 3rd
Dungeons and Dragons 3.5
Hasbro's Combat Resolution Miniatures System "Fourth Edition" (I refuse to call it D&D!)
Lots of d20
Fading Suns
Fantasy Flight (Star Wars with funny dice)
Gamma World
Heroes Unlimited
Legend of the Five Rings
Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition
Savage Worlds
West End D6 Star Wars
Warhammer 40000 Deathwatch
Old World of Darkness
New World of Darkness

I have more than 3000 total hours of experience playing various roleplaying games but I would like to play more Mutants and Masterminds Third Edition. My mic works, Tokbox functions, discord grudgingly accepted, text-only perfectly acceptable. I like Warframe, Gamers Haven City of Angels podcast, video game speed runs, seventh sanctum, many kinds of music, twisty puzzles and the Legend of Zelda games that were not handheld. I would like to play Mouse Guard or Burrows and Bunnies too. I signed up for to get into a weekly Mutants and Masterminds Third Edition superheroes game.

Super Hero looking for Team Up!
Human Fighter looking for party!
Anathema fugitive looking for circle!
Troll Street Samurai looking for next paycheck!
Xesto gunslinger looking to travel the stars!

Enjoys Playing
Exalted, Mutants and Masterminds, Pathfinder
Actively Seeking Group For
Mutants and Masterminds