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chris b.

Sheet Author
API Scripter
t Member since 03/24/13 \/ G GM of 10 games \/ 2540 Hours Played \/ 1657 Forum Posts

Playing since the Red Box and AD&D 1E. By day: C#/MSSQL/SharePoint developer, by night: CSS/HTML/javascript contributor to Pathfinder character sheet. GMd for the past year but as of Sept 2016 taking a break and just playing for awhile.

Mosty I support the Pathfinder Character Sheet, and some API scripts. But mostly the Pathfinder sheet, which is a part time job.

Feel no need to, but supporting me helps pay for my subscription here as well as testing tools.

Enjoys Playing
Call of Cthulhu ( Any Edition ), D&D 5E, Pathfinder