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Grand Maître Chat

Marketplace Creator
t Member since 08/21/16 \/ G GM of 6 games \/ 20319 Hours Played \/ 161 Forum Posts

My love for rpgs started with games like Baldur's gate and Neverwinter nights but I soon found my way into the wonderful world of tabletop gaming. I have been DMing and making maps for the last 12 years, and have been creating art and writing stories for much longer than that.

"The voices are already in my head, we may as well put them in character."

Enjoys Playing
Aventures, Call of Cthulhu ( Any Edition ), Conan, Cyberpunk 2020, D&D 3.5, D&D 4E, D&D 5E, Dragon Age RPG, Fallout, Final Fantasy RPG: 3rd Edition, Halo Mythic, Harry Potter, Jojo's Bizarre Tabletop, Pendragon, Le Donjon de Naheulbeuk, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Marvel Saga, Mothership, Mutant: Year Zero, Mutants and Masterminds, Paranoia, Pathfinder, Pathfinder Second Edition, Pokemon ( Tabletop United, Adventure ), Seven Deadly Sins, Shadowrun ( Any Edition ), Star Trek Adventures, Star Wars ( Edge of the Empire, SAGA... ), Starfinder, Stargate SG 1, The Witcher, Warhammer ( Fantasy, 40k, Wrath & Glory...), World of Darkness ( Vampire, Werewolf, Mage... ), d20 Modern