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Critical Tavern

Marketplace Creator
t Member since 02/23/18 \/ G GM of 37 games \/ 6556 Hours Played \/ 70 Forum Posts

Welcome to Critical Tavern!
Come join our gaming community on discord for new game announcements! Send me a private message here and I will send you an invite :)
If you are interested in joining a game or want to hire me to run a game for you feel free to send me a private message as well.

I've been playing TRPGs for 9 years now and have been a GM for 6 years. Most of my experience is in 5e games, but I want to branch out and start GMing all types of systems.

If you are interested in me running anything for you, let me know. I'll buy the materials and prep it.

Enjoys Playing
Blades in the Dark, D&D 5E, Kids on Bikes