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Mike C.

t Member since 08/16/14 \/ G GM of 11 games \/ 835 Hours Played \/ 19 Forum Posts

Roleplayer since '87 (wargamer since '76), played and GMed lots of things, was a founder member of WARPS at UCC, regular at WARPCON, married a gamer, bred gamer kids, pipesmoker, whiskey drinker, I put the old and the fogey into old fogey! More into narrative and character based games than hack'n'slash, not interested in rules lawyering. Lives and works in Ireland, so time zone is GMT

Enjoys Playing
D&D 5E, GURPS, Pathfinder
Actively Seeking Group For
D&D 5E, FATE ( Core, Accelerated, Dresden Files... ), GURPS, Savage Worlds ( Deadlands: Reloaded, Evernight... )