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Create Greater Undead

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A much more potent spell than Animate Deadthis evil spell allows you to infuse a dead body with negative energy to create more powerful sorts of undead: shadows, wraiths, spectres, and devourers. The type or types of Undead you can create are based on your Caster Level, as shown on the table below.

Caster Level Undead Created
15th or lower Shadow
16th-17th Wraith
18th-19th Spectre
20th or higher Devourer

You may create less powerful Undead than your level would allow if you choose. Created Undead are not automatically under the control of their animator. If you are capable of commanding Undead, you may attempt to Command the Undead Creature as it forms.

This spell must be cast at night.


Casting Time
1 hour
V, S, M (a clay pot filled with grave dirt and an onyx gem worth at least 50 gp per HD of the undead to be created)
Cleric 8, Sorcerer/wizard 8
Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Saving Throw
Necromancy [evil]
Spell Resistance
One corpse
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