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UDL 1.0 Updates, Bugs, & Feedback


Edited 1621634461
To expand upon that slightly.  Here's explorer mode vs non explorer mode for 30, 50, and 80%.  Pretty much, if the GM controls a token with vision, it's highlighted.  Otherwise it dims.  With explorer mode, the dimming has additional translucence.  Which... seems like it's probably just a bug and shouldn't be there.  I would probably argue that we shouldn't need to enable vision on our monsters in order to see them too - but it's at least acceptable when explorer mode is turned off. Normal: Explorer Mode: This is a GM-only issue.  For all 6 of those examples, the player sees exactly the same thing:
Wow Sean, this is a really good example! Yes I experience the same as well. Explorer mode is what does it and I soldier on through because I love the functionality. But if this could be changed that would be grand.
keithcurtis said: How are you testing this? I ran a game last week with Explorer Mode, and although Ctrl-L didn't show much other than gray, the player experience was flawless. Try testing with a  Dummy Account . I was actually having a player test it. There is no gray at all. neither when i ctrl+L, nor for the player. When they move around, whatever they leave behind that was in their field of vision before, just becomes black, instead of being greyed out.
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At this point in time, I wouldn't bother even figuring Ctrl-L into testing. It's just not accurate at all, even for its state purpose of just checking Line of Sight. It might be helpful to post screen shots of page and token settings. Did you try the Dummy Account method? That's really the best and fastest way to check DL, IMO.
Just to chime in, I can confirm I am also struggling with the explorer mode transparency. I find explorer mode to be a really good feature, and my players love it. But it's really hard to make out my tokens sometimes against the background due to the added transparency. And setting up proper vision and darkvision on all my enemies is a huge time investment that I frankly can't take right now. Could I get a confirmation that the transparency is not intended and will be looked at? I don't mind waiting, I'd just like to know if it's actually a bug and not a feature. Mainly so that I can decide if I should take the plunge to fix the vision on them all. PS: Amazing visualization Sean!
keithcurtis said: At this point in time, I wouldn't bother even figuring Ctrl-L into testing. It's just not accurate at all, even for its state purpose of just checking Line of Sight. It might be helpful to post screen shots of page and token settings. Did you try the Dummy Account method? That's really the best and fastest way to check DL, IMO. Why would i need to test it with a Dummy Account if i literally tested it with my player? A player account without GM acces, and the player told me he had the same problem. Does a dummy account change anything if a player account has the same problem in that case?
Am still seeing some sporadic issues with some players vision just completely going black. Haven't been able to reliably reproduce it. It also doesn't always apply to all players, just specific ones, even though they all have similar sight.  Switching tokens from Token to GM layer or vice version sometimes causes it. Or implementing a change in light generation for a token.  Usually can resolve it by turning off UDL completely and then turning it back on.
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Jugu said: keithcurtis said: At this point in time, I wouldn't bother even figuring Ctrl-L into testing. It's just not accurate at all, even for its state purpose of just checking Line of Sight. It might be helpful to post screen shots of page and token settings. Did you try the Dummy Account method? That's really the best and fastest way to check DL, IMO. Why would i need to test it with a Dummy Account if i literally tested it with my player? A player account without GM acces, and the player told me he had the same problem. Does a dummy account change anything if a player account has the same problem in that case? There shouldn't be any difference in the outcome. I recommend it as a matter of efficiency. With a Dummy Account, you do not have to wait upon the availability or patience of another person, and you eliminate the possibility of miscommunication or misunderstandings. It's also faster, since you can see the results instantly and do not have to phrase questions and wait for answers. YMMV, of course.
keithcurtis said: Jugu said: keithcurtis said: At this point in time, I wouldn't bother even figuring Ctrl-L into testing. It's just not accurate at all, even for its state purpose of just checking Line of Sight. It might be helpful to post screen shots of page and token settings. Did you try the Dummy Account method? That's really the best and fastest way to check DL, IMO. Why would i need to test it with a Dummy Account if i literally tested it with my player? A player account without GM acces, and the player told me he had the same problem. Does a dummy account change anything if a player account has the same problem in that case? There shouldn't be any difference in the outcome. I recommend it as a matter of efficiency. With a Dummy Account, you do not have to wait upon the availability or patience of another person, and you eliminate the possibility of miscommunication or misunderstandings. It's also faster, since you can see the results instantly and do not have to phrase questions and wait for answers. YMMV, of course. I see. Ill try it out then, and see whats up. Thank you! Will see if i have issues after a few tests :)
Hello, I recently made some maps in roll20 using the UDL system. Upon loading players into this map, it spikes their firefox or chrome RAM usage into the 3-4 GB range with dynamic light on, even with Explorer mode turned off. Turning back to Legacy Dynamic Light fixed the problem, and upon going back and forth to attempt to find the reason, we discovered it. Using Updated Dynamic Light makes all my walls look like this: As you can see, instead of being straight lines, some weird, jagged vertex calculations are being done. This is, I presume, the source of the problem. All my dynamic lines are drawn using shift-click to perfectly align them to grids, and the lines are straight, with no lighting issues and no extra RAM consuming issues, under the Legacy Lighting System. It looks incredibly ugly and prevents me from using the UDL with any map whatsoever, as it occurs no matter what map or map size I do it to, after testing it with my players. The UDL system in general has caused me nothing but problems, with no improvements to my game QoL whatsoever. It has been nothing but an exercise in frustration every time I attempt to use it, on maps of any size. Help here would be appreciated, as if it weren't for the sunsetting being pushed back, I would suddenly have had no access to working dynamic light on game night. I've subscribed to Roll20 for years, and love the dynamic lighting tool, and the extra storage, but at this point I'm ready to just go back to using normal old fog of war and revealing by hand.
Things are *so* much better now with the nightvision fixes.
Sean!! I'm so glad to hear it. In case you don't know what Sean is talking about, today we released a fix so that animated tokens will no longer have a ghosting effect when you use Night Vision, along with some other improvements. This did mean that we have to say goodbye to Sharpen. RIP friend, you will be missed.  Let us know how it affects your games! Tormak.- Thank you for reaching out about this. I've escalated this to our Development team to take a look at. Jagged lines are their nemesis!  And an additional thank you to those who weighed in on the transparency token subject! All of this feedback will be passed to Development as well. Happy gaming! 

Edited 1621991579
Suddenly got this issue at the start of our session today. Emit Light works, but Nightvision does not, with all permutations of character token and map settings. This is for all players. Last session was 2 weeks ago, and the issue was not present until now. I've changed no settings since then. Nightvision not working Nightvision settings Emit Light Working Emit Light settings Page Settings
Alex said: Suddenly got this issue at the start of our session today. Emit Light works, but Nightvision does not, with all permutations of character token and map settings. This is for all players. Last session was 2 weeks ago, and the issue was not present until now. I've changed no settings since then. Nightvision not working Nightvision settings Emit Light Working Emit Light settings Page Settings Yep, this happened today with me too.  None of my players/customers could see from their tokens with night vision, I had to switch everyone to emitting low-light to see.
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Hmm. I experimented briefly with Chrome, using those settings and a  Dummy Account . It seemed to work just fine. I did notice that with sight turned off, the player tokens completely disappeared from player view, but beyond that, the DL worked. Is either of you using a different browser, or an extension that alters Roll20 base function?
I  also had the Nightvision issue above.
Hey friends!! I'm seeing this late at night, but please know that I'll be bringing this up with the Development team first thing in the morning! 

Edited 1622010768
Night vision has stopped working in my games as well, testing with a Dummy account and testing in both Firefox and Chrome. Additionally, moving the player and token to a new page causes light sources to behave as though the token has Light Multiplier at 200%; so far this happens only if it has night vision toggled on, but night vision doesn't actually work either way. Refreshing the page on the player side causes all light to vanish until the token is moved, after which the light appears normal; this happens whether or not night vision is toggled on. This behavior persists after multiple tests.
Many thanks Roll20 team, just in time for our next session :) Using Firefox 88.0.1, UDL on, GM opacity 35%, all other settings off Lulu - Vision On/ Nightvision On/ 60'/ Transparent Tint/ Nocturnal, other PCs same and bunched together, so could not see grid yesterday Feathers emits lowlight 5' Wist emits bright 5' Looks great to me, low light appears as bright to Lulu (or other 3 with nightvision) as per 5e rules, but switching to Wist or Feathers shows it as dim, grid plainly visible. Ice cream n smiles
All my tokens night vission stopped working last night but I have found a way to fix night vision you just need to click on the tint colour selection box on the token then night vision works again.
Thank you, Simon, I will very happily take the ice cream all for myself and share it. Thank you for the Night Vision reports! We're working on a fix now. In the interim, the workaround is to change the Night Vision tint colour to something else, save the settings, and then change it back to white (or whatever you'd like) and that will get the vision working again properly.
Alex said: Suddenly got this issue at the start of our session today. Emit Light works, but Nightvision does not, with all permutations of character token and map settings. This is for all players. Last session was 2 weeks ago, and the issue was not present until now. I've changed no settings since then. Nightvision not working Nightvision settings Emit Light Working Emit Light settings Page Settings The key seems to be that Emit Light only works when Explorer Mode is enabled; if you turn it off, Emit Light does exactly nothing. " Updated Dynamic Lighting now does as much and even more than our legacy system! " It really, really doesn't. I'm all for new features, and I honestly like a lot of the ideas you have, but pumping yourselves up over releasing something a year early is just... silly.
Afternoon folks! We've put out a fix for the issues you were encountering with Night Vision. It was an issue where tokens that had the default value set for their night vision tint (or no value was ever set) prior to Tuesday's update were not correctly revealing the map for that token. Check it out, and let me know if you're still having any problems! 
Hello, glad to see the updates to night vision, it'll be nice to see the grid again. I had a question about tint on night vision making tokens very difficult to see. I wanted to add a light gray tint to capture the grayscale aspect of darkvision, but it makes the other tokens on the map difficult to see. Here is a screenshot from my dummy test account. The character with the tint applied is the token with the green ring. The token with the red ring is next to the a light source (fire pit) and that token is pretty visible. The tokens right next to green ring are being seen through night vision and blend in to background a bit too much. Is there a way to apply the tint without affecting the tokens too much?  
Night Vision is working again! One bug to report, though. Dim light (including the edge of bright light) makes Night Vision darker again without the Nocturnal effect on. I could have sworn this was fixed previously so idk if the most recent changes somehow undid that fix?
I'm glad to see in this week's Change Log that the Nightvision blend is being worked on. I was having problems on my game, so I went to the game I'm DMing and saw it was a bit weird. The individual player's vision seems to be ok, but from my standpoint it's blinding. I've tried setting off and back on UDL on the map, but it shows the same. Moving the character tokens with the new Night vision setting did also not work. Any stuff I can try or just report and wait to get it fixed?

Edited 1622114384
edit: to poster above me; try changing night vision tint color - and reassigning default tokens. Then delete old tokens with night vision from page, and place the newly assigned ones. I posted separately re: a night vision issue - which I think should have been posted here - sorry I am rather new here :) Firstly, thank you to Bunny from the roll20 team for your swift response and the resolution of the issue (night vision tint became white instead of transparent). Secondly, for purposes of interest, user keithcurtis requested information on whether the tint was affected on ALL tokens (including NPCs) - whilst currently this seems to have been resolved and reverted, I do believe it was.

Edited 1622339406
Greetings Roll20 team, I am new to the client, and I quite like UDL. I just discovered the night vision tint feature, which I have utilized to make PCs with dark vision see in grayscale. This is fantastic! But my GM screen does not like it so much. The gray fields of vision distort every token they see on the GM screen unless there is a light source nearby. Here is a screen shot of my 3 PCs with dark vision near each other and some dead ghouls: And here is the same area, but with the fighter nearby. His token is shedding 20/20 from the light  spell he has on his shield. Clearly, the tint feature is the culprit. I like how the GM can see the players' and monsters' FoV, but there is no reason the GM needs to see a token's vision tint. It looks like some users above are reporting a similar issue -- although it does not look exactly the same. I also see that several known issues involving night vision and tint are queued. I love the idea of making players with dark vision realize why I constantly tell them that even creatures who can see in the dark generally prefer to see normally. Thanks, and keep up the great work!   Edit. The distortion only occurs on my MacBook (I use Firefox for Roll20). On a Windows machine, there is no distortion, but it would still be nice to be able to turn off the tinting effect for the GM.
i had an issue in my tuesday game where 3 players lost sight, and 3 others did not was the strangest thing. i didnt change a thing on the map they were on and the prior week it worked fine with no lag. im putting it on some sort of update.  i changed it to token emits light but now they can all see each other. ill mess with it tuesday.  It was odd because it only affected one map. i did delete a token asset that happened to have emit light turned on not sure if that was it? 
Explorer Mode Bug I know that the problems with Explorer Mode have been frustrating, with some people saying it works fine for them, and others saying it doesn't.  But I seem to have found a way to reproduce at least one bug at will.  The issue is that Roll20 forgets areas that have been explored.  The following example screenshots were taken with Firefox 88.0.1 64-bit with no extensions running. In this first shot, the token has fully explored the top level of the ship.  Notice that the area blocked by the mast is correctly shaded as explored but not currently in line-of-sight: In this second shot, the DM has moved the token to the second level of the ship.  Note that the entire first level is now correctly shaded as explored but not in line of sight. Before taking the third screenshot, I clicked off of the token to deselect it.  Note that the areas that were shaded in the first screenshot are now completely black; Roll20 has forgotten that they had been explored. The behavior isn't 100% consistent.  Sometimes I don't need to deselect the token to see this effect.  Sometimes it seems like it might also be triggered - or at least affected - by moving scroll bars, changing zoom levels, or simply the passage of time.  But regardless, explored areas eventually become unexplored and go black.

Edited 1622436724
I just paid for Roll20 Pro, to use Dynamic Lighting and API. Dynamic lighting does not work: Not even legacy. In my campaign, I have done the following: - Setting the page Dynamic lighting to on, update when token drop to on or off. - Creating a player character journal entry, using the characteromancer to finish a character sheet of DnD 5e, and assigning the control and edit capability to a dummy player account. - Creating a token for the entry, that says "represent the character", in the settings make it have vision, and assigning that token to the character entry. - Creating a light on the dynamic layer that has emit bright light 40ft, dim light 40ft. My player account sees nothing. Completely black screen. I tried giving it emit light: Nothing. I tried making it day mode: Nothing. It's like if roll20 does not even recognize that this is a player token. Turn off dynamic lighting: Ahh he can see! Then I tried Setting it to Legacy Dynamic lighting. Make the player token "Has vision" and "All players see light". When I do that, the player can see its own token. BUT as soon as I try to put it as "emit light", as in using the legacy version of emit light to say the token emits light as 40 20 360, it doesn't work. That's right. On my GM screen, I will see the updated light, like this: But if my player moves it, or if I refresh the page with my GM account, I get this: The settings in the LDL disappears. I tried refreshing the page on both accounts, it just does not work. It's like if Roll20 never actually acknowledges me changing the emitting light. I can't get LDL to work, and I can't get UDL to work either. No dynamic lighting works for my players. What is going on!? EDIT: Now, I went into one of my earlier games, which still had LDL. The LDL there worked fine, as expected. Got back to the game I am trying to set up, did not work. Tried doing "Exit Game" on both the dummy player, and my gm account, did not work. Then, I tried going into a map that I got, called "Random-Battle Volcano Cave". I'm not sure where I got it or what pack it's from. It's a map that came preset with walls and light sources. Got in there and the light would work, but not the emit light of the token. I then went into a third game, Lost Mines of Phandelver. It also had this same map, with preset lighting, but on UDL. Tried it there, invited my dummy account..... Everything worked. So I thought ok, is there something about my scripts or map maybe? I went back to the game I am trying to set up, and..... Everything works. For no reason. I am utterly confused.
I need help! Is there a limit to the amount of drawing you can do on the DL layer? When I draw a lot on some of the big, involved cave maps that I purchased on the marketplace, reaching a certain point causes a single pixel thick boundary to appear at a random angle. It extends in one direction across the entire screen, and light can't go through it. It's not game breaking or anything, but it's really annoying. Anybody run into this before?
Tony R.
Sheet Author
It looks like Dynamic Lighting settings have been moved under UDL settings, and enabling Dynamic Lighting shows this retirement message  which, in turn, links to this outdated  article on roll20s blog . Is there a new date set for the removal of legacy dynamic lighting?
Nicholas A. said: I need help! Is there a limit to the amount of drawing you can do on the DL layer? When I draw a lot on some of the big, involved cave maps that I purchased on the marketplace, reaching a certain point causes a single pixel thick boundary to appear at a random angle. It extends in one direction across the entire screen, and light can't go through it. It's not game breaking or anything, but it's really annoying. Anybody run into this before? I am having this same issue on my maps as well.
Thanks for the reply! I have just tried deleting, dragging new tokens and configuring them to no avail. Any color different to Transparent in Nocturnal setting does this. Saad said: edit: to poster above me; try changing night vision tint color - and reassigning default tokens. Then delete old tokens with night vision from page, and place the newly assigned ones. I posted separately re: a night vision issue - which I think should have been posted here - sorry I am rather new here :) Firstly, thank you to Bunny from the roll20 team for your swift response and the resolution of the issue (night vision tint became white instead of transparent). Secondly, for purposes of interest, user keithcurtis requested information on whether the tint was affected on ALL tokens (including NPCs) - whilst currently this seems to have been resolved and reverted, I do believe it was.
So the update to Dynamic Lighting on June 2nd removed ALL the lighting settings I had set for the tokens in my game. Why do this? Why remove all the setting we have already made to our tokens to enforce the UDL which does not work? Now I have to go back and revert back all the tokens I had preset with Legacy Lighting and redo them. Seriously, does anyone think about this stuff before pushing out updates that cause strife to your customers? Unbelievable.
Irondrake, apologies for the frustration; the update didn't remove the setting, it just moved it! Our Help Center documentation has been updated to reflect the change as well, hopefully that will help. None of your settings should have been lost, even with the need to confirm using LDL. And there is another update that all of you API users will want to check out! For those that had been having issues with jagged lines while using Explorer Mode ... uh, please give it another look. 😉 Thank you to everyone that has recent reports and questions, they've been passed along and we'll back to you.

Edited 1622784748
I can confirm that the June 2nd update got rid of previously set values for Legacy Dynamic Lighting, rather than merely moving where the LDL settings can be found. (Mac, Firefox.) [Edit: Spoke too soon! See below.] Tokens with vision became blind; tokens that emitted light no longer did; all tokens had LDL set to "Off." In my particular case, this was good, since I was in the process of switching to UDL anyway. For people who are still running their games on LDL, though, I can see how this was a significant an inconvenience. Edit: I played around a bit more, and it's not as bad as I thought from reading Irondrake's post. I did find that the LDL values were still recorded on the tokens after all (at least they were for me), but the update seems to have set LDL to "Off" on every token. Luckily, turning LDL on for one token also turned it on for the other tokens on the page, and new tokens dragged from the Journal to that page retained their LDL settings. Turning LDL "Off" again toggled off LDL for every token. I hope this information helps someone.
GM Account said: stuff I have been having the same issue where multiple tokens using UDL vision in the same area causes strange colors to appear. It stops whenever a light source is placed nearby, and only occurs on Firefox, not Google Chrome (I am running the latest version of each in these screenshots). I've also looked at the player's vision using Ctrl-L and these colors do not appear. In Firefox In Chrome
Is there a way to turn off the unsupported browser message? I got it, my browser doesn't support UDL, maybe.
Hayden D. said: GM Account said: stuff I have been having the same issue where multiple tokens using UDL vision in the same area causes strange colors to appear. It stops whenever a light source is placed nearby, and only occurs on Firefox, not Google Chrome (I am running the latest version of each in these screenshots). I've also looked at the player's vision using Ctrl-L and these colors do not appear. In Firefox In Chrome The issue you're seeing is because of overlap between multiple tokens set with Night Vision that uses a tint. It'll go away if their night vision radii aren't overlapping, or if you change the tint to be transparent instead of some other color (even white).

Edited 1622914022
[12 hours later to avoid the sarcasm] Logging in last night to find all the LDL settings hidden away and disabled, with *no warning* was incredibly frustrating.  The group ended up spending about 20 minutes floundering as we figured out why the screen was all black for half of us, playing with various settings.  Obviously the solution was simple, but only in hindsight.  And with everything buried behind... at least 6 clicks, it took a while to figure out. Making LDL more and more inconvenient is *not* good customer service.  Doing it when UDL is still bug-ridden is shooting yourself in the foot. Edit: Actual Live Example: I found myself perusing the Foundry channel on the PaizoCon Discord while writing this up.  I *hate* Foundry - it bothered me in almost every way the times I've experienced it.  And yet, if this is the treatment we're getting... 
I don't know but... Have any one adressed the problem of not saving the vision/night vision-Light settings for tokens? everytime we drop a token i need to configure it. Tokens with old LDL have the settings saved but if you change it don't save the status...
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Joe said: I don't know but... Have any one adressed the problem of not saving the vision/night vision-Light settings for tokens? everytime we drop a token i need to configure it. Tokens with old LDL have the settings saved but if you change it don't save the status... This sounds like no one is updating the default token. It's not automatic. Any changes made to the token require re-saving the default token for the changes to "stick". I have not encountered any issues personally with the UDL settings not persisting on the default token.

Edited 1623006364
What on earth just happened? All of my games have the legacy dynamic lighting disabled? Why? What made that seem like a good idea??? Now I get to go back through over a hundred games and figure out which of them was supposed to have dynamic lighting enabled in them. I could be spending more time preparing for my games, but no, instead I get to fix rooms that Roll20 purposefully broke ? This doesn't make me feel like you all like me very much. Having gone back through my first three pages of games or so, I'm seeing that the settings seem to have all been restored. Maybe? I have a lot of games and it's a fair amount of work to test all of them. But this isn't looking like the disaster that it appeared to be last night when multiple games all had the LDL disabled and I had to individually reenable it for every game. Thank you for not leaving us stuck trying to fix everything! Even so, this was not a great thing to discover. Could we please get an update as to what's going on and what the current status is? In other words, is everything is fine now and we don't need to check our existing games--or do I need to go and check my library of games to make sure they all work?

Edited 1623006823
Detailed description of the problem When adding "Low Light" to a token in the UDL layer, it adds bright light radius even if it is disabled Minimum number of steps to reproduce the problem add token to UDL > Enable UDL > add bright light 200 ft > disable bright light > add dim light (35ft) to token > end result is 235ft instead of 35ft (image below) Description of setup Google Chrome  Version 91.0.4472.77 (Official Build) (64-bit) Betond20  2.4.5 Windows 10
PSaad said: Detailed description of the problem When adding "Low Light" to a token in the UDL layer, it adds bright light radius even if it is disabled Minimum number of steps to reproduce the problem add token to UDL > Enable UDL > add bright light 200 ft > disable bright light > add dim light (35ft) to token > end result is 235ft instead of 35ft (image below) Description of setup Google Chrome  Version 91.0.4472.77 (Official Build) (64-bit) Betond20  2.4.5 Windows 10 Interesting.  A few more notes: - If you have values set for both bright and low and then disable bright, it's initially fine.  It only goes wrong if you subsequently adjust low. - As you're futzing with the value for low light, you get behavior in your screenshot.  Low Light Distance and Total Light don't match.  However, if you save the settings and close and reopen, The number in the low light distance box will have been updated to match the erroneous number from the total light box.

Edited 1623031828
Just guessing this is related to UDL, but the last couple of weeks my Sunday night games have had incredible lag.  I assume its a popular game time so I expect some lag, but I'm talking 5+ seconds for each click.  Trying to update the HP on a token was insane.  It slows everything down dramatically and makes the gaming experience far less fun.  You would think that Roll20 would provide some kind of a meter to show lag or delay time or whatever to get a better understanding of where the issues are coming from.  Even something as simple as "too many tokens on this screen, lag increased." Ideally playing through the official 5e modules they would be built in the most efficient way possible but that is simply not the case.  Seems like there is still a lot of work needed on UDL for it to perform serviceably. -Adam
I am uncertain, but it appears that my live campaign was "stealth converted" to UDL, despite recent assurances that this would not happen. The new interface indicates that LDL is not turned on, yet the tokens on the map have vision. I see there is a entry in the campaign settings that says "Convert Lighting" but I'm not clicking on it because I don't know what it will do. Has anyone else seen this?