Hey guys, I'm creating a sheet to submit, but I'm having trouble customizing the Roll template using CSE mode.I noticed that some people can customize Roll Templates without problems using CSE, so I went to investigate. ...and I discovered a very strange behavior. In my sheet's CSS, I was using the parameter "scroll-behavior" and when I remove it, magically my roll template is customized.It turns out that it's not enough just to put it as a comment, you have to DELETE it from the css. Investigating further I found that the prohibited term, even comment, is: "behavior" If there is this word in the CSS, under any circumstances, the Roll Template is not customized. Turns out my sheet uses Scroll-behavior, and I don't want to remove it. So I'm thinking about customizing the HTML directly, which in my tests worked. (but the web-designer in me turns on all the red alerts :( ) Is it normal behavior? Is there any way around this?