Hello API developers and enthusiasts! We have a number of exciting updates to the API for you to go over.
These additional keys have been long requested:
Bar Location - ‘bar_location’
Bar Styling - ‘compact_bar’
Play on Load - ‘jukeboxtrigger’
For Updated Dynamic Lighting, we have added support for the following:
Light Multiplier - ‘light_sensitivity_multiplier’,
Night Vision Effect - ‘night_vision_effect’
The following two keys are the same from the Legacy Lighting API but we thought it was worth mentioning again:
Update on Token Drop - ‘lightupdatedrop‘
GM Darkness Opacity - ‘fog_opacity’
And we made a lot of under the hood changes to UDL over the past few months so tokens should be able to update their light renders without the need to restart the page or use the key we added a few months back. So this is a notice that we will be deprecating the key
‘force_lighting_refresh’ in the upcoming months..
We’ve updated all of our Help Center articles to reflect these changes, so you can use those pages for reference.