PowerCards v 3.8.11 is on the Development GIST and Queued for OneClick - Also, PCMHelper Info
Version 3.8.11 contains a couple of bug fixes over 3.8.10. 3.8.11 is now on the development GIST and a pull request has been submitted to update the OneClick install system to this version.
In addition, I have submitted "PowerCards Macro Helper" to OneClick as well. PCMHelper 1.0.5 is up on the Develoment GIST and represents a large change from previous versions of the script.
For those unfamiliar, I have been working on a system that comes close to automating PowerCard generation for the 5E OGL character sheet, pulling information from NPC Actions, NPC Legendary Actions, PC Attacks, and PC/NPC Spells to create PowerCards that perform those actions without the need to create individual macros or manually update every PC, NPC, etc.
This system makes extensive use of the Templates system I implemented a few version ago, and I was able to add this system to a new Tomb of Annihilation game I've started running in just a few minutes.
I'll be making a video on setting up and using PCMHelper as soon as it is available on OneClick (hopefully Tuesday 2/19). While there are still improvements I wish to make to this system, it is very functional right now (I added it to the Tomb of Annihilation game I started running with only about 10 minutes required to get the whole thing in place, and that is without the OneClick install).
Currently, PCMHelper supports NPC Actions, NPC Legendary Actions, Player Attacks (anything in the central "Attacks & Spellcasting" section of the player character sheet), Cantrips, and spells level 1-9 including higher level slot casting.
There are a few requirements for PCMHelper:
- The game must be using the 5E OGL character sheet.
- The "Advantage Toggle" option must be set as the default for the sheet (Game Settings page)
- All PCs/NPCs that will use the macros must be in "Advantage Toggle" mode (note, if you add chatsetattr to your game, you can use the following command in the chat window to set all characters to advantage toggle:
!setattr --all --silent --replace --advantagetoggle|'{{query=1}} {{normal=1}} {{r2=\lbrak\lbrak0d20' --rtype|'\at{advantagetoggle}'
After installing the scripts, running !pcmsetup will create the necessary templates, replacements, and macros.
Any creature added to the game after PCMHelper is running will automatically be updated with the required attributes for the PCMHelper macros to function. For creatures already existing in the game when the system is added, it is necessary to select their tokens and run "!pcm" to create the initial attributes. If you have a relatively small game, you can try !pcmeverybody to attempt to update all of the characters in the game, but if you have too many your scripts will stop running because the system thinks you have an infinite loop. One of the updates I will be making in the future is a way to address this and queue up character updates to happen in the background.
This will all make much more sense visually, so I'll post back here when the video is uploaded.
I also wanted to note that I'm keeping these two scripts separate (instead of folding PCMHelper into PowerCards) because anyone not using the 5E OGL character sheet will have no use for PCMHelper. Instead of cluttering up APIs with something they don't need, I'm keeping it as an optional addon.