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[Script] PowerCards 3 (Thread 6)

January 21 (6 years ago)

Edited January 19 (4 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

PowerCards 3
Current One-Click Install Version : 3.8.16
Current Development Version: 3.8.17

Dev Source Link:

PCMHelper One-Click Install Version : 1.0.10
PCM Helper Development Version: 1.0
PCM Helper Source Link:
Previous Thread:

Attribute-Based Tags Demo Video:
Templates and Replacements Video:

PowerCards 101 Video Series on Youtube
    Part 1 - Installation and the Basics of PowerCards plus Inline Formatting
    Part 2 - Card Formatting
    Part 3 - Rolls, RollIDs, and Conditionals
    Part 4 - Chat Server Syntax and Roll Queries
    Part 5 - Audio and Video Effects

    Additional episodes are on the way...

NOTE: This post had grown too large to edit, so I've trimmed out the tag descriptions and most of the table-like structures. For documentation on these options, please visit the PowerCards Wiki Page. I will also keep this post updated with the current change logs from development.


I've created a new thread because something bizarre has happened to the old one. Anyone attempting to edit a post ends up pulling in someone else's post and losing their own. Hopefully this new thread will eliminate that issue.

January 21 (6 years ago)

Edited January 21 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author


to answer your question from the last thread - yes, roll query is toggled to Always roll advantage (in the campaign settings).

January 21 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

Kai said:


to answer your question from the last thread - yes, roll query is toggled to Always roll advantage (in the campaign settings).

That is likely the problem then. The PCM stuff requires the "Roll Queries" setting to be "Advantage Toggle", as that is what sets the rtype attribute to the things the replacements are looking for.

January 22 (6 years ago)

Edited January 22 (6 years ago)


First thanks to everybody who work on this script and to Ziterman for his youtube guides! Those helped me for my damage power cards.

I have an issue with a healing power card. I want it to heal a target but substract mana to the healer but the macro only alter the last bar:

The macro when i use "target" for both alterbar, It only substract to the bar 2:
!power {{
--emote|**@{selected|token_name}** Soigne @{target|character_name}
--name|Soins 2/4
--Soin:|[[ [$S] floor((@{selected|Soin}+(@{selected|Sagesse}/20)+0d0)*0.50)]]
--alterbar| alterbar1|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|1
--alterbar| alterbar2|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|2
--vfx_opt|@{target|token_id} burn-slime

it say: NPC spends 3 mana. but there is no heal

The macro when i Tried with"selected" for the mana bar only:
!power {{
--emote|**@{selected|token_name}** Soigne @{target|character_name}
--name|Soins 2/4
--Soin:|[[ [$S] floor((@{selected|Soin}+(@{selected|Sagesse}/20)+0d0)*0.50)]]
--alterbar| alterbar1|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|1
--alterbar| alterbar2|_selected|@{selected|token_id} _bar|2
--vfx_opt|@{target|token_id} burn-slime

it say: No attribute was found for @{selected|}

If i only use heal, it works.

I can't post jpeg for now but i will try later.

January 22 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Kurt J. said:

Kai said:


to answer your question from the last thread - yes, roll query is toggled to Always roll advantage (in the campaign settings).

That is likely the problem then. The PCM stuff requires the "Roll Queries" setting to be "Advantage Toggle", as that is what sets the rtype attribute to the things the replacements are looking for.

Thanks, Kurt.

That is too bad. Any chance this will change in future versions?

January 22 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

Torken said:

--alterbar| alterbar1|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|[^S]
--alterbar| alterbar2|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|2 _amount|-3

Any time you have multiple tags with the same name, you need to use the "same name" modifier or only one of them will execute. In the example above, you would need to do:

--alterbar*1| alterbar1|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|[^S]
--alterbar*2| alterbar2|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|2 _amount|-3

January 23 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

Kai said:

Kurt J. said:

Kai said:


to answer your question from the last thread - yes, roll query is toggled to Always roll advantage (in the campaign settings).

That is likely the problem then. The PCM stuff requires the "Roll Queries" setting to be "Advantage Toggle", as that is what sets the rtype attribute to the things the replacements are looking for.

Thanks, Kurt.

That is too bad. Any chance this will change in future versions?

Well... it would be possible by editing the PowerCard Replacements for Advantage and replacing it with:

Advantage:{{always=1}} {{r2=[[1d20|2d20kh1

But I don't really see that as being very desirable. It would end up having everyone hitting their targets quite a bit more, since advantage would always be used. The PCM system determines the result of the attack by comparing with the target's AC and reports damage if the attack succeeds. It has no way to know if the roller should actually have advantage or not without the Advantage Toggle setting.

January 23 (6 years ago)

Kurt J. said:

Torken said:

--alterbar| alterbar1|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|[^S]
--alterbar| alterbar2|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|2 _amount|-3

Any time you have multiple tags with the same name, you need to use the "same name" modifier or only one of them will execute. In the example above, you would need to do:

--alterbar*1| alterbar1|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|[^S]
--alterbar*2| alterbar2|_target|@{target|token_id} _bar|2 _amount|-3

It works perfectly, thanks!

here the macro:

!power {{
--emote|**@{selected|token_name}** Soigne @{target|character_name}
--name|Soins 2/4
--Soin:|[[ [$S] floor((@{selected|Soin}+(@{selected|Sagesse}/20)+0d0)*0.50)]]
--alterbar| alterbar1|_target|@{target||token_id} _bar|1
--alterbar| alterbar2|_selected|@{selected||token_id} _bar|2
--vfx_opt|@{target|token_id} burn-slime

January 27 (6 years ago)

Hi, I started using power cards. I have come across a issue I can't seem to get past however.

I am building macros for my players and I have some trouble with a particular one.

!power {{
--name|@{selected|character_name}'s Thunderwave
--leftsub|Attack Action
--rightsub|Ranged 15ft cube
--emote|A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from @{selected|character_name}
--!Spell:|~C**//Evocation Spell//**~C
--!Description:|~C**DC@{selected|spell_save_dc} ^^ //Constitution save//**~C
--!Attack|~C[[ [$Dmg]?{Spell Level|Level One, 1d8|Level Two, 2d8} + @{selected|wisdom_mod} [Wisdom Mod] ]] ^^ //thunder damage//~C
--target_list|@{target|t1|token_id} | @{target|t2|token_id} | @{target|t3|token_id} | @{target|t4|token_id} | @{target|t5|token_id} | @{target|t6|token_id} | @{target|t7|token_id} | @{target|t8|token_id}
--Saving Throw#?{Number of targets|1}|[[ [$Save] ?{ConSave|Normal, 1d20|w/Advantage, 2d20KH1|w/Disadvantage, 2d20KL1} + %%npc_con_save%% Constitution save %%token_name%% ]] from %%token_name%%
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit:|%%token_name%% takes **[^Dmg]** thunder damage
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit:|%%token_name%% takes **[^Dmg]** thunder damage and is pushed back 10ft

The last two lines will not show anything in the chat window. I have tried to refrence both the @{target|t1|token_id} and %%token_name%% charms.

I want to avoid a huuge macro with tons of lines to run checks for every target. Is there a better way of doing this?

January 27 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

Mads said:

Hi, I started using power cards. I have come across a issue I can't seem to get past however.

I am building macros for my players and I have some trouble with a particular one.

!power {{
--name|@{selected|character_name}'s Thunderwave
--leftsub|Attack Action
--rightsub|Ranged 15ft cube
--emote|A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from @{selected|character_name}
--!Spell:|~C**//Evocation Spell//**~C
--!Description:|~C**DC@{selected|spell_save_dc} ^^ //Constitution save//**~C
--!Attack|~C[[ [$Dmg]?{Spell Level|Level One, 1d8|Level Two, 2d8} + @{selected|wisdom_mod} [Wisdom Mod] ]] ^^ //thunder damage//~C
--target_list|@{target|t1|token_id} | @{target|t2|token_id} | @{target|t3|token_id} | @{target|t4|token_id} | @{target|t5|token_id} | @{target|t6|token_id} | @{target|t7|token_id} | @{target|t8|token_id}
--Saving Throw#?{Number of targets|1}|[[ [$Save] ?{ConSave|Normal, 1d20|w/Advantage, 2d20KH1|w/Disadvantage, 2d20KL1} + %%npc_con_save%% Constitution save %%token_name%% ]] from %%token_name%%
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit:|%%token_name%% takes **[^Dmg]** thunder damage
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit:|%%token_name%% takes **[^Dmg]** thunder damage and is pushed back 10ft

The last two lines will not show anything in the chat window. I have tried to refrence both the @{target|t1|token_id} and %%token_name%% charms.

I want to avoid a huuge macro with tons of lines to run checks for every target. Is there a better way of doing this?

When using the repeat modifier (#), the roll ids will be appended with the roll number. That means this line:

--Saving Throw#?{Number of targets|1}|[[ [$Save] ?{ConSave|Normal, 1d20|w/Advantage, 2d20KH1|w/Disadvantage, 2d20KL1} + %%npc_con_save%% Constitution save %%token_name%% ]] from %%token_name%%

Will not create a rollid called $Save, but rather $Save_1, $Save_2, $Save_3, etc. If you were to modify the last to lines to use $Save_1 instead of $Save, you would get the results for the first target.

However, you will run into another problem as well. The target info charms (%%token_name%%, etc) can only be used once in a PowerCard, so the names will all be displayed for the saving throws. There is no way currently to "restart" the list of targets used by the Target Info Charms, so you will end up with either incorrect names displayed for the damage lines or just %%token_name%%.

January 27 (6 years ago)

Edited January 27 (6 years ago)

Ok thanks for the answer Kurt.

I guess ill be just stuck doing it this way then to show the names correctly.

!power {{
--name|@{selected|character_name}'s Thunderwave
--leftsub|Attack Action
--rightsub|Ranged 15ft cube
--emote|A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from @{selected|character_name}
--!Spell:|~C**//Evocation Spell//**~C
--!Description:|~C**DC@{selected|spell_save_dc} ^^ //Constitution save//**~C
--!Attack|~C[[ [$dmg]?{Spell Level|Level One, 1d8|Level Two, 2d8} + @{selected|wisdom_mod} [Wisdom Mod] ]] ^^ //thunder damage//~C
--target_list|@{target|t1|token_id} | @{target|t2|token_id} | @{target|t3|token_id} | @{target|t4|token_id} | @{target|t5|token_id} | @{target|t6|token_id} | @{target|t7|token_id} | @{target|t8|token_id}
--Saving Throw#?{Number of targets|1}|[[ [$Save] ?{ConSave|Normal, 1d20|w/Advantage, 2d20KH1|w/Disadvantage, 2d20KL1} + %%npc_con_save%% Constitution save %%token_name%% ]] from %%token_name%%
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit1:|@{target|t1|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit2:|@{target|t2|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit3:|@{target|t3|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit4:|@{target|t4|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit5:|@{target|t5|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit6:|@{target|t6|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit7:|@{target|t7|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit8:|@{target|t8|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit1:|@{target|t1|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage and is pushed back 10ft
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit2:|@{target|t2|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage and is pushed back 10ft
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit3:|@{target|t3|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage and is pushed back 10ft
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit4:|@{target|t4|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage and is pushed back 10ft
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit5:|@{target|t5|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage and is pushed back 10ft
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit6:|@{target|t6|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage and is pushed back 10ft
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit7:|@{target|t7|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage and is pushed back 10ft
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? !Hit8:|@{target|t8|character_name} takes **[^dmg]** thunder damage and is pushed back 10ft
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar1|_target|@{target|t1|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar2|_target|@{target|t2|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar3|_target|@{target|t3|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar4|_target|@{target|t4|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar5|_target|@{target|t5|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar6|_target|@{target|t6|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar7|_target|@{target|t7|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ >= @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar8|_target|@{target|t8|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar9|_target|@{target|t1|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar10|_target|@{target|t2|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar11|_target|@{target|t3|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar12|_target|@{target|t4|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar13|_target|@{target|t5|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar14|_target|@{target|t6|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar15|_target|@{target|t7|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM
-- ?? $ < @{selected|spell_save_dc} ?? alterbar16|_target|@{target|t8|token_id} _bar|1 _amount|-[^dmg] _show|GM

I works, but not exactly looking like pretty code :)

Another question, is it possible to do some math with the results of the die roll in the RollIDs?

Like for example  [[^dmg]*2/15]
Only done some minor testing and have not been able to get it to display the correct results that I wanted.

January 28 (6 years ago)

I'm a relatively new pro user so I apologize if I'm posting in the wrong place. I've been using powercards in my campaign and want to use templates and replacements. I have watched Kurt Jaegers' excellent videos a couple times now. I just can't seem to get templates to work. At first I thought I might have made a mistake with the case sensitive spelling of the handout, but no. I even removed all other scripts to see if there was a conflict. Probably it's something simple, but I can't find it. Here's an image of my last attempt.The image is captured after pressing the "Test Macro" button.

January 29 (6 years ago)

Edited January 29 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

Tod L. said:

I'm a relatively new pro user so I apologize if I'm posting in the wrong place. I've been using powercards in my campaign and want to use templates and replacements. I have watched Kurt Jaegers' excellent videos a couple times now. I just can't seem to get templates to work. At first I thought I might have made a mistake with the case sensitive spelling of the handout, but no. I even removed all other scripts to see if there was a conflict. Probably it's something simple, but I can't find it. Here's an image of my last attempt.The image is captured after pressing the "Test Macro" button.

My best guess (because that all looks ok) would be that there is some HTML formatting in the template text (and since the first part of the text is a different color, that is a good possibility.

What I usually do is keep all of my templates in an external file in Notepad++. When I want to change something, I make the changes there and then copy everything and paste it over everything in the handout (click in the notes, hit Control-A then Control-V).

You might try copying what is in your handout to the clipboard and pasting into notepad or notepad++ and then copying that and pasting it back into the handout (remember to highlight and copy the text from notepad again after pasting the first time).

Usually that sorts out extra characters in the handout text.

January 29 (6 years ago)

That did the trick. Thanks!

January 31 (6 years ago)

Edited January 31 (6 years ago)

When I use the emote tag within a conditional statement the selected character's avatar doesn't appear the way it would if I just used the emote tag.  Is there a way to have the selected character's avatar appear in an emote tag within a conditional statement?

Here are my test powercards and an image of the difference in output:

!power {{
-- ?? 1 == 1 ?? emote|@{selected|token_name} wants to display his avatar
--name|Test with Conditional
--Type of Test|Uses Conditional
!power {{
-- emote|@{selected|token_name} wants to display his avatar
--name|Test without Conditional
--Type of Test|No Conditional

February 03 (6 years ago)

Is it possible to use RollID's with dropdown menus?


--hroll| [[ [$Channeling] ?{Spell Channel|Yes, 1|No, 0} ]]
--?? $Channeling == 1 ?? Cast Spell| cast spell
--?? $Channeling == 0 ?? Need to Channel| You need more energy

February 03 (6 years ago)

Edited February 03 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

Danny C. said:

Is it possible to use RollID's with dropdown menus?


--hroll| [[ [$Channeling] ?{Spell Channel|Yes, 1|No, 0} ]]
--?? $Channeling == 1 ?? Cast Spell| cast spell
--?? $Channeling == 0 ?? Need to Channel| You need more energy

Yes, though you need to include a dummy dice roll (the 1d0+ part below):

!power {{
  --hroll| [[ [$Channeling] 1d0 + ?{Spell Channel?|Yes,1|No,0} ]]
  --?? $Channeling == 1 ?? Cast Spell|Cast spell
  --?? $Channeling == 0 ?? Need to channel|Need to channel

February 03 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

Scott P. said:

When I use the emote tag within a conditional statement the selected character's avatar doesn't appear the way it would if I just used the emote tag.  Is there a way to have the selected character's avatar appear in an emote tag within a conditional statement?

Here are my test powercards and an image of the difference in output:

!power {{
-- ?? 1 == 1 ?? emote|@{selected|token_name} wants to display his avatar
--name|Test with Conditional
--Type of Test|Uses Conditional
!power {{
-- emote|@{selected|token_name} wants to display his avatar
--name|Test without Conditional
--Type of Test|No Conditional

At present, there is no way to do this. And after playing around a bit, adding a method might be complicated as well since all of the emote stuff is handled as a special case tag.

February 05 (6 years ago)

Thanks for checking Kurt!

February 05 (6 years ago)

thx Kurt

February 07 (6 years ago)

Edited February 07 (6 years ago)

Hello People I wonder If I can get some help. I am using a hyperlink on my titles so my player can find information a little bit faster. But the problem is that when I put it in hyperlink it comes out in a grayish color. Is not a big trouble when the powercard title is light but it looks awful when is dark. Here is an example and the problem. I wonder if it could be a workaround or a feature to be able to change the color. Below it follow an example

The Protection From Rain it should come Light Grey/Silver but is dark instead

!power {{
--titlefont|Times New Roman
--name|[Protection from Rain](
--leftsub|CN: 0
--rightsub|Duration: [[ [TXT] @{selected|Current_TB} + 0d0 ]] hours


February 07 (6 years ago)

Edited February 07 (6 years ago)

Is it anyway to change the color from the Name Tag. Any help would be super appreciate without taking away the hyperlink?

February 07 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

Links get displayed in the color specified by the style sheets for visited and unvisited links attached to the Roll20 page. Currently the PowerCards script doesn't have a way to specify link colors... I tried inlining a style tag, but the script as written doesn't allow it.

February 13 (6 years ago)

Hi Guys
I got 2 question about conditionals.
1) Is it Possible to add conditionals to Title tags?

2) I am also wondering if there is any conditional who can help me with a problem. So it goes like this. You roll x number of magic dices. If the dices fall under 1 then a miscast happen. So every time a double 1 or triple 1 or quad 1 happen, that would be a miscast. The problem is that i cannot make it work cuz i dont know how to tell the conditional to only do miscast every time a dice is a 1

[[ [$Roll] (@{selected|Magic})d10 ]]

Is any of this problems possible to fix or a workaround?


February 14 (6 years ago)

Edited February 14 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

Danny C. said:

Hi Guys
I got 2 question about conditionals.
1) Is it Possible to add conditionals to Title tags?

2) I am also wondering if there is any conditional who can help me with a problem. So it goes like this. You roll x number of magic dices. If the dices fall under 1 then a miscast happen. So every time a double 1 or triple 1 or quad 1 happen, that would be a miscast. The problem is that i cannot make it work cuz i dont know how to tell the conditional to only do miscast every time a dice is a 1

[[ [$Roll] (@{selected|Magic})d10 ]]

Is any of this problems possible to fix or a workaround?


1) There are a few tags that standard conditionals will not work with, and title is one of them. You CAN use conditional inclusion for titles via Templates, but they couldn't be based on things that happen on the card (RollIDs and such) because templates happen before rolls, etc.

2) When using rollids, you can check several different values. In your example above ($Roll) you would have:

  $Roll.base - The value of the dice only, with no modifiers
  $ - The value of the roll in total. This is the default returned by just $Roll
  $ - The number of successes. Games like Shadowrun where you roll a number of dice and anything X or higher counts as a success. This will return the number of dice that match the successes qualifier.
  $Roll.ones - The number of ones rolled
  $Roll.tens - The number of tens rolled
  $Roll.halfbase - Half of the $Roll.base value (Rounded down)
  $Roll.halftotal - Half of the $ value (Rounded down)

So in your conditional, you could do something like ?? $Roll.ones > 1 ?? to only trigger if you rolled multiple ones.

Edit: I noticed that none of the above information was in the wiki, so I updated it :)

February 15 (6 years ago)

thx you Kurt

February 15 (6 years ago)

Is it possible to use hroll and "show the math" later in the powercard?

I made a macro that defines [$SaveRoll] in an hroll tag, but when I later display the result with [^SaveRoll] you can't see the detail of the roll when you hover over the result in the powercard.

Thanks in advance for your help!

February 16 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

Scott P. said:

Is it possible to use hroll and "show the math" later in the powercard?

I made a macro that defines [$SaveRoll] in an hroll tag, but when I later display the result with [^SaveRoll] you can't see the detail of the roll when you hover over the result in the powercard.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Currently there is no way to do this, for a couple of reasons. Referencing [^SaveRoll] is actually shorthand for [^], so the only thing being returned is the numerical result. Additionally, the appropriate HTML to display an expanded roll is never actually generated for hrolls since they aren't displayed.This may be a consideration for a feature on the future if I can work out a logical way to add it in.

February 16 (6 years ago)

Edited February 16 (6 years ago)
Kurt J.
API Scripter

PowerCards v 3.8.11 is on the Development GIST and Queued for OneClick - Also, PCMHelper Info

Version 3.8.11 contains a couple of bug fixes over 3.8.10. 3.8.11 is now on the development GIST and a pull request has been submitted to update the OneClick install system to this version.

In addition, I have submitted "PowerCards Macro Helper" to OneClick as well. PCMHelper 1.0.5 is up on the Develoment GIST and represents a large change from previous versions of the script.

For those unfamiliar, I have been working on a system that comes close to automating PowerCard generation for the 5E OGL character sheet, pulling information from NPC Actions, NPC Legendary Actions, PC Attacks, and PC/NPC Spells to create PowerCards that perform those actions without the need to create individual macros or manually update every PC, NPC, etc.

This system makes extensive use of the Templates system I implemented a few version ago, and I was able to add this system to a new Tomb of Annihilation game I've started running in just a few minutes.

I'll be making a video on setting up and using PCMHelper as soon as it is available on OneClick (hopefully Tuesday 2/19). While there are still improvements I wish to make to this system, it is very functional right now (I added it to the Tomb of Annihilation game I started running with only about 10 minutes required to get the whole thing in place, and that is without the OneClick install).

Currently, PCMHelper supports NPC Actions, NPC Legendary Actions, Player Attacks (anything in the central "Attacks & Spellcasting" section of the player character sheet), Cantrips, and spells level 1-9 including higher level slot casting.

There are a few requirements for PCMHelper:

  • The game must be using the 5E OGL character sheet.
  • The "Advantage Toggle" option must be set as the default for the sheet (Game Settings page)
  • All PCs/NPCs that will use the macros must be in "Advantage Toggle" mode (note, if you add chatsetattr to your game, you can use the following command in the chat window to set all characters to advantage toggle:

    !setattr --all --silent --replace --advantagetoggle|'{{query=1}} {{normal=1}} {{r2=\lbrak\lbrak0d20' --rtype|'\at{advantagetoggle}'

    After installing the scripts, running !pcmsetup will create the necessary templates, replacements, and macros.

    Any creature added to the game after PCMHelper is running will automatically be updated with the required attributes for the PCMHelper macros to function. For creatures already existing in the game when the system is added, it is necessary to select their tokens and run "!pcm" to create the initial attributes. If you have a relatively small game, you can try !pcmeverybody to attempt to update all of the characters in the game, but if you have too many your scripts will stop running because the system thinks you have an infinite loop. One of the updates I will be making in the future is a way to address this and queue up character updates to happen in the background.

    This will all make much more sense visually, so I'll post back here when the video is uploaded.

    I also wanted to note that I'm keeping these two scripts separate (instead of folding PCMHelper into PowerCards) because anyone not using the 5E OGL character sheet will have no use for PCMHelper. Instead of cluttering up APIs with something they don't need, I'm keeping it as an optional addon.

    February 16 (6 years ago)

    Thanks Kurt, that is a mighty awesome update.

    February 16 (6 years ago)

    For conditionals, what is the syntax for matching a text field?  My current conditional is ?? @{selected|armor_type} == Heavy ?? which doesn't show as true when the value of that field is Heavy.  I've also tried to match it to "Heavy" and 'Heavy' and those don't seem to work.  Thanks...

    February 16 (6 years ago)

    Edited February 16 (6 years ago)

    I've been trying to get the PowerCard Templates to work with the alterbars script, however no matter what I try, I seem to only get "Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -LYqrXe-UIfSIFcFCet8 named 0*"

    Does anyone have a example of this working?

    February 17 (6 years ago)

    Edited February 17 (6 years ago)

    Hello Scott. I can be wrong but I dont think you can match conditionals with text. But you coudl work around it by just adding a number istead

    In the Armor Type you could write 1 for Heavy armor for example

    and then have like a tag

    --?? @{selected|armor_type} == 1 ??

    February 17 (6 years ago)

    Edited February 17 (6 years ago)

    Just tested and it works for me, weird?

    Perhaps you are just missing the --?? Before the tag

    February 17 (6 years ago)

    Danny, thanks for the confirmation.  I'm not sure what I was doing wrong before, but I have it working now (and feel stupid).

    February 17 (6 years ago)
    Kurt J.
    API Scripter

    Mads said:

    I've been trying to get the PowerCard Templates to work with the alterbars script, however no matter what I try, I seem to only get "Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -LYqrXe-UIfSIFcFCet8 named 0*"

    Does anyone have a example of this working?

    I don't use alterbars, but if you can post your macro or an excerpt from it, I might be able to spot potential issues.

    February 18 (6 years ago)

    Edited February 18 (6 years ago)

    Sure, first I tried to just have the alterbar as part of the "PCAttack" template, but then I realised that it uses target character ID and not target token ID which allterbars uses. I am not sure if it makes a diffrence so I tried this method instead.

    I've made a new template for the Alterbar:

    --["~PCA-DMG2DICE$" -eq "none"] ?? $Atk.base <> 20 AND $ >= ~T-AC$ ?? alterbar1|_target|~0! _bar|1 _amount|-[^Dmg] _show|GM
    --["~PCA-DMG2DICE$" -ne "none"] ?? $Atk.base <> 20 AND $ >= ~T-AC$ ?? alterbar2|_target|~0! _bar|1 _amount|-[^Dmg] -[^Dmg2] _show|GM
    --["~PCA-DMG2DICE$" -eq "none"] ?? $Atk.base == 20 AND $ >= ~T-AC$ ?? $Atk.base == 20 AND $ >= ~T-AC$ ?? alterbar3|_target|~0! _bar|1 _amount|-[^Dmg] _show|GM

    And then added it to the PCAttack macro like so:

    !power {{ 
    --replacepcattack|@{selected|character_id}|?{Select attack to use|@{selected|attacklist}}
    --template|Basics|@{selected|token_id};@{target|token_id};uses ~PCA-NAME$;~PCA-NAME$;~PCA-ATYPE$;~PCA-RANGE$

    February 18 (6 years ago)
    Kurt J.
    API Scripter

    Mads said:

    Sure, first I tried to just have the alterbar as part of the "PCAttack" template, but then I realised that it uses target character ID and not target token ID which allterbars uses. I am not sure if it makes a diffrence so I tried this method instead.

    I've made a new template for the Alterbar:

    --["~PCA-DMG2DICE$" -eq "none"] ?? $Atk.base <> 20 AND $ >= ~T-AC$ ?? alterbar1|_target|~0! _bar|1 _amount|-[^Dmg] _show|GM
    --["~PCA-DMG2DICE$" -ne "none"] ?? $Atk.base <> 20 AND $ >= ~T-AC$ ?? alterbar2|_target|~0! _bar|1 _amount|-[^Dmg] -[^Dmg2] _show|GM
    --["~PCA-DMG2DICE$" -eq "none"] ?? $Atk.base == 20 AND $ >= ~T-AC$ ?? $Atk.base == 20 AND $ >= ~T-AC$ ?? alterbar3|_target|~0! _bar|1 _amount|-[^Dmg] _show|GM

    And then added it to the PCAttack macro like so:

    !power {{ 
    --replacepcattack|@{selected|character_id}|?{Select attack to use|@{selected|attacklist}}
    --template|Basics|@{selected|token_id};@{target|token_id};uses ~PCA-NAME$;~PCA-NAME$;~PCA-ATYPE$;~PCA-RANGE$

    In the last line of the macro, you have two || after AlterBar. The way templates are processed by the script, this will mean that paramter 0 (~0!) will have a | in front of it when you try to use it in your macro. That might be the only thing preventing it from working, because I don't immediately see anything else that should be interfering.

    February 18 (6 years ago)

    Thanks for spotting that typo :) I tried again without the addiotional |. But alas I get the same result in the API console, as well as in game chat. Bit of a headscratcher.

    February 20 (6 years ago)
    Kurt J.
    API Scripter

    Quick update on 3.8.11 and PCMHelper - I had a typo in the script.json file, so it didn't make it to OneClick this week. If all goes well, next Tuesday will be the day.

    February 20 (6 years ago)

    What would be the code to make a Scorching Ray fire at separate targets, and have the script ask for Advantage/Disadvantage, then resolve each attack against each AC of their targets, then print damage? Is it possible?

    I can do one attack and multiple attacks with 1 damage value, but not multiple attacks with multiple hit/damage values.

    February 22 (6 years ago)

    mAc, here is my powercard for a Circlet of Blasting, which allows the wearer to cast Scorching Ray at a +5 to hit.  With only slight modifications it should work for your Scorching Ray needs.

    In addition to asking for Adv/Disadv it asks for level of Cover (none, 1/2, 3/4).  Also, I only have it show "1st Target", "2nd Target", "3rd Target" rather than the actual creature names.  So to ensure I know who the targets are, I have a second powercard in the macro whisper me (the DM) the actual names of the targets.  I hope this is helpful.

    !power {{
    --emote|@{selected|token_name} shoots three fiery rays at one or more targets
    --target_list|@{target|1st|token_id} | @{target|2nd|token_id} | @{target|3rd|token_id}
    --name|Circlet of Blasting
    --leftsub|120 ft
    --rightsub|Wondrous Item
    --Description:|While wearing this circlet, you can use an action to cast the Scorching Ray spell with it. When you make the spell's attacks, you do so with an Attack bonus of +5. The circlet can't be used this way again until the next dawn.^^
    --Scorching Ray:|You create three rays of fire and hurl them at Targets within range. You can hurl them at one target or several.  Make a ranged spell Attack for each ray. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage.
    ^^A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried.
    --target_list|@{target|1st|token_id} | @{target|2nd|token_id} | @{target|3rd|token_id}
    --hroll|[[ [$Cover1] ?{1st Target Cover:|Open Shot, 0|1/2 Cover, 2|3/4 Cover, 5} + 0d0 ]] [[ [$Cover2] ?{2nd Target Cover:|Open Shot, 0|1/2 Cover, 2|3/4 Cover, 5} + 0d0 ]] [[ [$Cover3] ?{3rd Target Cover:|Open Shot, 0|1/2 Cover, 2|3/4 Cover, 5} + 0d0 ]] [[ [$Dmg1] 2d6 ]] [[ [$Dmg2] 2d6 ]] [[ [$Dmg3] 2d6 ]] [[ [$CritDmg1] 4d6 ]] [[ [$CritDmg2] 4d6 ]] [[ [$CritDmg3] 4d6 ]]
    -- ?? $Cover1 == 0 ?? 1st Target|
    -- ?? $Cover1 == 2 ?? 1st Target| //(1/2 Cover)//
    -- ?? $Cover1 == 5 ?? 1st Target| //(3/4 Cover)//
    -- !Atk1|Attack: [[ [$Atk1] ?{1st Target Attack:|Standard, 1d20|w/Advantage, 2d20KH1|w/Disadvantage, 2d20KL1} + 5 [Per Item] ]] vs AC
    -- ?? $ < [[@{target|1st|npc_ac}]] AND $Cover1 == 0 AND $Atk1.base <> 20 ?? !Miss11|You missed.
    -- ?? $ < [[@{target|1st|npc_ac}+2]] AND $Cover1 == 2 AND $Atk1.base <> 20 ?? !Miss12|You missed.
    -- ?? $ < [[@{target|1st|npc_ac}+5]] AND $Cover1 == 5 AND $Atk1.base <> 20 ?? !Miss13|You missed.
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|1st|npc_ac}]] AND $Cover1 == 0 AND $Atk1.base <> 20 ?? !Dmg11|Hit: [^Dmg1] Fire damage
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|1st|npc_ac}]] AND $Cover1 == 0 AND $Atk1.base <> 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|1st|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|1st|npc_ac}+2]] AND $Cover1 == 2 AND $Atk1.base <> 20 ?? !Dmg12|Hit: [^Dmg1] Fire damage
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|1st|npc_ac}+2]] AND $Cover1 == 2 AND $Atk1.base <> 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|1st|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|1st|npc_ac}+5]] AND $Cover1 == 5 AND $Atk1.base <> 20 ?? !Dmg13|Hit: [^Dmg1] Fire damage
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|1st|npc_ac}+5]] AND $Cover1 == 5 AND $Atk1.base <> 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|1st|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $Atk1.base == 20 ?? !Dmg14|Critical: [^CritDmg1] Fire damage (critical)
    -- ?? $Atk1.base == 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|1st|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $Cover2 == 0 ?? 2nd Target|
    -- ?? $Cover2 == 2 ?? 2nd Target| //(1/2 Cover)//
    -- ?? $Cover2 == 5 ?? 2nd Target| //(3/4 Cover)//
    -- !Atk2|Attack: [[ [$Atk2] ?{2nd Target Attack:|Standard, 1d20|w/Advantage, 2d20KH1|w/Disadvantage, 2d20KL1} + 5 [Per Item] ]] vs AC
    -- ?? $ < [[@{target|2nd|npc_ac}]] AND $Cover2 == 0 AND $Atk2.base <> 20 ?? !Miss21|You missed.
    -- ?? $ < [[@{target|2nd|npc_ac}+2]] AND $Cover2 == 2 AND $Atk2.base <> 20 ?? !Miss22|You missed.
    -- ?? $ < [[@{target|2nd|npc_ac}+5]] AND $Cover2 == 5 AND $Atk2.base <> 20 ?? !Miss23|You missed.
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|2nd|npc_ac}]] AND $Cover2 == 0 AND $Atk2.base <> 20 ?? !Dmg21|Hit: [^Dmg2] Fire damage
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|2nd|npc_ac}]] AND $Cover2 == 0 AND $Atk2.base <> 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|2nd|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|2nd|npc_ac}+2]] AND $Cover2 == 2 AND $Atk2.base <> 20 ?? !Dmg22|Hit: [^Dmg2] Fire damage
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|2nd|npc_ac}+2]] AND $Cover2 == 2 AND $Atk2.base <> 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|2nd|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|2nd|npc_ac}+5]] AND $Cover2 == 5 AND $Atk2.base <> 20 ? !Dmg23|Hit: [^Dmg2] Fire damage
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|2nd|npc_ac}+5]] AND $Cover2 == 5 AND $Atk2.base <> 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|2nd|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $Atk2.base == 20 ?? !Dmg24|Critical: [^CritDmg2] Fire damage (critical)
    -- ?? $Atk2.base == 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|2nd|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $Cover3 == 0 ?? 3rd Target|
    -- ?? $Cover3 == 2 ?? 3rd Target| //(1/2 Cover)//
    -- ?? $Cover3 == 5 ?? 3rd Target| //(3/4 Cover)//
    -- !Atk3|Attack: [[ [$Atk3] ?{3rd Target Attack:|Standard, 1d20|w/Advantage, 2d20KH1|w/Disadvantage, 2d20KL1} + 5 [Per Item] ]] vs AC
    -- ?? $ < [[@{target|3rd|npc_ac}]] AND $Cover3 == 0 AND $Atk3.base <> 20 ?? !Miss31|You missed.
    -- ?? $ < [[@{target|3rd|npc_ac}+2]] AND $Cover3 == 2 AND $Atk3.base <> 20 ?? !Miss32|You missed.
    -- ?? $ < [[@{target|3rd|npc_ac}+5]] AND $Cover3 == 5 AND $Atk3.base <> 20 ?? !Miss33|You missed.
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|3rd|npc_ac}]] AND $Cover3 == 0 AND $Atk3.base <> 20 ?? !Dmg31|Hit: [^Dmg3] Fire damage
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|3rd|npc_ac}]] AND $Cover3 == 0 AND $Atk3.base <> 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|3rd|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|3rd|npc_ac}+2]] AND $Cover3 == 2 AND $Atk3.base <> 20 ?? !Dmg32|Hit: [^Dmg3] Fire damage
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|3rd|npc_ac}+2]] AND $Cover3 == 2 AND $Atk3.base <> 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|3rd|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|3rd|npc_ac}+5]] AND $Cover3 == 5 AND $Atk3.base <> 20 ?? !Dmg33|Hit: [^Dmg3] Fire damage
    -- ?? $ >= [[@{target|3rd|npc_ac}+5]] AND $Cover3 == 5 AND $Atk3.base <> 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|3rd|token_id} glow-blood
    -- ?? $Atk3.base == 20 ?? !Dmg34|Critical: [^CritDmg3] Fire damage (critical)
    -- ?? $Atk3.base == 20 ?? vfx_opt|@{target|3rd|token_id} glow-blood
    !power {{
    --Target 1:| @{target|1st|token_name}
    --Target 2:| @{target|2nd|token_name}
    --Target 3:| @{target|3rd|token_name}
    February 26 (6 years ago)

    Edited February 26 (6 years ago)

    EDIT:  It turns out this is being caused by the recursive tables api.  Not a big issue.

    I'm trying to get the extra padding at the bottom of the title to go away.  I see from other people's screenshots that they're not having this happen but I don't see the difference in the code.

    !rt !power {{











    --border|2px solid #000 


    --[[ [txt] 1t[Injury-Table]]]


    February 28 (6 years ago)
    Kurt J.
    API Scripter

    PowerCards 3.8.11 on OneClick - PCMHelper on the way - New Video

    PowerCards 3.8.11 was promoted to One-Click this week, and PCMHelper 1.0.5 is now in the repository and awaiting inclusion in the One-Click dropdown list. For those interested, I have a new video that introduces the PCMHelper system and give a demo of the system in action. The video is available here :

    Hi! GiGs referred me here, I've got a dice conundrum they said might be do-able with your script.

    How I can best format the roll I'm trying to use is " 2d20k1!>19>19 "

    I'm hoping to find a way where instead of rolling 1 additional d20 each time the higher roll is a 19 or 20, it rolls 2d20k1 any time the higher result meets the target, counting each success.

    As is: I roll 2d20, resulting in (11 + 20), the 20 is kept as the better result and also triggers the explosion. This causes a roll of 1d20, resulting another 20 and triggering another explosion. The 1d20 rolls a 10, not triggering a 3rd explosion. Only one of the 20s is counted, netting 1 success.

    Goal: I roll 2d20, resulting in (8 + 19), the 19 is kept as the better result and also triggers the explosion. This causes another roll of 2d20, (20 + 19), keeping the 20 and triggering another explosion. The 2d20 rolled as (13 + 17), keeping the 17 but not triggering a 3rd explosion. The 19 and 20 are counted as 2 successes.

    Also curious if it can be done with a roll such as " 2d20k1ro<[target] ", where 2d20 are rerolled once if the first roll's best result is less than the target.

    I appreciate any input or suggestions anyone can offer.

    March 14 (6 years ago)
    Kurt J.
    API Scripter

    Seph said:

    Hi! GiGs referred me here, I've got a dice conundrum they said might be do-able with your script.

    How I can best format the roll I'm trying to use is " 2d20k1!>19>19 "

    I'm hoping to find a way where instead of rolling 1 additional d20 each time the higher roll is a 19 or 20, it rolls 2d20k1 any time the higher result meets the target, counting each success.

    As is: I roll 2d20, resulting in (11 + 20), the 20 is kept as the better result and also triggers the explosion. This causes a roll of 1d20, resulting another 20 and triggering another explosion. The 1d20 rolls a 10, not triggering a 3rd explosion. Only one of the 20s is counted, netting 1 success.

    Goal: I roll 2d20, resulting in (8 + 19), the 19 is kept as the better result and also triggers the explosion. This causes another roll of 2d20, (20 + 19), keeping the 20 and triggering another explosion. The 2d20 rolled as (13 + 17), keeping the 17 but not triggering a 3rd explosion. The 19 and 20 are counted as 2 successes.

    Also curious if it can be done with a roll such as " 2d20k1ro<[target] ", where 2d20 are rerolled once if the first roll's best result is less than the target.

    I appreciate any input or suggestions anyone can offer.

    PowerCards only does rolls supported by the default Roll20 system. When a card is processed all of the rolls are processed before the output is constructed, so rolls later in the card can't depend on rolls earlier in the card.

    March 14 (6 years ago)
    Kurt J.
    API Scripter

    PowerCards Macro Helper is now on OneClick

    As of Tuesday's API update, PowerCards Macro Helper is now available on OneClick install.

    Kurt J. said:

    PowerCards only does rolls supported by the default Roll20 system. When a card is processed all of the rolls are processed before the output is constructed, so rolls later in the card can't depend on rolls earlier in the card.

    Could it be done with a custom API script? Another function I'd like to accomplish is having queries calculated before %attributes. GiGs also said to check in here if it's doable with PowerCards.

    March 18 (6 years ago)
    KS Backer

    Kurt J. said:

    PowerCards Macro Helper is now on OneClick

    As of Tuesday's API update, PowerCards Macro Helper is now available on OneClick install.


    March 19 (6 years ago)

    Target Charms can't be used in an in-line roll, can they?  I have a powercard which adds 2 to bar2_value and I'd like to show the new value.  When this adjustment is made to an attribute I would typically include lines like this:

    --Description|The value is now [[@{target|attribute_name} + 2 + 0d0]].
    --api_modbattr| _name @{selected|character_name} _attribute_name|+2

    But this doesn't seem to work for 

    --Description|The value is now [[%%bar2%% + 2 + 0d0]]
    --api_token-mod|_ids @{target|token_id} _set bar2_value|+2

    [I'm including the "api_" lines for reference purposes only]

    Do I understand this correctly?
