I'm not sure whether to put this in Suggestions & Ideas, or the section for things that are broken.
I am still constantly frustrated by how the 5e compendium works on Roll20. I already buy a physical copy of the books, and then buy a copy on Roll20 so that my players can use the charactermancer, but I also want to try to use compendium as a reference. If the book purchases don't work as a reference, then why the hell am I buying them?
For example, let's say I want to search for Grappling...
I get 3 entries for Rules: Grappling in the drop-down suggestions.
All of them give me the following if I select it...
If I ignore the suggestions in the search bar and just press enter on the word "grappling" I see this:
Sweet! That's bound to get me to the right place, yeah?
If I click that entry I go here, an entirely useless page.
Wait a second, maybe if I click View All Rules, it will take me to the Combat Section when I can probably CTRL-F "grappling" and then I'm done?
I am now here.
A quick scan down to "G" shows no entry for grappling.
Huh. Ok, well there is a combat entry under "C".... where does that go?
This is my typical experience with trying to use the compendium and it's absolutely ridiculous. I'm often paying more for the Roll20 versions of the books than I am for the hardcopies, and I'm starting to realise that a lot of these books just don't have the content to make me want to buy them if I can't easily find what I'm looking for.
Quite often you are presented with multiple options with no real clue as to where a link will take you...
Each of these "Magic Items" options takes you to a completely different place, but how do you know where? You're forced to click and see.
Anyway, tldr - Please fix the 5e compendium.
Or at least acknowledge the problems and maybe agree to look at doing something about it in the future.
Ideally, there would be a page which consolidates all classes together with relevant subclasses, all magic items, all races and subraces etc, from all the books that you've purchased, nicely laid out, with a simple link from the front end of the compendium to each page.