Greetings, I have a group of 4 currently 5th/6th level running a mostly (90% raw/10% homebrew) standard Red Hand of Doom campaign using the 3.5e ruleset.  We meet Mondays at 5EST and play 2-3 hours, 2-3 times per month (expect 1-2 weeks skipped per month). We are looking for 1 more. In the interest of party composition, story composition and harmony, we have the following roles/classes already represented: Warblade Dread Necromancer Bard/Crusader Fighter/Barbarian In terms of build rules it was decided we are maintaining a Tier 3 power level for the campaign - very little is off the table besides T1/T2 classes but try and keep your idea of power within these confines.  Obviously the party lacks primary ranged/spellcasting as a spotlight feature and I find this module allows for lots of different character ideas to harmonize within the adventure. Expect an ethos of "Heroic Fantasy Adventuring" to pervade the feeling of sessions; RHOD is a very combat heavy campaign and while there has been *significant RP* at many moments, this is not a primarily RP heavy campaign. Familiarity with the 3.5e ruleset is highly encouraged, but system mastery is not necessary if you have the basics down and enjoy Heroic Adventuring campaigns. Contact me for a discord link and we can talk there. Thanks!