I've still have a few slots free for some folks to explore the wasteland of south-east Michigan! This weekly game is starting next week 11/26 at 7PM GMT/2PM EST with a proper session 0 and introduction to the setting and rules. Caesars Legion has taken over the midwest and a group of survivors head north into the former state of Michigan to find refuge, return to relatives or follow their very own goals. But something strange is afoot in the south-east of the wolverine state. The terrain is much more lush than it ought to be, but not any less dangerous. Maybe the tribes, that always lived close to nature know more, or you find more information with the Wolverines, the militia of Lansing. Explore the Southeast of Michigan in a campaign for Mödiphiüs' Fallout 2D20 game! Scavenge, fight and survive in this strange wilderness with old and new monsters alike. This game comes rife with everything you've enjoyed in the game: Good music, ambient sounds and striking visuals. Here is your Brahmin to the campaign: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/313095/fallout-fridays" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/313095/fallout-fridays</a> This game is pay to play at a rate of $15 per session per player. Alternatively: $50 per 4 sessions or 120 for 12 sessions in advance. All payable via Paypal. First session is free! Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.