Hello,  Name is Richard and I'd like to invite interested parties in joining an Ars Magica 5E game ; A system that revolves around a group of Hermetic mages. The game has an emphasis on sandbox-play with player-driven motivations and exploration; The system requires heavy participation and this game will have a number of house rules, as well, if you are interested I can post up the link but I figured they'd come up later and might not really apply for newer players. Our schedule is Mondays, starting at 9PM EST and sessions are expected to last between 2-3 hours.  The setting is a displaced European country, known as Doggerland, set in the first millenia, at the beginning of the year 1000 AD. The Western Roman Empire dominates, with its primary religion replaced by a fantasy version of Mithraism. The covenant of mages (the players) are working to reclaim the site of a defeated house of mages and will have to do so in spite of faerie and demon intervention, and the vengeful boobytraps laid out by the Diedne mages that used to inhabit the grounds.  If you're interested, we'll be playing on discord, in a tabletop community server called Tabletop Journeys, and of course we'll be using Roll20 for play.  We're expecting to start the campaign after the New Years which will give time for a more thorough character-creation process and teaching of the system if adventuresome individuals would like to apply.