Hi All,
I have received some feedback over time and picked a few general usability improvements to work on. I am not finished but wanted to share what I am working on so that you can provide your input and feedback.
@Robert V : I have considered these things and some of them are possible through the work I am doing now (see below). There are some specific talents that are quite special, like Tough and Nerves of Steel. What I would like to do is solve those in the Talents section as well, rather than cluttering the rest of the sheet with those buttons. In the meanwhile before I have that sorted, I have worked on and included Nerves of Steel in a similar way to Tough.
Looks like this currently: 
Work in Progress TL;DR; (more info and screen shots further down):
- Talent rolls. This will allow you to customize a roll for a talent by picking the attribute, the skill, a modifier and whether stress dice are included, and then roll it using the standard rolltemplate or API script.
- Talent names. Instead of showing the roman numerals in the Talent tabs, the name of the talent will now be displayed instead.
- Custom rolls: Reworked the Base dice and Stress dice buttons to a row of roll with custom name, base dice, stress dice and of course asking for any modifiers in a query popup same as other rolls.
- Permanent skill modifiers. Some gear will add permanent modifiers to skills, by enabling this on the sheet you can add permanent modifiers that will be included in all rolls. You will still get a query popup for situational modifiers, the permanent modifier would already be included in the base dice.
- Permanent Rads. One mechanic that has been missing is the handling of permanent rads, as well as the Radiation damage rolls. This works now, but I have not found place for a Heal button (feedback appreciated) to cover for the rolls you make when healing and testing if it increases permanent rads.
For those of you who want to see more of this and perhaps chip in with your thoughts, views and suggestions - keep scrolling down and find screen shots, explanations and some of my unanswered questions.
1. Talent rolls.

Above you can see a few examples of this. The Talent rolls row consists of 1) a on.off toggle for the whole row and when off it will also hide the [Skill] button on the row above. 2) You can toggle between Skill and Supply rolls, see below for Supply example. 3) The attribute and 4) the Skill used in the roll, and then 5) the modifier to the roll. Finally, 6) is a toggle to include or exclude Stress dice in the roll. All of the values are collected from the respective value itself, so that a change in skill level would also affect the roll.
Question 1: Is there ever a need to NOT include stress dice in a roll like above? I am asking whether the Stress toggle is needed there or whether Stress could always be included.
Question 2: Would this be a good place to also deal with talents like Tough and Nerves of Steel? If so, the toggle between Skill and Supply might need to change to a dropdown, and use a separate row of options for those.

Talent affecting supply rolls can also be covered, by toggling to the Supply type roll. The dropdown will list the 4 types of supplies, and the modifier will be applied. The roll would use a special calculation since there will always be at least 1 die rolled.
2. Talent names.
Please see above for examples of this. Since there could be a situation where the talent names will use up a lot of space, I have made it possible to make the description field smaller vertically (see handle in lower right corner).
3. Custom rolls.
The Base dice and Stress dice buttons have always felt a bit limiting to me, so I wanted to add more possibilities without changing Wes's excellent design too much. What I came up with is the following:

The one to the left is the default state, and the second one is a customized state. There is a 1) Reset button to return to the default state, then there is 2) a name for the roll (this is an input field), 3) a drop down to 18 for Base dice, 4) a drop down to 10 for Stress dice, and 5) a Roll button to roll according to the customization. This works with both the rolltemplate and the API script rolls.
4. Permanent skill modifiers.
There are some gear that provide a permanent modifier to skill rolls when carried or worn, and it may become tedious to add the modifier every time you get the popup query for modifiers.

I will add an option in the configuration tab to enable Permanent skill modifiers, when enabled you will be able to see a added small modifier display underneath the skill level. This can be negative, zero (if so then it doesn't show), and positive as in the example. When you hover over the skill level input field, then you get two buttons to adjust the level of the permanent modifier. As stated, if the modifier is 0 then the modifier display is not shown, so not to clutter the view too much.
When added to e.g. Ranged Combat or Close Combat the modifier will also be automatically applied to the Weapons rolls. Also, when using the Talent rolls it will automatically be added there.
Q3: Would you prefer that the Permanent Modifier instead was added as default to the modifier query popup, rather than included in the base dice and a default 0 modifier in the query popup?
5. Permanent radiation.
This is a mechanic that has not been available in the sheet, and the rolls are somewhat non-standard. I have a solution for setting the permanent rads, for displaying them differently, and will be working on ensuring that the Radiation attribute is consistent with this. There is also a radiation roll button for when someone takes radiation damage.

This will display the permanent with a different icon and disabled button. The icon could be changed if people are opposed to it, and the color of the box changed too.
Q4: How would you like to handle healing Rads and the roll for checking if it becomes permanent? Should there be a button to the right of the 10 boxes with a Heart icon in it? Or some other icon? Or somewhere else?
That's it for this time, I look forward to feedback and will continue working on these in the meanwhile.
Best Regards,